Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another spending cut we must make


I just read a report today about some rather unusual spending by the department of education. I could hardly believe my eyes but now I want to share this with you.

Here in Texas the daily papers are full of stories about cities like Austin, the State Capitol, having to shut schools for lack of money. The today I read that the US Department of Education is giving over a million dollar grant to a school district in northern Texas. The reason for the grant is to establish a program to study Arabic (Islam).Is this necessary when we have trillions of dollars of debt. I think that the Washington establishment (government) has lost it. Where does it end?

Please bear this in mind when you go to the polls to vote. Your vote does count.

Please keep praying for our armed forces, we certainly need them in these times.
GOD Bless

Friday, February 4, 2011

Department of Education


In my previous posts I have said I would eliminate the Department of Justice. Here are my reasons and thoughts.

To begin we should examine the make up of education and schooling. In the United States we have three types of people who work in education. These are the teachers, administrators and service people. Each performs a needed service. Here comes the caveat, it is not the positions which have to be cut but the staffing for these positions.

DOJ is made up of bureaucrats, the only function is to shuffle paper work for federal funding. When we look at this way we can easily see that this serves no useful purpose other than to grow federal government. No DOJ person can show you where the federal government is empowered to act in education by our constitution. Why, because it is not there. Solution, cut or eliminate the bureaucratic waste by cutting the DOJ.

These are the first line educators, the teachers and aides who actually sit in the classrooms and teach. I would allow each school district in the nation to set its own standards for education including class size, hours, and how to teach. Washington does not know any more than the local people.

Service people:
Here we look into the use and function of people like crossing guards, maintenance people and cafeteria workers. Most of these jobs are required but I would look very deep into programs like school meals. Family should feed children, not the public. When the population starts to realize that dependence on government subsidies is wrong they will rethink priorities.

These are just a few of the cuts we must implement to restore sanity to our federal government.

Remember to pray for our brave defenders.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Budget cuts and debt reduction


Ever since the "Tea Party" and the midterm elections we have been subject to liberal pundits demanding to know where we can cut spending. Well, here is my take.

We should start by repealing the big government takeover of the medical field called Obamacare. This slows down or stops future additions to spending.

The next area is to declare a stop to the"War on Poverty". I always hear pundits railing against the Iraq and Afghan wars, how about this one. It's been longer and costlier than the other two wars combined and it has not produced results. We still have government defined poverty.

For the next project we should streamline government agencies and or departments. We could privatize the post office, Amtrak, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. All losers and they could be turned into profitable entities with proper PRIVATE control.

Then we should eliminate and or streamline some government agencies. Department of Energy, has accomplished nothing and has caused burdens on our economy. We still have no energy policy after how many years. Education is next, it takes a report of some 2000 pages for states to get federal aid, do we need bureaucrats at both the federal and state level to do paper work?

Funding for certain social programs should be eliminated. Planned Parenthood, NEA and National Public Radio are examples of what should be unfunded by taxpayers. Let them raise money to operate like any other private sector entity.

The other area of spending we can fix is government payrolls. Put Congress and all federal employees on social security and medicare. You would see how quickly the projected deficits would be addressed. We definitely need to adjust the pension coverage and medical benefits given congress. Let them have a 401(k) plan just like the rest of us. A good example of the mindset of congress is the action they took to pay the widow of the late Senator Byrd. His widow was given a years salary, does she need it? Get real. It's our money they are spending.

I plan on future writings to point out foolish and unnecessary spending. The congress needs to be held accountable and only we the people can do that.

It seems that theses cuts would not be draconian but would serve as a start to reclaiming our tax dollar spending.

In closing I ask that you remember our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless