Monday, December 22, 2008

Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas

Rather then fret about the state of politics today we should start to veg out and enjoy the meaning of the holiday season. It just seems almost sacrilegious to discuss the pettiness of politics when we are celebrating the birth of our Savior. I will take about a week, or until after the New Year before I blog again.

Happy Holiday season and remember our service people in far away and dangerous places. Please pray for their safety.
GOD Blese

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gun control


It is difficult for me to understand why there is so much controversy about gun ownership. The way I see it the Constitution makes it clear that the populace have a right to own firearms. Simple, but true.

The problem is the liberal mind set, the far left has to feel that they know better than the rest of us, so they come up with these hair brained schemes, take away the guns and we can foist our views on the general public. There is no way for the American people to mount any opposition. Charlton Heston cited this statement , I think it was Thomas Jefferson who coined it, "All the other Constitutional Amendments are dependent on the Second Amendment for enforcement" That sums it up.

Now do-gooders want to stop violent crime by removing guns. My question is why not remove kitchen steak knives, they can kill. And while we're at it, no more cars, they can kill also. We could go on and on, the list has many more items which have been used as implements for violent crime, do we ban them all? You can see where this is going.

Another thing that always intrigued me was the way liberals dismiss guns as safety devices. Yes, safety devices. When there is a crime being committed who do we call, the armed police. The fact that they are armed serves as a deterrent for crime. Do we take away those guns?

The next issue is the military. Any one who has served knows that firearm safety is drilled into a service person from day one of his/her service. They are required to maintain firearms. How come you don't see service people shooting each other regularly? Herein lies the answer to curbing violent crime, in the military there are two things that are certain. If you commit a violent crime you get a speedy trial and if convicted, a harsh sentence. Then there is the other factor, if you decide to use a firearm on another soldier, you have to remember that he is armed also. Now that is a deterrent. Just think about it. Remember that when dictators take over a country the first things that are banned are freedom of the press and then gun ownership. We don't need that here.

Please join me in prayer for our brave service people.
GOD Bless.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Follow up on abortion


In this writing I will try to explain why I think abortion is wrong. Please stick with me and follow my reasoning, and, if you don't agree, please tell me.

I draw a parallel between driving a car and abortion. To make a car go one must put fuel in the tank, but, having put fuel in the tank does not make the car go. In order to achieve this there must be a force outside the car, in this case the driver. The driver must turn on the ignition, put the car in gear, etc and then drive away.

The parallel with abortion is that in order to have an abortion one must first have a pregnancy. Pregnancy can only be accomplished by some sexual activity, but we know that having sex does not insure conception. It is possible for a healthy male and a healthy female to have unprotected sex and not cause a pregnancy. Like the case of the car there must be an outside force. In this case it can be nature, human trait, continuation of the species or as I prefer to call it, an act of GOD. This is further reinforced by the idea that we cannot say that we are going to have sex and get pregnant. This option is up to the Divine. We can only increase the odds. My reasoning is that if this is a gift do we mutilate the gift. I hope that you agree with me that we do not. Unfortunately, abortion is the worst kind of mutilation.

The last part of this discussion is the consequences of abortion on both the male and female. It is sadly true that the father can get away from the consequences of child birth, but the mother cannot. Having said that, I also point out that the father should have some say in the viability of having the child. Definitely make the father pay a price for having gotten a female pregnant, but give him the choice of rearing the child. We must stamp out this cruel and barbaric procedure. Only then will our inner consciences be at peace.

When you pray for our service people please add a special prayer that mankind will eliminate abortion.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What I think about abortion


Today is the day to write about my thoughts on abortion.

To start I am opposed to abortion in any form what so ever, whether it be during pregnancy or by the barbarian method called partial birth abortion. The argument all can be resolved by one question, When does life begin? In my opinion life starts at conception, not when the child passes through the birth canal. If you believe this idea then abortion is akin to murder. My basis for this belief is that after conception, by binary fission, the child starts to grow. Yes it doesn't look like a child, but just consider, do you look like you did in your high school graduation photo? Yet you're still the same person.

One of the arguments that I hear from my conservative (and some not so conservative) friends is what about the death penalty. Here conservatives and I part company, I am opposed to the death penalty. Not so much because it is not an equal opportunity killer but because it is immoral. To me it is murder by the state, nothing more. My belief is that if it is wrong for an individual to murder then it is wrong for the state to kill in the name of a group of individuals. It always reminds me of the archaic practice of hiring mercenaries to fight wars. I feel that killing is only justified if it is done to save a life, for example, you come home and some one is in your house threatening your family with a knife, if you have the means to kill that person in order to protect your family, then it is not murder. Under my belief war can be justified, although I do not condone war. I believe that a Divine Being is the only One to give and take life, so it leads me to the belief that abortion and capital punishment are both wrong.

On the subject of abortion one of the arguments is that it is the woman's body and she has control over her body. I have no problem with that principle but I say that the unborn child is not part of your body, the mother is merely housing her child. The mother is a conduit for food and other life sustaining matter but the unborn child still must grow on its own. This is the point that causes most of the controversy, so I will sign off for this blog and continue it in my next writing. Thank you and stay tuned.

Meanwhile remember our troops and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 15, 2008

Political corruption


Just the caption of this blog should tell you what this is all about. The specific area in today's news is Illinois and the governor. I thought that crooked governors only appeared in the old swash buckling movies of the olden days, but I guess I was wrong. The Illinois governor should be cast along side Errol Flynn (remember him?).

The disturbing part is that there seems no willingness to track this down further, did Obama know more than he lets on? Did this guy cover for Obama? I am afraid we will never know because these politicians look after one another. The prevailing attitude seems to be . protect your buddy and to h*** with the American people. It infests both major political parties and is glossed over by the mass media. Wouldn't it have been nice if Obama kept his campaign promises and gave us real change. By the letters to the editor I see people are already spinning the democratic party line, "change meant not a change of people but only a change from the Bush administration policies). Put on your wading boots because the manure will start to accumulate and get deeper. This is our holiday present from our president elect and the liberals.

On an upscale note relax and enjoy the holiday season with family and friends. Just remember to pray for the troops in harm's way.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Where is Obama leading us?


Today I will jump the gun and offer up some criticism of President-elect Obama. All during the campaign he promised " change we can believe in ". this is what I will address.

Where is the change? Almost every appointment he has suggested is a recycled old DC operative. Just review the list - Hillary Clinton, Rham Emanuel, Governor Richardson, and now he is thinking of reviving former senator Daschel. All I ask is where does this end? Where is the change? Even his vice-president choice, Joe Biden, is recycled. The part that amazes me is the connections these people have, Clintons husband, ex-president Bill has taken how much money to represent and speak for Arab countries, Bidons son is a big time lobbyist, Emanuel is one of the architects of the far left liberal agenda, remember he worked for the Clintons, and Daschel is married to a woman who is a lobbyist for the airlines. In my heart I know she must have had some sway in getting the federal government to pick up the tab for airline security. This was not reported right after 9/11, but I wonder.

The only thing that we can do is hope that Obama can accomplish what he promised, but so far I don't think he is on the right track. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, please pray for our heroes serving in the military.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More on states rights


This is a follow up to my previous blog in which I discussed the issue of state's rights.

One of the things that go into my view of this issue is the consequences which were not contemplated. I referred to the US Supreme Court case of Roe v Wade, the main case involving the question of abortion and abortion rights. This case was decided by a six to three court. In other words, a different vote by two people could have had a completely different outcome. Before any one says " majority rule " let me go on with my observation. Yes, the majority rules but at the same time this can cause a severe case of angst in parties. I believe that this case was decided incorrectly because it forced the American people to accept a right to an abortion as constitutional. My feeling is that this should have been decided by local courts, not the federal government. To further my opinion I refer you to look at what this decision has caused. It is one of the most polarizing issues in our social culture. We have family members going against other family members because of the different way in which this case is perceived. Had we not adopted Amendment XVII the court would have had to pass on this issue and remand it back to the state court, which is precisely where it belongs. The amendment caused an upturn in judicial activism which was not the intent of the founding fathers. How can we stop this, again, repeal Amendment XVII.

Just for the sake of " political correctness balance " I will cite California Prop 8 . This defined same sex marriage. Look at how polarizing this is becoming, just imagine if this were decided as a federal right. My personal feeling is that abortion should be completely outlawed, but it is not for me to force this view on others, and conversely, the opinion of others should not be forced on me by judicial decree. I don't have a direct say in who these judges are,

In summary, let the local government have more to say than the far away federal bureaucracy in Washington.

Pray for our brave men and women in the armed forces.
'GOD Bless

States Rights


In this blog I would like to address an issue which is rarely discussed. That issue is the rights of the various states. The United States was formed as a union of 13 states, each with its own governing body. For purposes of protection and for the additional purpose of ease of commerce the separate states formed a central government. This is evident in the examination of the constitution of the nation. The Bill of Rights ( Amendments I through X ) were mostly framed in a restrictive mode, that is, they were crafted so as to limit the powers given to the central government. Many of the amendments are worded in words such as, " The federal government ( congress ) shall not pass any laws, etc. Amendment X reserved the powers not given to the central government but reserved this power to the states. These acts were intended to curb the power of a " big brother style of government ". Over time there has been an evolution which has caused amendments to be passed. This blog is aimed at Amendment XVII. which defines the make up of the Senate. Prior to the passing of this amendment the senators were chosen by the states, but in a democratic manner. When the amendment was passed it changed the way senators were chosen, giving that means of selection to the people. I am not against " People power ", in fact the exact opposite is true. I firmly believe in giving the power of government to the people. Abraham Lincoln said it far better than I could, " government of the people, by the people and for the people". I cannot improve on that, could you?

The problem is how do we give the power to the people, At first glance it would appear that having the senate chosen by the people is people power, but let's look further. Our congress is made up of two separate chambers, the house and the senate. If we wanted a legislative agenda formed by the people, why have two houses? Also, please note that the make up of the separate houses is different. The senate has a term of six years, the house two years. The senate votes on treaties, confirmation of federal judges and cabinet members, the house has no say in these matters. This was done to insure a fair central government which would not be dominated by the more populous states. Amendment XVII changed that, now we have a conflict between the purposes of the two houses of congress. Amendment XVII has virtually " legislatively castrated Amendment X ". Modern senators have now over politicized the senate, the governing rule for federal judges is not are they good jurists, but do they support Roe v Wade. The term " Bork " has come to mean a verbal assault on ones character. Did our founding fathers really want this to happen?

How do we protect ourselves and our nation from further erosion of the people power, simple, repeal Amendment XVII. I may be the only voice expressing this sentiment, but I honestly think that it is worth bring forth for discussion. More on this later, I promise.

For now, keep the faith and patriotism, pray for our heroic troops.
GOD Bless.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Illinois governor


What is there left to say about the governor of Illinois? The first thing that one might want to do is to associate this guy with Obama, but that may not be fair. We really should give Obama the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't mean a free pass for the governor.

My biggest concern is the way this shows the mind set of our " political leaders ". Here is a guy who has only one reason to enter into the world of politics, steal as much as he can. What does that say about the way we select leaders? How was he able to reach the level of governor and get away with this mid set? Part of the problem is our own fault, we don't pay as much attention as we should, and these people prey upon this. They actually assume this lack of interest and that emboldens them into doing these immoral things. We are partially to blame, but the biggest blame goes to these characters. I don't think it wise to try to put blame on any one with out getting all the facts, so I ask, let the facts come out before making a judgement. There is time enough for blame after we know what really happened.

The next problem is how to correct this sad situation, here, I feel that the attention of the American people will correct the matter. The solution is to keep faith in the American way and let justice do its job. We should stay vigilant in future elections and primaries to make sure that this type of person does not get elected to any governmental position. Character matters
( I thank you Rush ) Our way of life will win out.

Now I ask that you join me in pray for our brave warriors. Remember them especially at this holiday season.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 8, 2008

Talk about thick skin


Today I heard some thing on the radio which made me really wonder, what kind of people do we have governing our nation. I am specifically referring to Senator Dodd. From what I heard he called for the resignation of the top execs of General Motors. Mind you this comes from the guy who is one of the chief causes of the bank failures which led to the credit crunch which we now have. Is there no decency in Washington? Where do these liberals get off preaching when they are the worst sinners? Dodd, be a man. If you want the GM execs to quit, lead the way, you quit too. Wouldn't that be a change we can believe in, but don't hold your breath. While you're at it, take your pal Congressman Frank along.

The "bail out" is structured so that it eventually cost the taxpayers money and for now it seems a done deal. Please don't lend or give our hard earned money in the future, give your own. I am really sick of this Washington, D.C. mentality, please let it change. We, the American people deserve better. When you goto vote for a congressman or senator remember it is the first vote that he casts that gives rise to this abuse of power. It is this first vote that determines party control of the congress and chairmanships. Please remember this when you vote.

If you can please write to your congressman and let him know how you feel, it may be too late now but in future votes it will help. Keep the faith and keep trying.

On a better note let us pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, December 5, 2008

Global warming?


Today I would like to address the much talked about topic of global warming or climate change. We hear so much on the subject from politicians, news reporters and meteorologists. What is the real truth and what is merely self serving political rhetoric? This is the difficult part.

Despite what the mass media seems to say, there is no consensus on the subject. For every proponent of either side one can come up with an equally distinguished opponent. Which experts do we believe, that is the question. The answer lies in a review of the actions taken by these advocates from both sides or point of view. The proponents decry that the earth is in dire troubles unless we act immediately, but yet they do not listen to their own advice. The list goes on almost endlessly, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, John Edwards, etc. I personally do not believe any of these people. If the situation was that bad then they would be the first to live by example. Why don't they do so, because they get money from espousing the point of view of some fringe groups. Is this global warming? The conservative movement should hammer away at the myth of climate change and point out that the very people who are among the biggest abusers of what they claim causes global warming are the ones who try to force this on the American people. When Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi give up their private jets then maybe I will observe the rules for minimizing climate change. Until then, I say -" If it is good for the goose, it is good for the gander."

The problem lies in the fact that the mind set of liberals is one of greater mental superiority than the rest of us, hog wash" As I have pointed out in my earlier blogs, having a few letters after out name ( MBA, PhD, LLB, JD ) does not make you the smartest guy in the room. To often it makes you an educated jackass.

The solution, conservatives mush keep up the verbal barrage and not let the liberals get away with this nonsense. When you hear any one mention global warming, just ask them some simple questions like how come proponents don't argue the issue but only mouth off where there is no counter discussion? If you get an answer please let me know, I have never gotten any reasonable answer. GOD made the earth and HE alone will heat or cool earth as He sees fit.

Now please remember our troops, especially as the holiday season nears, pray for them.
GOD Bless.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

General thoughts - Auto bailout

In todays blog I am just rambling and expressing some general thoughts.

I see that Congress is holding hearings on an auto company bail out, how odd, we are supposed to bail out the very people who caused the problem. I saw the mayor of some Michigan city, I think Dearborn, and he was raving about how we need to save jobs. My thoughts are, Why? Did these people have any consideration for the general public when they negotiated these sweet heart contracts, certainly not. Now the chickens have come home to roost, we don't need to subsidize greed, inconsideration and the political influence of labor unions, let them get realistic employment goals. I do not oppose labor, when unions were used as a defensive mechanism they were good. Now, because of political influence, the unions have become a vehicle for greed. They could show the Wall Street moguls some things. We should have a contest to see which ones are greediest and the losers must pay for the bailout, that would be justice.

This is a short blog, I am going in to recuperate from all the aggravation the politicians give me.

Don't forget to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Does Harry Reid need a refresher course?


As you can tell by the title I am going to give my opinion about the Democratic Senator from Nevada. In case you don't know it he is the leader of the democratic caucus in the senate.

In typical Washington, D.C. fashion the visitors center ( maybe they call it the event center ) opened yesterday. It was well over budget and was completed well behind scheduled time. That is why I call it typical D.C. efficiency. To make matters worse, the dear friend of the people, Sen Harry Reid then mouths off that this will keep the perspiration of the visitors from his sensitive nostrils. How arrogant can one get? Here it is necessary to remind the senator that this same perspiration is what drives the American economy. When the senator spends the money that he and the rest of the government takes in taxes, does that same perspiration bother him, I dare say no. This is a typical example of the elite liberal thinking, " I am above the rest ". How arrogant. Every time we vote for a democrat we vote to accept this attitude of the senator. Just remember that when you vote in the next congressional election.

To compound the arrogance, the senator has given sweet heart deals to his sons and son-in-law. Another example of D.C. arrogance. Normal men look to seduce women but the senator looks to seduce the public for the sake of power. The irony is that the specter of power has seduced Senator Reid, We, the American public deserve better than this. If you agree then please keep letting people know what the facts are and how the action of these arrogant people effects the American people. In the long run we will all be better off if this is corrected.

I will ask for one more thing, please remember our brave warriors in your prayers.

GOD Bless.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reinstate the "draft"


I have written about the so called draft before but I think that it deserves revisiting.

When I refer to the draft I refer to a new version of service to the nation. The logic and reasoning is the same as buying something or getting it for free. When you buy some thing you appreciate it more because you know your own work and resources paid for it. Now we should apply this same criteria to government. The plan calls for a one year term of service by all young people, no deferments. The details are below.

The plan would require all young people to serve one year upon graduation from high school. If one drops out then at age eighteen that person must serve. The service period would be for one year and would be made up of two separate parts. The first would be about a four month training period which would include classes in government, civics and military discipline. There would be no requirement to learn fire arms except to learn fire arm safety. The draftee would not be required to learn how to fire a weapon. After the four month training period the draftee would re required to serve the remainder of the year working for some government agency. It is easy to see where these people can be utilized, FEMA, border patrol ( as clerical workers, not field workers ), and many other agencies. They would be used to supplement the existing programs, not replace workers.

There would be no deferment for college, they can wait for one year. As for compensation, the pay should be equal to that of an enlisted person in the military. If you look into the financial end of the matter, the expense of salary would be offset by lessening the need to hire government employees for these functions. Border guards would be hired for patrol, not filing papers. Clerical jobs or temp workers at FEMA would be greatly diminished, there could be a great reduction in the staff at some cabinet level staff workers, i.e. Education, the list goes on and on. In effect it would be tax neutral.

The future of both the nation and the individual would be better, the people would actually know about how government works. People would elect future leaders because they, the people understand the functions and issues, votes would not be cast because a candidate looks good, is glib or can play the sax on a TV program.

Is it a catch all, no, but the congress can fill in the missing pieces. There would an incentive to do so because the children and grand children of the congress people would be affected.

This is one area where conservative and liberal thinkers can agree. Let's lead the way and press the issue.

As the holiday season nears let us remember our brave service people in far away lands, pray for them.
GOD Bless.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

LBJ revisited


Today I am going to hold off on the conservative platform to go over some other points. As you can tell from the title this is a comparison to the presidency of LBJ. Johnson ran against Goldwater on a platform that Goldwater was a "shoot from the hip war monger who would escalate the Viet Nam war". After the election, LBJ then actually did escalate the war. It cost him a chance for reelection because it actually empowered the anti war people against him. They combined with the republican people and the popularity of Johnson declined,he knew he would lose reelection. He had no choice but not run.

Now lets update this scenario. Obama ran on a platform of taking the troops out f Iraq immediately Now what does he do, first he reneges on that promise,then he appoints people to his cabinet who actually supported the policy that he decried. One need only to look at his appointments, Hillary Clinton as SOS?. reappointment of Gates for defense. Here is the typical hypocritical actions of our national politicians., Now you can see why I am a conservative. We must drive this point home, this so called attempt at reaching across the aisle doesn't work. The government should be made up of either conservative or liberals, people who advocate one method of governing, not some mixed bag of policy.

During the recent election cycle I sometimes got the feeling of "me too republicanism" was reborn. For those who don't know what that refers to, it is the phrase used to describe the campaign of against FDR when he ran for a third term. The republicans ran on a platform that if FDR could give perks to the people,the republicans could do the same. I ask you. "Why vote for a cheap imitation?" We mustn't fall into this trap ever again.

I will close for now to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. I wish you all the best. Peace and prosperity to all.

Pray that our service men and women can enjoy the holiday in safety.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fix social security


In todays blog I will address the issue of fixing social security The first step is conservatives must get rid of the argument that any privatization plan will diminish benefits. We have seen this used to strike fear in seniors, and we know this is false. We must carry the ball to these seniors and explain the program to them, that will bring success.

The way social security works an employer deducts a percentage of the employees gross wages before any deductions. The employer must then match this deduction and remit the total to the government. Under a privatization plan instead of remitting this to the government a portion of the total would be sent to a separate account maintained in the name of the employee. It would be invested and the employee would have options as to how it is invested and the employee would be the sole overseer of this account. This nurtures and fosters the spirit of freedom, one controls his own destiny, not the government bureaucracy. Really, which do you prefer? And which do we need? Let's get this going now so this an issue for the 2010 congressional elections.

Under privatization the person would get to keep a portion of his contributions. This would be invested and accrue interest ,tax deferred, until drawn, presumably at a later time. Since the retiree would not have paid in a full amount into the government portion, the retiree would therefore get a lesser benefit. This is what the liberals preach, but it is only a half truth. There is no mention that the portion invested would grow and be available for investment with the control and the earnings going to the retiree. This investment income would more than offset the reduction in the government payout, therefore, more benefits for the retiree. The conservative movement must impress this on the retirees and near retirees or else we will never regain their confidence. Where have the voices of those in power been hiding? We have got to change this.

With the added increase in benefits paid comes another advantage to privatization, the fact that upon retirement the account would belong to the retiree, not the government. It would be available for distribution to the heirs just like any other asset held outside the social security system. Again we hear no voices explaining this to the American people,how come. We have got to start this grass roots movement to ignite the passion and the knowledge of what we want to do and why it will benefit the American public.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 24, 2008



This blog is aimed a a workable reformation of the education system in the United States. My conservative friends will say the federal government has no business in education, and to a certain extent I agree with them. Where I disagree is the funding of education. This, like the military and highway systems goes to the national security and well being and I believe it is an item for federal intervention. The federal intervention should be limited to a very small role. It would require a complete overhaul of the Department of Education.

As a starting point, let us look at who educates. Basically, there are three classes of people, the educator, the administrator and the service worker. A closer look into the function of each of these classes would be helpful at this time.

The educator, teachers and aides, are the people who actually stand in front of a class and teach. They prepare lesson plans, homework assignments and testing. They are the core of education. We must develop a policy which completely supports them. This can be done by getting parents involved. All studies, polls and even common sense has shown that parental involvement is essential to education. Where parents get involved, education prospers. Give the parents a voucher system, it will get them involved because it would give parents a true choice of schools, do you think that any one would willingly send their child to a failing school? I don't. The parent would control where the child goes,not some bureaucrat. I referred to studies and polls, well these same studies also discovered that the majority of people, regardless of race, ethnicity and gender prefer a voucher system. So who opposes it, the teachers unions and the union bosses, and through them the politicians. Why aren't the people being served? Just as an aside, a fair tax system would go a long way in alleviating this situation.

The administrators are the people who direct the teachers, they are a " necessary evil ". You cannot have an education system where teachers run around willy-nilly. We need the administrators, but here is the problem. We have an over abundance of administrators, and unfortunately too many of them dwell in the federal department of education. Here is where the conservative movement can make a difference. I always ask my liberal friends, " How many teachers does the education department employ? ' I almost always get the answer, " I don't know. " We all know, the answer is zero. Every body there is in the administrative category. Begs for a simple solution, get rid of the administrators and spend that money on teachers and real education. The money spent in Washington would be limited to just enough to dole out the federal funds with a VERY BRIEF OVER SIGHT. I emphasize, a very brief over sight. The money could be spent much more efficiently by the local schools then by the bureaucracy in D.C. After all, maybe Peoria needs a new building where as Memphis needs a teacher raise to attract new teachers, the local school boards know best. The parents would have more say in local bond issues than any type of influence over the D.C. bureaucracy. Empower the people.

The third category is the service worker, the janitor, the street crossing guard and the people who do the ordering of supplies. Once again we see that this category is best controlled by the local people, not D.C. Because spending would be more open to local scrutiny these people would tend to be more efficient. This is what we need.

In a brief example of what a political solution caused, we only have to look at history. When Bill Clinton was president, he appointed the governor of one of the Carolinas, a man by the name of Reilly, as head of the department of education. When George Bush ran for office there was a big clamor raised because the confederal flag flew over the state capitol of the state from which Reilly came. The raising of the flag took place while Reilly was governor. Every body wanted to know what Bush thought about the matter, of course the fact that he was governor of Texas and had no jurisdiction in either the flying nor the removal of the flag, this had no sway. The real culprit was Reily, but the media and pundits tried to pin it on Bush. The reason, the media wanted Clinton to be " the first black president"
A good example of why big government doesn't work for the people, but rather for the few select elite ones. Only a good ground swell of conservative ideas can reverse this trend. Let's get started.

Here I add my usual plea ,pray for our brave service men and women.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 21, 2008

Multi/Bi/ whatever lingual

I hope that the crazy title to this blog didn't scare you off, but it is intended to show just what a multi lingual society is up against.

One of the things that we conservatives must do is the furtherance of English as the official language of the country. Yes, it s annoying to speak to some one and hear the all too familiar refrain, "Me no speak English". Hey, get with it, this is the United States. Before I go further I would like to say that this does not apply to those who moved ( Not emigrated ) from Porto Rico. They have been educated under the auspices of the American flag, and this education has been in Spanish. I certainly don't want to punish them for not speaking English. But it does apply to other peoples, be they Spanish or other non English speaking.

You may ask why this is so important, especially in light of our desire to have people keep their culture and family values, well, it is more imperative that we, as a nation, run our trade and society in a manner which is consistent with our sovereignty as a nation. History and the world has many examples of what a multi lingual society can cause. One only look to the expression " balkanization ", it means the severing of a people, and the main cause is a diverse language. Spain has had trouble with the Basque speaking people, Canada with the French speakers in Quebec, the list goes on. Certainly we don't need this.

As an example, I speak a foreign language, learned it as a chid. In my house my parents spoke to me and my brothers in their native tongue and we children answered in English. Guess what, we learned the native language of our parents and my parents learned English. Every body won. We conservative should want this for all peoples, this is perhaps the best way to integrate emigrants into the American society. They can have the American dream.

Another example I would like to use is the history of early migrants to America. I grew up in New York city, i my surroundings people spoke English, Hebrew, Yiddish and Italian. In later years there was a mass migration of Porto Ricans who primarily spoke Spanish. You know what, as a child I learned Yiddish phrases, today I kid around by saying that I speak New York Porto Rican Spanish. But I still speak English. We didn't lose the culture of the migrants, we learned and furthered it. I know what " platanos fritos " are, I know what goes into making a good Reuben sandwich and I know a good pizza when I smell and eat it. Is it too much that we conservatives offer this same cultural education to those who are coming here today? I hope that we will champion the extending of this cultural growth to our new Americans. But, I repeat, this can only be done by having English as a common language. Any conservative candidate should be required to advance the principle that English is the official language of America.

More to come.

Please remember to pray for our service people.
GOD Bless.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What congress should do


Today I will make some suggestions which apply to congress. I believe that if conservatives make this a talking point in the 2010 congressional elections we can recapture the house. One of the things that has always irked me is the way bill become enacted into law. Often, a bill is sponsored and debated by one house and then in the other house it is modified. It goes to a committee which reconciles the two versions. The version agreed upon by the committee must then go back to both houses for passing. However, many times in order to achieve a compromise,changes are made. Some times these changes are not what was debated but "sneak" through because the congress people want the original bill. This is how many bills are pushed through, and it is totally bogus. Special interests are served, not the American people. This should be stopped completely. Conservative candidates should adopt a platform of open and honest government and it should include the cessation of this manner of passing legislation.

Another thing which always bothered me is the manner in which committee assignments are chosen. Seniority is the measure, this leads to people creating their own little kingdom, this is done by limiting or cutting off debate. Even the freezing or tabling of bills is done. Look at all the power men like Senators Stevens of Alaska, Senator Byrd of West Virginia and Congressman Wrangle of New York have held in their years in congress. This gives them additional power and they use this added power as a means to campaign for reelection. Catch 22. This is not what makes for a good democratic government.

The next problem is the tacking on of measures which do not reflect the intent of the original bill. For example,if a bill which funds veterans benefits s in the hopper, any one can tack on a bill which ear marks a sum for farm water irrigation. Would some one please explain to me what farm water irrigation has to do with veterans benefits. Too often this has been done and if the conservative wish to regain control of the house, they must make this an issue. The American people want it and they will support those candidates who stand for this correction.

It is only with a comprehensive policy that the conservative can survive and restore sanity to the running of our government.

I will continue in future blogs to spell out some suggestions, stay tuned.

I ask that you remember our service people and pray for them.
GOD Bless.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Social conservativism

This blog will attempt to start an agenda for some social issues. The first one that comes to mind is the issue of abortion and right to life. Make no mistake about it, I am extremely opposed to abortion. in my opinion it is akin to murder. I firmly believe that life begins at conception. At this point I have a small difference with my friends on the religious right. This difference is the way I perceive the framing of the issue. In my opinion it should not be the center piece but an ancillary issue. Like it or not, abortion is only important to a small segment of the general population,mostly the anti abortion crowd. I don't propose a compromise of ideals but rather a pragmatic approach. Definitely keep the pro life stance, constantly defend and further it but at the same time don't make it the prime mover. Ideals are great but they don't win elections, and in order to further our cause we need to win. With victory in elections the conservatives can then emphasize the ideals which we proudly feel, and these conservative politicians would be in a position to enact legislation to further the conservative cause. Isn't this better than losing?

A second issue which can be implemented immediately is the advocacy of a law making English as the official language of the United States. In the 2008 election cycle I saw signs where the voters were directed to election polling places, not only were the signs bilingual but the foreign language was actually more prominent than the english. If I saw this, didn't others? How do you think that went over? Just remind people that every where a multi lingual nation was allowed to exist the consequences was a disaster. None survived. I know I don't want this for the United States.

A third issue which I would push is the issue of equal opportunity. Here I feel it is imperative to distinguish this from affirmative action. Under equal opportunity the person is given an equal chance to get a job, housing, loans, etc. For too long we have allowed the liberals to claim this issue. Just remind them that the Equal Opportunity Act was passed by Congress with republican help, liberals like Al Gore, Sr and Fulbright ( Clinton's mentor ) and our old KKK buddy, Robert Byrd opposed this. Why haven't we heard about this, why are we called the racists? We definitely need to make our case.

As the blogs keep coming I will go over more of my ideas, stay tuned.

Now I ask that you pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More on immigration policy


This blog will be about the additional steps to fix the immigration policy. In my previous blog I said that we conservative need to establish a good viable immigration policy, now I will expand this idea.

The policy should contain several elements:
First - a comprehensive plan to secure all of our borders. it has always struck me as ironic that we guard the border between North and South Korea with more intensity than we do our own borders. I know first hand, my Army days included service along the DMZ. Why not patrol our borders the same way? Politics, politicians are afraid of alienating the hispanic vote. It actuality means that we are ceding our sovereignty to aliens, who wants that, not the American people, Let us as conservatives make this an issue
Second - we need a policy which recognizes that people from some countries want to come here more than others. Incorporate this concept into our immigration policy. Under the current policy we allow an many people from Mexico as we do from Madagascar. This does not make any sense, we need Mexican people to immigrate, so why put up artificial barriers which only serve to create more illegal immigration.
Third - In order for any plan to work it must contain a workable and enforceable work program. This must be part of any plan and must contain both work permits and strict and harsh enforcement for noncompliance. For the illegal worker immediate deportment, for the employer immediate and stiff fines. The employer should not be permitted to participate in any future work permit plans. If we get serious this will work.

I know that the illegal immigration problem causes havoc on all of our institutions, one only need to look at border cities such as El Paso, San Diego and others to see that our schools, hospitals and housing are all chocking under the burden of illegal immigration. Even our jails and penal system is adversely affected. We, as conservatives must get our message out, the public will support us because this is what the people want. Just try to help the grass roots movement and above all keep the faith. remember that the majority of the American are currently "right wing" leaning.

Plese pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 17, 2008

Illegal immigration

Today I will state my views on the illegal immigration problem which we are facing. During the 2008 election cycle I heard neither major party candidate mention the issue, but it does exist. The reason there was no discussion of the problem is that both candidates have the same solution, why bother debating an issue upon which both agree. The rub is that the American people do not agree The vast majority of Americans believe in a stronger border, control of illegal immigration and above all else, no amnesty. Neither candidate seems to feel this way. The problem is that there seems to be no mention or discussion of the solution but the same old tired way of handling the problem, Amnesty, let the problem cool off for a while and then complain and recycle the supposed solution. By doing it this way the parties can"buy" votes with favors which the American people do not want. How about some person stepping up to the plate and facing the problem head on? There is a void and this is where the conservatives should hammer away at the issue. Conservatives should speak with one voce, if elected we will fix the problem, and even more important, if elected the conservatives should fix the problem. Show leadership. The American people will reward you. Ronald Reagan did and he got reelected by a land slide. Remember the anger the American people showed when the so called Latino civil rights advocates organized a pro amnesty march. They flew the Mexican flag higher than the American flag, were the American people really ticked off. Let's recapture this ground swelling and turn it to use for the conservative movement.

The anger got so strong that it actually spawned a joke, " Calling illegal immigrants as undocumented is the same as calling drug dealers unlicensed pharmacists." The first step in creating a grass roots movement is to get the people interested in the issue, well this joke got many of my friends interested. We need to keep up the intensity, make it an issue in our primaries and carry it forward. Show some spine. We have sat on the side lines too long.

Potential candidates should start now to carry this message to the people , mention it in speeches, tell friends, discuss it on talk shows and remind the public that the illegals are coming here and robbing the American people of those rights which we have earned.

Some say that the Catholic Church should not harbor these people, well here I have a suggestion which would alleviate the argument. The church should feed, clothe and help these illegals, they are children of God. But the church should not harbor them and should stress to these illegals that they are stealing and should immediately stop.

In a previous blogs I have discussed a method of fixing the immigration problem, I refer you to this blog. My system is not the only solution but it is a workable one which would cure the problem. There is no question that we must do something, and that which party or movement does act, the American people will stand behind you. Come on guys and gals, get moving.

Stay tuned, more to come.

Please remember our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Help for the economy

In my writing about the conservative movement there must be a mention of the economy. We need a conservative approach to "fixing" the economy of our nation. What this fixing should be is an almost classic " laissez-faire " policy. Before you start to turn off let me explain. Under laissez-faire the government does not interfere with commerce, but we know that is neither desirable nor practicable. What is needed is a minimal interference. Some things must be done by government, imagine if we tried to hire an army without the government doing it. What I propose is the minimal interference with normal trade. Look at the record, take the executive department, congress, republican and democratic parties. Would you trust any of them with your household budget? I know I wouldn't. Big government forces this upon us, isn't it ironic, we make the money but they want to tell us how to spend it, we have the children but they want to tell us how to raise them. This is what I call nerve. Where do these people get this idea that they know better than we do. I say if they want to spend, get a real job and spend your own money, not ours. Have kids and raise them the way you want. Here is the irony ( I know maybe redundant but this merits repeating ) these are the same people who cannot run their own cafeterias. The old saying, " Physician, heal thyself", applies. Congress and the executive department has gotten to the point that they think they know the answers, well, I got news for them. Getting elected doesn't give them some magic elixir that solves problems. We all know what get problems solved, American ingenuity and sweat. Let's unleash this energy, rid the people of the albatross from around our necks, let us solve our own problems.

We see the bailout of the banking system and Wall Street, a problem caused by government trying to dictate our lives, and it serves as an example of what meddling can cause in our economy. The taxpayer foots the bill. What else is new. Now the liberal congress is talking of bailing out the auto industry. Speaker Pelosi is saying that it is to protect jobs. It most certainly is not, it is to protect a group that donate to liberal politicians, the autoworkers union bosses. Why didn't Mrs Pelosi say anything when the unions and the auto makers negotiated contracts that were totally unreasonable? Now, the shoe is on the other foot, - bad management, unwarranted labor contracts and just plain greed have made the auto makers noncompetitive, now we should bail them out. Get real. The conservative movement should strongly oppose this bailout. We need to send a message, no bailouts.

As I said in my prior blog, the fair tax would eliminate this type of government give away of our hard earned tax dollars. We need change, real change. A grass roots ground swell of conservatives is what can cure this ailment. Let's get going.

I'll keep up with my blogs so stay tuned. Remember if you like what I say, tell your friends and neighbors, but if you don't like it, please tell me.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More on energy


In my last blog I mentioned several things about how to deal with our energy problem, today I would like to make some additional comments. I referred to T. Boone Pickins in my prior blog and this is what I understand his thinking to be. Both he and I are for the immediate start of drilling for oil, both off shore and in ANWAR. It makes no sense to import oil when we have reserves available. I mentioned in that blog that drilling would help our economy and our national defense. We conservatives must get the message out, the people who are holding drilling up are those liberals in congress who are beholding to the special interest conservationalists. We need to recapture our government. Remind them of how both Rep Nancy Pelosi and Sen Harry Reid acted when gas prices were in the $4 per gallon price range. This could easily happen again, so we must be prepared.

Obama, during the presidential campaign, kept saying that conservatives ( McCain? ) opposed alternative fuels, well President Elect, we do not. What we oppose is political rhetoric that solves no problems. Do you really want Americans to be vulnerable to OPEC and others for their security? I know that I don't.

We should start now to beat the drum for solutions, additional refineries, clean coal plants and nuclear plants. Come on lets really get the ball rolling. Now to my " good friend" Senator Schemer from New York, so what if it takes 10 years to see this domestic oil. just the idea of drilling would dampen the spirits of oil exporters. They would not be so quick to raise prices because they would know that their days are numbered. How come you liberals can't see the obvious?

Remember, get out the message, keep up the explanations and above all keep the faith and belief in conservative ideals. I know we will win out.

Here I ask for your prayers for our brave service people.
GOD Bless.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Energy policy

In this blog I am going to give my opinion of what the conservatives should do for an energy policy.

You can go back to the years when Jimmy Carter was president to find out that we had an energy problem. The first task is to face the fact that we do have an energy deficit, but both major parties have either contributed to this deficit or turned their back on it. Guess what, it didn't go away. Now the conservative movement should bring this to the fore in the discussion of the policy of the American government. Neither major candidate addressed this during the election cycle of 2008, because neither had a good plan. One said drill but not in ANWAR the other was for taxing the energy companies. Do either of these make sense? ANWAR is an area of over 19 million acres, drilling would be limited to a limited few acres and would not harm the nature preserve.

The solution is simple, remember in my discussion of the fair tax I mentioned the magic three words, money, money,money. Here the magic potion is an initial and two words, - T. Boone Pickens. Yes, the guy that was on TV championing wind power. Isn't a shame that no body in either party seems to listen to him, yet look at his credentials. he has done more to generate, locate and deliver power than all of the congress, the president, the president elect, and the cabinet. Because he will not give them money he is neglected. This is a super opportunity for the conservative movement, let's step in and act. Pick the man's brain, he is ripe and willing. He is a true American. I have seen letters to the newspaper written by liberals and they accuse him of a nefarious agenda. Typical of the small mind, try to keep some one from success, God forbid he should become successful and make money. We should ask this man to take center stage and work with our power companies and develop a good working energy plan.

One of the areas where we seem to fall down is the area of research and development. Are we duplicating costs? Could this be addressed and eliminated? Yes, simply have the government charter a company for the purpose of research in the field of energy. Before you scream at me for government intervention, I would have the government charter the company, as a co-operative, with NO GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT. Remember, Congress is privatizing their own cafeterias, can we trust them with our energy companies? I don't think so. These companies could trade the shares through our stock exchange system.

We are currently giving away our finances to other nations. A good sound energy platform would stop the give away, create American jobs and generate wealth for Americans. It would have the additional wind fall of helping preserve our security. Just think of what would happen if we were to go to war and nations in OPEC either would not, or could not supply our oil. Where would we be? I for one, would not like to have to live through that scenario.

As I have stated in other blogs, we conservatives must be assertive but not pushy. Live and preach the conservative ideals, common sense tells me that we would prevail. Support those who think like we do and have the interest of the nation at heart, not the so called " I am going to solve your problems' " crowd. One thing we do not need is empty rhetoric.

Here is my usual request, pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fair tax - part II

Back again to wrap up the fair ( flat ) tax matter. In my previous blog I touched upon the subject and stated that I considered it mandatory for any conservative resurgence. Today I am going to spell out why I consider this so vital.
The 2008 election cycle really spelled out how important money is today in our current electoral system. The candidates are forced to campaign long and hard, neglecting their jobs ( But not their salaries ), The 2012 cycle has begun, they are already planning how to raise money. Take the money out of the equation and you have a much cleaner election. In our present system candidates are more concerned about money for reelection than they are about doing the right thing. Most of this money comes from lobbyists, despite what Obama wants you to believe. He contradicts himself,- on one hand the poor cant afford health care but they can afford to make donations to his campaign. Give the American people credit for knowing that is a lot of bilge. Since the lobby groups try to buy influence they rely heavily on tax breaks and similar perks. Enactment of the fair tax would remove the tax benefits from the equation, no longer would there be a need for groups to lobby, Since the lobbyists would gain no benefits from exerting influence, they would slowly disappear. Money as a factor is either minimized or completely negated. Because politicians would lose out on getting campaign financing from lobbyists, they would eventually lose the desire to run. who wants to spend money on a job where there is not a great payoff in power and money, especially given that about half of the people dislike you. Thus, the need for term limits would disappear.
We can cite many instances where lobbyists rely on political help, These examples cover both major parties. Just to cite a few - Senator Stevens, why do we need a bridge to nowhere? Senator Byrd, why do we need you to control spending and see that so much pork has been given to your home state, Senator Dodd, ( Congressman Barney Frank, Senator Conrad, and even Obama are included in this ) why do we need Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to give public funds to you to run your campaign? No money needed, no influence peddling. Plain and simple. Senator Biden, you ran with Obama on a platform of change, does that mean you are going ti root your lobbyist son out of Washington. If so, when? I don't think I am going to hold by breath until this comes about. This is only a small sample of how money corrupts, we don't deserve it and we don't need it. This is why I think that the fair tax would solve this problem.
Stay tuned for further blogs.

Join with me in prayer for our brave service people,
GOD Bless.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Today I will start to explain what I think are the ways to correct the problems the American people face. We have all heard it said that in buying real estate 3 things count, - location, location and location. Politics has its own version of that saying, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY""" Look at how much was spent on this last presidential campaign, it makes me laugh that the liberal politicians decry the wealthy but they spend hundred of millions to get elected. Where does that money come from. it comes from the wealthy fat cats. You and I with our $50 or $100 donation are an afterthought. When it comes time to enact legislation who do you think the same politicians favor, those same fat cats, we are still an afterthought. History is replete with examples and from both parties. Hey, Bill O'Reilly, " Who is looking out for the working guy? "
The problem is getting the money out of politics, McCain-Feingold tried but it only made the shift to these so called issue oriented organizations. It empowers the Swift Boat Veterans, George Soros and those of that mind set.
I extend the idea that a flat or fair tax would eliminate this problem. I have written before about this type of tax but I will review it. Basically a flat or fair tax is one levied on spending, not income. If you earn $20 an hour and you work for 10 hours, you get $200 on payday. ( 10 x $20. ) The government is financed by means of a tax levied on the sale of goods and services. The rich still pay more because they spend more, things like social security, medicare and prescription drug coverage would still be paid. For you senior citizens who have been told that you will lose benefits, don't believe it. It is a lie. The guy who has pioneered and championed the cause of a flat tax is Neal Boortz. Read his books and go to his web site if you want more information about the fair tax. He explains it better than I can.
Once we have accepted the idea of a flat tax ( Please excuse me but I use the terms flat and fair tax interchangeably, they are similar but as I said Neal Boortz can explain it better. ) The problem facing us is the inertia of the politician or maybe the ill will of these politicians, a fair tax would diminish the power of the government, or, read the politicians. For us this is a plus, for them a negative. The people would control the purse strings, not the yo-yos in Washington, we need this.
To start, when you get questioned about your opinion make certain that you state positively you are in favor of those politicians who favor the flat tax. In the state primaries vote for those candidates who are on board, and above all let them know why you have voted this way. They will get the message. Only a swelling grass roots movement can bring about this change. It is up to us.
In later blogs I will refer to the flat tax because this tax has an effect on many issues, so hang on and stay tuned in. See you next time.

Remember our brave heroes in harms way and pray for their safety.
GOD Bless.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ground rules and truisms

In my last blog I said I would lay out what I feel should be a good agenda for the conservative movement in the United States. My first thought is that we should get some things straightened out so we are all on the same page. Listed below are what I call truisms. These should be kept in mind because they apply to all life situations.

1. Conservatives are not by nature mean spirited evil people, we are the same as everybody else, we laugh, cry and mourn just as well as liberals.

2. Liberals are not smarter than conservatives. Just because some one has some letters after their name does not qualify them to feel superior in intelligence, this may be hard for some to grasp but it is true. I use the example of an incident that happened while I was taking Army basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. One of the other recruits in my basic training class was a Harvard graduate. This guy was the most inept screwed up person I met. At one point the sergeant told him that he was so bad marching that when the sergeant gave the order to " Forward march ", this guy was already out of step. But the incident that really stands out in my mind took place when we were marching to a rifle range. We had to carry silhouette targets with us and he was assigned to carry one. For those of you who are not familiar with this type of target it is a life sized cutout of a person with the lower body missing but mounted on a length of wood to give it a full figure look. Many of you have seen them in movies and on TV. It had snowed the day before and the snow melted, turned to water and then iced up. Walking on the ground was like walking on an ice skating rink. To compound the situation the day was windy. My "friend" carried the target by the board with the outline in the air. Needless to say he blew all over the place until he was told to lower the target and hold it length wise so it didn't act like a sail. I hope this isn't what Harvard teaches but it does give an example of the so called mental elite. Just remind your liberal friends when they try to intimidate you by acting as if they are the smartest person around. No one philosophy has a monopoly on brains.

3. When the discussion turns to a thorny point and your adversary tries to shift the talk and make some one out as the villain just keep the conversation on point. The old adage applies, "Don't kill the messenger if you don't like the message."

4. Never use the excuse that one can d o bad things and should not be blamed because some one else has done worse. This is a very poor position to take and not only shouldn't you accept this argument but you should not use it either. Two bad acts do not make a right one nor do they justify a bad act.

5. Always try to stay civil, maintain your composure and give logical reasons for your position. It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar. ( I know, who wants to catch flies, but I have an answer for that - if you play left field for the Red Sox you do want to catch flies Ha Ha, just a little humor. ) Stay friends with your opponent, in the long run it will help your cause. That is the goal.

6. Some people throw number, facts and figures out with reckless abandon. Don't do this, always back up your statement with sources and references. Several years ago I was watching a TV program on the Catholic Network. The topic was world over population and the guest speaker was debunking this argument. She stated that the entire world population could fit into a space with the area of the State of Texas, and the population density would be equal to the density of Brooklyn, New York. She really made her point with the next statement - If you have any doubts, just look up the numbers and do the arithmetic. She knew the value of good statistics and how to project them.

7/ Liberals try to intimidate opponents by statements such as : "You really don't believe that ". Stick to your guns, tell them that you do believe what you are saying. People who hold a precarious position will try to throw your argument off by deriding your position, don't let this happen. Be polite but firm.

These are some of the points that I hope will help us in getting the conservative message across.

Remember to pray for our brave service people, GOD Bless.

See you soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election 2008

Well it's finally over, we have a new president elect. Congratulations to Senator Obama on his victory. Now that the argument is over I believe that those of us who opposed him should now join forces and support him. By that I don't mean we should capitulate on issues, but we should stand behind him as our president. It is our duty to live by the laws properly enacted but at the same time offer our resistance to laws with which we do not agree. One of the things that I disliked about the liberal establishment is the manner in which they attacked President Bush. They torpedoed him at every turn, now let us conservative be above that kind of nonsense.

During future blogs I will lay out my agenda for a conservative movement and I hope that those of you who have read my writings will continue to do so. I ask that if you like my blogs, please tell your friends and neighbors, but, if you don't like them, please tell me.

Let us enjoy the life afforded to us in this the greatest nation on the earth.

Pray for our armed forces. GOD Bless.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama vs the senior citizens

Today I am writing about how Obama will effect the medical care of our senior citizens. His promises give away his intentions, just listen carefully what he is saying. On one hand he says he wants to, and will insure some 25 million uninsured children. Great, but does he specify that approximately there are 11 million illegal aliens in the country and they are included in the figure that he cites? No. Does he say if they will be covered? Not in so many words but by implication the numbers he uses would lead one to believe that he does include the illegal aliens. Let's examine what the implication of this means. By insuring these illegals his plan would overpack the capacity of care givers, thus forcing the health care givers into a mode of rationing in order to survive. When the care givers ration health care, who do you think suffers. Just a few weeks ago, under the fear of a resurgence of cancer, I had to take an MRI, CAT Scan and PET scan within a period of a week and a half. The care givers were able to get the scans done and make the proper changes in the method of treatment that I received. My point is simply that those of us who have followed the law and paid whatever the government has asked for medical coverage should be entitled to medical coverage as we were promised. It should not be diminished because some liberal politician wants to endear himself to a voting bloc. Did the illegals pay for this, HELL NO. Did us senior citizens pay, YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT. I want some Obaka follower to try to explain this to me or the rest of the American citizens. Isn't about time that we asserted ourselves and demand of our politicians that they answer to us and not the voting blocs? The best way we have to correct this is at the voting booth. Before you pull the lever just think of this.

Here I ask that you remember our heroes in uniform and pray for them.
GOD Bless.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rev Barry Lynn

In this blog I am going to bypass the presidential election and talk about some thing which effects our "pop culture". Namely, I am going to talk about some one I saw on the O'Reilly Faxtor last evening, Reverend Barry Lynn. For those of you who are not acquainted with the Reverend Lynn he is the one who appears on TV with the message of separation of church and state. I am not against this idea but there has to be some common sense applied. Reverend Lynn opposes any mention of GOD, Bible or any and all references to any thing which remotely sounds religious.

Last night he was on TV to explain why he is suing a Roman Catholic bishop in New Jersey. The bishop apparently wrote a letter advising catholics to support those candidates who oppose abortion. The letter contained a reference to Senator Obama, and requested catholics to not support Obama. Reverend Lynn found this to be contradictory to the United States Constitution. My comment to Reverend Lynn is, " You have a distorted view of the meaning of separation of church and state, it does not mean that no one can practice religion, it means that the government cannot establish any religion as the official religion of the United States. Why do you feel it is your place to try to usurp the power given to the American people and replace it with your political views?" Make no mistake about it, liberalism is a religion. I would suggest that Reverend Lynn get into some type of program that reinforces the religion of Christianity, and one in the denomination of his choice.
As a further comment to the reverend I wonder why he doesn't publicly try to get the Reverend Wright to practice religion. Reverend Wright, if you recall, is the one who damned the United States from the pulpit. Reverend Lynn, where in the teachings of Christ is damnation taught? Shouldn't this bother you more that another minister preaches blasphemy, which is far worse than a priest who advocates the preservation of life by urging his congregants to do what ever they can to rid the world of this evil practice? Reverend Lynn, you need to get your priorities in order.
Please Reverend Lynn get some help.

Now I ask all my readers ( and the Reverends Lynn and Wright ) to join me in prayer for the protection of our brave men and women serving.

GOD Bless.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Well we're down to the final week of this years excessive election and like you I am tired of all the news coverage. All of this could have been done in a short period of time and would have saved the people time, money and even caused less annoyance.

But the election goes on and now we must make a choice. I am definitely behind McCain because I don't trust Obama. I am in good company because even his own running mate, Senator Biden and Senator Hillary Clinton have stated on national TV that he is not competent to be the president. I don't feel as if I am alone.

Be that as it may there are lots of people who support Obama and the polls show him ahead. He has a good chance to be the next president. In y opinion if he is elected the American people will suffer. My feeling is that the economy which is not doing well right now will tank and go even further into the drain. For the sake of the American people if Obama gets elected I hope it doesn't happen but I just can't think that the liberal policies will help. These liberal policies have failed where ever they have been tried, - the old Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and almost all of eastern Europe. Why try them here???

All I can say now is to go out and vote for what is best for America.

I ask that you join in with me in pray for the protection of our armed forces, these people guaranty that elections take place. Let's show them our support.

Go vote.

GOD Bless.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My take on Obama

Today I will give my take on Senator Obama. In my last blog I stayed with policy but today I will question the merits of him as a candidate.

I find it very disturbing that he is able to attract such a feeling in the populace that he ca be a serious contender. From his birth do date there is a cloud on his character, and yes, character matters ( thank you Rush Limbaugh ). Born of a Muslim father he spent the first few years in a Muslim household. He went to live in Indonesia, a predominately Muslim nation. Obama attended Muslim schools as a child. After moving back to Hawaii he became a Christian and to this day he claims to be a christian.

To get his political career started he became involved with an individual named Rozko. Rozko is a known operative and is currently in prison convicted and awaiting sentence for several crimes involving fraud, money laundering and buying political influence. On the same day, both Obama and Rozko bought property, the same size in area, adjacent to each other but Obama paid $50,000 less for his parcel, even though there was no difference.

While this was going on Obama gets involved in an organization, Acorn. Acorn is currently under official investigation in about a dozen different states for voter enrollment fraud. Obama claims he represented Acorn in law suits but he has never really explained the relationship clearly. Acorn is the outfit that register Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboy football team and other fictional characters.

Obama was also involved with a known terrorist and Marxist, Ayers. Obama claims a casual relationship but yet Obama wrote a blurb for a book written by Ayers. To this day Ayers has not expressed any remorse over terrorist bombings nor about his Marxist beliefs.

Obama attended a church in Chicago for twenty years, his children were baptized there and he has constantly praised the minister. The minister, Rev. Wright has constantly spoke out against the United States and even said the the United States should be damned. Is this the teachings of Christ? Obama now claims that the never heard the minister speak this way and when confronted with video tapes, Obama claims Rev Wright never preached that way while Obama was in church. ( Reminds me of Al Gore going to the bathroom because he drank too much iced tea ).

One of the major causes of the banking and home mortgage failure was the collapse of Wacovia Bank. Wacovia purchased commercial paper which were supposedly backed by mortgages. These cost the bank millions in a cash deal. The seller severed relations with the bank, took their money and moved to San Francisco. They have their money but the taxpayer is holding the bill to bail out the failed bank. Here comes the rub, the couple is a large donor to an organization called Moveon maintains a web site where they espouse very liberal and socialistic causes.Before he secured the nomination Obama visited Moveon. I believe that Moveon also donated money to his campaign.

Obama pledged to clear up the stagnation in Washington, D.C. Obama was going to rid the government of the influence of lobbyists. Who does he select as his running mate, none other than Senator Biden. Biden has a son who is among the biggest lobbyists in Washington, is Obama going to diminish the influence of Bidens son? I think that the American people have a right to know.

There is no doubt that this is a special race because a black man is running and has a chance to win. The American people would be better served if race were not introduced as an issue, this is what Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted - a color blind America. Oddly, the only one who brought the race issue into focus on the campaign trail was Obama. First he lied about McCain and Palin. Obama said the republicans would point out that he does not look like the picture on a dollar bill. I never herd any republican say this, but I heard other racial remarks. Congressman Alcie Hastings, who has been impeached as a federal judge but then elected to congress made a speech in which he said Palin wanted to kill Jews and Negroes. Another Congressman, Lewis also said McCain was racial in his attacks on Obama. When confronted during one of the debates Obama refused to admit that the remarks of these 2 men were out of order. Racism was played by Obama, not the republicans.

If any of the above objections were to be taken separately it might not be enough to influence ones judgement of Obama, However taken as a whole, they do paint a picture of an individual who says what he thinks the people want to hear, not the actual truth. I call this the make up of a charlatan. I feel that the United States is not deserving of this man as president.

I rest my case, but I again ask that you pray for our brave service people. Remember they are the ones who make it possible for any body to run for president.
GOD Bless.