Thursday, December 8, 2011

Presidential election -2012


I was going to name this post "What direction do we want our nation to take?" The name I settled on is easier to remember.

The presidential election of 2012 is a most important one for the nation. The future depends on how the voters speak. On one hand we have President Obama, who has acted and even lately said he wants a socialistic nation. On the other side we have most republican candidates advocating a return to a capitalistic society. Where to go.

In his recent speech in the Midwest Obama said that capitalism doesn't work, hey, I got news for him. Look at history, socialism doesn't work. To support my position I cite examples such as Henry Ford, the guy developed the assembly line and auto companies thrived. He got no government stimulus funds. Thomas Edison created General Electric (Look at how that has been redefined). Edison was a conservative who believed that ingenuity and hard work made success, not government funds. The president should have learned that his policies have failed and that they are doomed to continue failing. That is why I say this election cycle is most important and we should vote out all those who put politics, personal power and prestige ahead of country. This applies to those in both parties. Remember, you get the government you deserve.

Please pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 5, 2011

Herman Cain = Part II


In an earlier blog I said I liked Herman Cain as a candidate. Since then every thing has gone "to hell in a hand basket". Here is my take on the situation.

Almost all of the charges are allegations, he said, she said. Do we want to condemn a person for this kind of goings on? Or should we condemn? The media is biased against conservatives as it is, add to the mix the fact that Cain is a man of color, what chance did he have. I think playing the race card is a very foolish method of defense, but in this case, is it warranted? Let's compare similar situations.

First is Bill Clinton and his bimbo harem. We had credible allegations of a forced rape but the media largely ignored it, we had admitted affairs while he was governor of Arkansas, we had Ms Wiley, and of course we had Monica Lewinsky. If factual did anything Cain allegedly do come up to what Clinton did? NO. The media ignored Clinton but went after Cain. I feel that Cain should get the same coverage as Clinton.

Next we need to look at how the campaign of Edwards was covered. The media did not cover the story until the "checkout counter rag" the Enquirer broke it. I mean we all know that the media was forced to print the story because it had already been printed by the Enquirer. Here is the race card again, Clinton and Edwards are white, Cain is colored. Coincidence, I don't think so. In his writings Thomas Jefferson said that in order for there to be a free democracy, there must be a free (unbiased) press. Don't we deserve that much.

Remember to pray for our soldiers and their loved ones.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What is going on in DC


As you can see by the title of this blog I wonder what is going on with our elected and appointed officials. Let me start by trying to determine which officials are doing the worst job.

First there is Chu, Department of Energy. The so called green loans are a complete travesty of democratic ideals. The stimulus package is doled out to White House cronies and we taxpayers get stuck holding the bag. The secretary gives a loan to a solar panel company when private capital is not available. Mr Chu, "Why do you think private capital is not available? Could it be that the idea of a solar panel company is not viable? Your primary function is to work within the law and protect taxpayers money. After an asinine decision to loan the taxpayer money you then compound the situation. The statute which authorizes the loan places some restrictions on the loan. One of these restrictions is that the government can not hold a second position (lien) on the borrower. Mr Chu, you admitted in your testimony before congress that you disregarded this restriction in order to induce borrowers to invest. You assert that it was needed to raise the additional monies needed. Does the law mean anything to you? You should be ashamed of your action and if I had the power I would have dismissed you during the hearings. The American taxpayer deserves some one who upholds the law, not break it. If you read this Mr Chu please atone. Make things better by resigning.

Even in the face of all the nonsense going on in Washington there are some good, honest and dedicated individuals. I am referring to our brave service people. Please keep them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time to clean out DC


Like many American taxpayers I am fed up with the way our government is being e need change.

One of the major problems we have is what I call the "mushroom politicians". Now you ask what that means, well, a mushroom grows in decaying ground and requires no roots. I think you can see where I am heading. Today we got some good news, Congressman Barney Frank, D-MA, announced his retirement. He has been in office too long, some thing like 17 two year terms. Mr Frank should have been retired years ago.

Because of the way the congress works committee membership is on a seniority method of selection. Under this type of committee appointments go to any one who hangs around too long. Being committee chair gives one power, as in the power to select which bills come up for discussion. To my way of looking at it, seniority is a disaster looking for a place to erupt. We saw how it leads to earmarks which finally have been cleared up, now let's go after seniority. Of course the easiest way is for the citizenry to vote the bums out. More to come so please stay tuned.

I hope all had a good thanksgiving and that we took time to remember our brave service men and women who are away from family defending our great nation. Remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 18, 2011

Good government vs bad government


Today I am venting my anger at what passes as our federal government. We see so much bad government that it is now reached the proportions of an epidemic.

Recent revelations have pointed out that congress is exempt from laws governing "Insider trading". Will some please tell me how this exemption helps pass legislation? Nancy Pelosi has made money on using inside information about Visa. Former speaker Hastert used knowledge of a federally funded highway construction sight to buy abutting land and turned a profit. If an ordinary citizen did either of these that citizen would face criminal charges.

Either directly or through other indirect means we the taxpayers pay for these perks. This is no longer a light issue to pass over but it goes to the core of the make up of our elected officials.

The Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movements should join in a drive to oust all incumbent politicians, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. Restore sanity to our nation. Vote them out

Please keep in your prayers for well wished and safety for our troops.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Republican candidates - Herman Cain


The "lamestream" media is at it again. Just as it was with the Justice Clarence Thomas hearings we are seeing a lynching in the media.

I for one get really disgusted with the media for the covering of these kinds of stories. Just compare the manner in which the following stories have been covered, first let's label them. On one hand we have President Bill Clinton, Congressman Weiner. On the other side we have Cain and Justice Thomas.

In the Clinton/Weiner instances we heard all kinds of cover ups, they are still capable of doing their jobs, it is only sex, boys will be boys, etc. In the Cain/Thomas situation we see quite a change. According to the media Justice Thomas should never have been confirmed, Cain should resign from his running for President. I still hope that some one in the so called main media would answer my blog and explain tome how this kind of bias should be considered news.

One other point I would like to make is the silence of these so called "civil rights, black advocates, champions of the people" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Fellas,the silence is deafening.

I always recall the words of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson said that a fair press is necessary to preserve democracy. Does any one think that todays media is fair?

Keep our brve service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 4, 2011

Obama and his lack of business acumen


The president acts through his appointed cabinet members, staff and aides. Mr Obama has picked some real stinkers. The major problem is the spending of the stimulus.

First, there is half a billion given to a solar power company which goes bankrupt about a year after getting the money. The rationale was that the stimulus was given to save or create jobs. With the bankruptcy 1100 jobs were lost. A waste of our money.

Next we learn about a car company that manufactures electric cars. Another half billion dollars. As soon as the company got the money the company made plans and is now slated to open a plant in Finland. Finland gets the jobs, the US (we) get the shaft.

Another example of where our money goes is the truck stop in Virginia. Diesel trucks are manufactured so that it is more economical to run the engine all night rather than shut off the engine. This company had an idea whereby the diesel engines could be shut off and started easily in the morning. The company could not get the system to work and now the property where the truck stop was planned is now for sale.

This is a pattern, too many bad decisions by our bureaucrats. There decisions should not be forced upon the taxpayer by these bumbling oafs,but rather the decision should be made using good common sense, business sense and practical usages.

Why we seem to feel that when a person gets elected to congress or appointed to an administrative bureaucracy that person acquires business acumen. These examples show this is not the case. We need to root these people out of government.

Please remember to pray for our ervice people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Education reform - higher education


Higher education is what makes the country run. We need the best quality education in order to maintain our freedoms. However, there is room for reform.

The cost of college education is skyrocketing. The primary thing to control is costs for tuition and board. Most students end up paying for tuition by parental savings,student loans and part time work. If a household has two siblings attending college at the same time most families cannot afford the cost of college, so we should address what is left -student loans.

Under our current system most colleges have advisers who help students get financial help. If help is not enough the next resort is student loans. The federal government backs up the loan, in effect, the taxpayers are cosigners. My opinion is that the federal government should get some thing in return. I refer you to my earlier posts concerning Compulsory Military Service. The approval of the government sponsored loan should be conditioned on a full term service in the military plan. Under my service plan a person gives one year time in the military in exchange for a guaranty of a student loan. I feel that this would be the first step in controlling college costs.

Please pray for our brave service people
GOD Bless

Monday, October 31, 2011

How do we reform education?


This is a follow up on earlier writings about education. For purpose of blogging I will split my thoughts between higher (college and above) and Grade school through high school. The first issue is how to fax the non college portion.

As the law now stands we have a weird hodgepodge of rules and regulations. Who needs them? The vast bureaucracy called the Department of Education is nothing more than a monitor. The Tenth Amendment to our Constitution reserves the right to regulate education to the states, not the federal government. I know that education will improve if the control is in the local school boards as opposed to Washington. To get the federal government out of education is simple, repeal all federal laws regulating education. It makes sense to me that if a school needs a new building as opposed to teacher raises the school should make that decision.

How to get federal aid to education to the states, I am opposed. If the majority choose to keep funding schools then we need a sensible plan. With modern technology it is easy for schools to do a clerical job of creating a census of school attendance. This census should contain the social security number of the student. Today most people obtain a social security number at birth so that part is already in existence. The federal government can compile a national listing of VALID attendees based on the social security number. The next step is simple, add the total student census for the country and divide into the funds allotted for education and determine a per capita amount of subsidy. This amount is block granted to the state, no strings or other conditions attached.

I see two improvements which will come of this system, first being that only students validly in the United States will count. Bogus social security numbers will be weeded out. If the local school board wishes to continue educating "illegals" then it must do so at local taxpayer expense. The second plus is that the bureaucracy of the Department of Education will be cut and the costs will be saved. Win - win.

I hope that our politicians in Washington will fix the problem. We need it.

Pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, October 24, 2011

Stimu;us spending


Maybe I look at things in a crazy way but I cannot understand the way the Obama administration is giving away our money. I am referring to the so called "green spending". If we develop alternate fuel and energy I am 100% for that but wait a minute, what are we doing? We have multiple examples of stupid spending, the solar panel company, the car company who took a HALF BILLION DOLLARS and built a plant in Finland, and now we have the failed truck stop loan. Just when does it stop, we have a government spending like there is no limit on money, hey guys (and gals) stop, it's our money.

Could you imagine what the so called main stream media would have to say about this foolishness? I know the media would have a feeding frenzy with this if a republican president did it. Come on media, where is your fairness. How come only Fox News will cover this type of story.

While I am on this subject I would like to call out Michael Moore, the documentary movie maker. Michael, remember Roger and Me? You stalked the head of GM for closing a Michigan plant, now be a man and go after Kinsler like you went after GM. Kinsler is the name of the company that got the half billion and went to Finland. Michael I know you are out there, or are you too busy counting your money which is offshore? Be an American Michael, it is a nice feeling.

Keep tuned in as the stories unfold. Mean while keep our service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cain and the 9-9-9 tax proposal


As a a follow up to my last blog I would like to expand on why I like the Cain proposal.

First, there is a removal of the motivation for special interests and lobby groups. Many so called special interests look for the tax code to supply special favors. With the enactment of the triple nine this is greatly diminished or even completely nullified. Lobby groups would lose incentive to continue lobbying congress and even campaign contributions would be lowered. This has a a secondary effect on congress, no campaign money, no reelection bids. Just think of it, politicians would self impose term limits. Isn't it about time.

One thing that would have to be done is to amend our Constitution and eliminate the amendment which enables the Internal Revenue Code and service. This plan would replace the IRS with a smaller more taxpayer friendly atmosphere in which to do business. Read, More jobs, less trepidation because the fear of a tax audit is all but gone. What a beautiful way to run a business.

We should look at the candidates and examine the picture that they paint for our future. Cain is one of the few who expresses a hopeful message. I say give him a chance.

Continue to pray for our service peope.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cain and the 9-9-9- plan


If you read my earlier blogs you know I am a Cain fan. I like the idea of a non-politician who has novel ideas about how to run a government. I am especially favorable to his tax plan. When the media and other pundits start to be critical of the plan you know it must be good. The media is on a path of destroying the United States as we know it, and this plan will help restore power to the people.

Most of the media coverage is negative but a full explanation of the plan shows how simple and effective 9-9-9- really is. The plan has 3 parts, each with a tax rate of 9%.(Hence, 9-9-9)

Part one is a flat 9% tax on corporate income, no deductions, just a flat tax. All corporations pay this tax. Just stop to think how this will effect corporations (think GE) who ship jobs and revenue overseas. All pay so all will have a participation in government.

Part two is a flat tax on personal income, also 9%. All pay so all people will be concerned how the government spends our money, it leads to a democratic process which will empower the people to make government work for us, not special interests.

Part three is a national sales tax of 9%. This is the equalizer between "rich vs poor". The rich spend far more(they buy Cadillacs instead of Chevys). Since the tax is on spending the rich will pay more than the poor, so maybe we can now put the disgraceful practice of politicians to ply the class envy card. I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing about this so called tax inequality and would welcome the idea of class envy being buried. RIP.

We should learn more about this idea and I feel certain we would enjoy a clean breeze blowing all the pollution out of Washington.

Please continue to pray for our brave troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, October 10, 2011

Should Holder resign


I will start my writing with a reminder that the Attorney General (AG) is the lawyer for the American people. He (she) represents the US government in all legal matters. Now having said that we must look into the record of Eric Holder.

Before becoming AG Holder was a lawyer for some government agency. In that capacity he brokered the deal for the pardon of the biggest tax fraud defendant in American history, one Marc Rich. This was done outside of regular channels and raised eyebrows when it was done. To me it showed that Holder is not my favorite person to hold elected or appointed office. Obama gets elected and with the rubber stamp of a very partisan senate Holder gets approved and becomes our AG.

Once in the office of AG Holder puts in procedures on how to run the office. We learn that one procedure is that in voter rights matters the AG will only uphold complaints when the party complaining is non white. Aren't we all Americans? Wasn't it Dr King who wanted a color blind society? So much for moral judgments.

Now comes the so called sting covering the sale of guns to Mexican drug cartels. The guns are sold with the intent of tracing them to the "warlords". Being a government operation something goes wrong- what else in new? Congress, which has oversight over these matters now starts an investigation. The AG office sends blacked out documents, redacted for security reasons. Congress says the AG is stonewalling. We get testimony that the AG knew nothing about the sting operation. The American people can see through this cover up. Mr Holder, come clean. Tell us the truth. We the American people pay your salary as our attorney, we deserve honesty.

This is an example of what is wrong with our government. We have allowed ourselves to be governed by career politicians and their minions. It is time we take our country back. The ballot box is the legal recourse we have. Vote the bums out.

Please continue to pray for our service people. They protects us and our freedoms.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Obama and open government


The president is hijacking our Constitution. What is going on.

We have had Obamacare foisted upon us, massive spending on failed programs, a virtual takeover of the domestic auto business, scandalous giveaways to politically connected "green firms", an attorney general who seems to be selective in which laws are enforced, various federal agencies trying to direct where factories are built and a government which is being run with the sole objective the reelection of Obama. For us to prosper as a nation this must stop.

Congress must try to pull the purse strings from the president, adopt sane fiscal constraints and curtail the usurping of power. We the American people must hold the career politicians responsible and we must do it in the 2012 election. We need honest and knowing people who will do what is right. The truth is that these people can be either conservative or liberal, but they must be honest and forthright. We lack those qualities in our current government.

One area where we are blessed is our military where we have honest, decent and patriotic people serving. This is why I continue to ask you to remember these people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We need a "clean broom"


There is an old adage that states that a new broom sweeps clean. Right now we need one in Washington, DC. I cannot understand what is going on with our government.

Example, the Department of Energy gives a loan of over 500 Million dollars to a solar paneled company. There were all kind of warnings signals about the solvency of the company, ignored. When trouble brews, the company is reeling into bankruptcy, the Department of Energy restructures the loan to benefit creditors other than the United States. Does anyone at Energy know or care about what is going on? The American taxpayer is getting screwed and no body seems to care.

Another example, The Department of Justice runs a sting operation to trace the sale of guns to drug cartels. Being a government "plan" it fails (what else). Now as congress is trying to resolve what went wrong nobody knows what was going on. By nobody I mean to include the president and the attorney general. More of the same, screw the American taxpayer.

This country cannot afford to keep raising the debt ceiling in order to spend money. When the spending is compounded by these idiotic brainstorms the American people MUST speak out at the voting booths. Throw the bums out.

Your prayers for our troops is appreciated.
GOD Bless

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mr Cain - now this is a real candidate


Pardon me if I gush but listening to Cain speak on the campaign trail I can only hope that the American electorate feel as I do. I am not referring to any "glib" talk but rather his talk on the issues. Cain offers a fresh point of view, fueled by a belief in his convictions and a certain confidence that he can serve well as our next president.

Specifically, I like his tax approach. Mr Cain has offered to scrap the Internal Revenue code as we know it and replace it with a 9-9-9 tax. This plan is a combination of 9% flat tax on personal income, 9% on corporate income and a national sales tax of 9%. Before you get excited about any effect on inflation remember that his plan replaces our current tax code as it effects income. social security, medicare, capital gains and inheritance taxes. Right on. Just think of how the American public can now view the income tax department as no threat.

By bringing forward a good workable plan Mr Cain has posed a solution for many of our problems. A uniform tax plan will help even out the cost of government, eliminate the constant whining of liberals about the rich not paying their fair share, ( I quote Rush, "Did you ever get a job from a poor person?") Other areas which will be benefited by this plan are the unemployment problem, the balance of payments problem and the plan would even diminish the power of the lobby groups. Isn't this what we need.

Mr Cain, keep up the good work and give us the leadership which we need.

Please pray for our brave troops.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Did I read this correctly?


Every so often I read or hear of some hair brained idea, this morning was such an occasion. I am referring to a blog I read which quoted North Carolina Democratic Governor Bev Perdue. Apparently Ms Perdue made a speech to a civic group and in the speech the governor called for the suspension of elections for our federal congress. The reason given is that because of our national economic crisis, if we suspend elections for congress, the members of said body could devote the time to fix our broken economy.

My first reaction is to ask the governor if she ever heard of the United States Constitution? We are a constitutional republic and our governing constitution clearly defines how we elect officials. We should not take this lightly. It begs the question. "In the future how do we define a crisis?" Activist judges, congress itself, or perhaps the executive branch by fiat. I don't give a damn which party is in control, I do not want that kind of government. The way to fix our economic woes is by reining in government.

Another question which I would pose to Governor Perdue, "Congress had a major part in causing the ruination of our economy, do you really believe that giving the SAME PEOPLE more power can be helpful? I would hope that the voters of North Carolina elected a governor with more common sense that what Ms Perdue has espoused.

The cure is simple, vote out all the self serving politicians who have made a seat in congress a lifetime appointment. That is the answer, not some mushy hair brained scheme which does nothing. Governor Perdue I call on you, in your position of governor, to call for our politicians of both parties to act like grown ups. Solve the problem or quit congress. We used to say, "Fish or cut bait." That adage still applies.

Please continue to pray for the safety of our serving members of the armed forces.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why is the president in the campaign mode


It strikes me ironic that the president is going around the country campaigning for reelection. I know, all politicians do, but in his third year of his first term? Obama must feel the pulse of the people and he probably realizes that there is a great deal of anger directed towards his administration. Hence the politician takes over, but let us ask why.

If Obama had passed good legislation, what the people wanted he would not have this problem. It is not good leadership to try to rule by imposing your agenda on the populace. This is exactly what Obama is doing. Here are some specifics:

Obamacare, every poll shows that the vast majority do not want this. It has helped fuel unemployment and yet the president clings to this misguided ideal. Mr President, we cannot afford this failed policy.

Why did he, through administrative agencies, pull the plug on off shore drilling for oil? We created the energy department to wean our nation from imported oil but since the inception of this department we have seen oil dependency increase. Shouldn't we change this policy, another failure?

The so called green jobs give away. We break the law by structuring loans so that the taxpayer cedes our protected position as a lender to give loans to companies that take the money and run. Interestingly these companies are also big Obama political donors. Quote Hamlet. "I smell a rat."

Unless and until we the American people hold our politicians to some higher degree of honesty we will have this kind of nonsense going on. Please remember this when you vote.

Pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sum up of what we need to do to empower the people


In my lasts several posts I have written about the various things that seem to be going wrong in Washington. Here is a recap of what I would like to see. I hope that our elected officials get the message.

The first and most important item is that we the American people must clean Washington of the entrenched bureaucrats, politicians and lobbyists. Without that nothing can succeed. This can and should be accomplished by the ballot box. It is incumbent on us the voting public to carry this out.

The next thing needed is that we must hold politicians responsible. This responsibility should be extended to cover federal agencies, bureaus and cabinet departments. Unless and until this is done we will only have a repeat of what is going on now, only different faces. The American taxpayer deserves this change.

In future writings I will continue to espouse policies which favor limited government and more freedom.

We need our brave military so please kep these warriors in mind the next time you pray.
GOD Bless

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ponzi vs. Social security


In my last 2 blogs I attempted to spell out what a Ponzi scheme is and then I gave an explanation of how social security works. Now comes the political tying of the comparison knot.

In a Ponzi scheme there is no investment of funds, only a clear intent to defraud. The person running the scheme has no other motive than to scam his victims. When you look into the funding of social security you can see similarities between both. Congress when they voted to move the social security funds into the general budget thus converting a trust into an unfunded mandate, one which would be paid for in future funds. By doing this the government actually converted the social security system into a "Ponzi-like" scheme. The continued growth of the taxpayer base has proven to be a myth, circumvented by the political desire to spend funds on pork barrel like legislation. Congress bit off more than it could chew. We now face the payback, and, to use an old phrase, "The payback is a bitch." There are detractors on both side of the issue who will try to say otherwise but facts are facts, no pundit can alter that.

Now we are faced with coming up with a solution. Here everybody goes wild, we hear-You can't take from the senior citizens, they've paid in and deserve to collect...increase the amount of wages subject to social security...increase the rate of tax on social security subject wages...use a means test to lower payments to those who collect and are affluent...push back the retirement age...etc. The list of cures goes on endlessly. Here I want you to take a good look at the so called cures, each is a scheme to punish the American taxpayer for complying with the law. Do we really need that?

My biggest complaint is with our elected officials, past, current and future (hopefully not). Why haven't they done something about the problem. Leadership includes the ability to define a problem. come up with workable solutions and then selling these solutions to the taxpayer. The American taxpayer has had no leadership on this matter for too long. The time to act is NOW. We, the American tax paying public can express our view at the ballot box. Remember when you vote in 2012. I will be writing about my ideas for a solution in future blogs.

Please pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Friday, September 16, 2011

Social security and medicare


In keeping with my comparison of Social Security and "A Ponzi scheme" this blog is how the social security system works. I will use examples to illustrate my points.

In my example let us say that Business Corp hires Fred for ten hours a week, a part time worker. The rate of pay is to be $10./hour. Fred works his first week and now he gets his paycheck, 10 hours at $10 per hour. This figures to be $100. dollars. But when Fred gets his check it is less. What happened?

Fred looks at his pay stub and he sees an item "FICA". what is this? FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) is the legal name for social security. There is another deduction for Medicare. Upon asking Fred finds out that these are mandatory deductions. Now let's trace what happened to the money deducted. Business Corp. does not keep the money, but instead it must pay this over to the federal government. The corporation must deposit these funds from employee deductions into an account of the US Treasury. Before making such deposit the corporation must make a calculation and pay a different, larger sum. The corporation must match the deductions made by employees for social security and medical insurance. Just as a side note there is also a payment due on state and federal unemployment. This is an example of the regulation of a business that is imposed by the tax code. More on that in a later blog.

When social security was originally set up the funds collected were meant to be kept in a "lock box" account, which was that congress would not have the power to use these funds. This was changed by congress when LBJ was president and now we the American taxpayers are paying. This is a brief explanation of social security, medicare works similarly and for comparison either plan can be used.

In my next blog I will compare the Ponzi scheme to social security.

Pray for our troops
GOD Bless

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is a Ponzi scheme?


In the past days I have digressed from my theme of financial responsibility to one of exploring current events. Today I hope to try to explain what a "Ponzi scheme" is. Texas Governor Perry has likened he Social Security to such a scheme so I hope this blog sheds some light. The Ponzi scheme is named after a man who used such a scheme to enrich himself at investors expense.

Let me try to illustrate the idea by using an example. Mr. Pinzo decides that he wants to make money, legally or illegally. He now devises this scheme. The first thing Pinzo dose is to enlist investors, which he does by promoting an investment which will pay a high return on the investment. He does so by interesting Andy to invest. For purposes of the illustration Andy puts in $1000. Pinzo doesn't invest it because there is no investment vehicle. Pinzo s faced with the dilemma of paying Andy a dividend or return on his investment, so Pinzo sells Bill on the idea. Bill invests $1000 which is used to pay Andy's return or yield and the balance goes into Pinzos pocket. The idea then becomes a self growing one, as Pinzo now enlists investments from Chuck, Dave, Eddie, etc. The more the merrier because it means more money for Pinzo. Alas, one day the investors call for the return of their principal investment, it is not there. By this time Pinzo is somewhere on a tropical island sipping cocktails on the beach.

Of course the entire scheme is illegal. Try to catch Pinzo becomes the name of the game.

What I will try to explain in my next blog is if this idea ties or links into Social Security. Come back next time.

I ask that you set aside a moment to pray for the safety of our brave service people who are defending our freedoms.
GOD Bless

Saturday, September 10, 2011

President Obama's Work Program


Just a few days age the president gave a speech before a joint session of congress. My thoughts on the matter are as follows:

First: The plan calls for a huge outlay of money ( which we don't have ) and to pay for this outlay his plan calls for future spending cuts. Isn't the role of the super committee formed by congress to come up with spending cuts. This is a bait and switch idea. We spend the money now and then we claim that it is paid for by cuts already in the pipeline. I hope that the congress does not fall for this sham.

Second: The proposed spending is in reality a stimulus spending plan. We have already been down that road before, government make work programs do not work. I repeat - Government make work plans are not effective. Why try to use an idea when we know it will not work. This is insanity.

Third: When the deficit and United States debt do not shrink the answer to liberals is obvious - raise taxes. Raising taxes only increases unemployment. Reducing taxes increases revenue. This has been proven by cuts made by John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and believe it or not Bill Clinton. I include Clinton because during his administration he was forced to cut capital gains taxes. When this was done the economy soared.

In order to fix this unemployment dilemma we must use sound logical reasoning. The first and most important order of business should be to reign in administrative bodies. These unelected bureaucrats carry out the wishes of the president. The president could do this with one sweep of his pen. Look at the job killing decisions made by Obama during his presidency- the stopping of off shore drilling for oil ( only by United States ). We should be aggressively drilling in all of our sources. High fuel or energy prices are one of the job killers that should be addressed. Another bureaucratic policy is the intervention into the plan by Boeing Aircraft to build a plant in South Carolina. By what constitutional authority does the federal government but in? Stay out and let the private sector do what it does better, create jobs.

It is only when we get some clear thinking from our government that we can grow ourselves out of this economic hole.

I close for now, please keep praying for our armed services.
GOD Bless

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama speech


This evening President Obama addressed a session of Congress. The speech was hyped as a "job creation speech". My thoughts on the speech.

The delivery was excellent, rousing, animated and called for Congress to pass the proposed legislation. What was missing was the details, what gives? We got Obamacare without any discussion, do we need another "pig in a pole?" I hope that the congress is smart enough to really weigh the provisions of this or any bill before passing such bill. My take is that the congress should be an equal partner with the president and bills should be fully aired, discussed and the effects of such legislation should be carefully thought through. Only then will we have a good piece of legislation.

There was some talk of tweaking the tax code, great, we should dump the present code in favor of a flat or fair tax. I noticed that Mr Immelt, head of GE was sitting by Hillary Clinton. Mr Immelt, the head of GE, the company that pays no federal income taxes and has just exported jobs to China. Mr Obama you denied listening to Reverend Wright, you claim you did not hear Jimmy Hoffa use a derogatory expression to describe the political opposition, can we infer that you are unaware of the fact that GE pays no taxes? Please tell us what yo do know.

Another aspect of this so called "jobs creation bill" is that I did not hear any mention of reducing bureaucratic oversight. This is the real job crusher. If the president would reign in his lackeys who run the various agencies we would not be having this ind of problem creating jobs. Layers of control only lead to higher unemployment so I say let's get rid of the bureaucracy and watch economic growth. The American people deserve this. Point- Boeing wants to erect a pant in South Carolina, bureaucrats are stopping this and trying to force Boeing into North Carolina. What is the difference where the jobs are created, Mr Obama wake up and smell the roses.

On a positive note I ask that you continue to pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Foreign aid


Another area where the government can cut spending is the foreign aid programs. I realize some foreign aid is necessary but we certainly can look into which programs are worth while keeping. We give subsidies to places like Egypt and for what reason. Why should taxpayers subsidize another nation? This is just a beginning, there are others. We give taxpayer money for no reason and now when we are in an economical slump it pays to examine these aid programs. Taxpayer funds go to Israel and to the Palestinians, what are we doing, burning two ends of the candle. Some one in DC should wake up and get a realistic approach to this. The time is now.

I hope that I am conveying a pattern of budget cuts, cut waste and useless programs. We the American taxpayer deserve better.

Please keep on praying for our brave defenders of liberty.
GOD Bless

Friday, September 2, 2011

Who is leading this country???


In this blog I will digress from my series on budget cuts and instead write about a real sorrowful situation.
First and foremost let me state that the government employees, including and especially congress, work for us, the American taxpayer. During the last several days comments by congress people have really got me annoyed.
Specifically I am talking about Congresswoman Waters and Congressman Gordon. The talk from these two is utterly disgusting in that both resort to hate speech. Ms Waters says that the Tea Party people can all go to H***, is that the way we want our leaders to talk and think. Ms Waters should not condemn any group for a political point of view. Instead Ms Waters, who claims to be for the minority people should look at who is "economically enslaving" these minorities. I charge that it is the liberal policies of the democratic party that suppresses the minorities. All programs are aimed at making the poor permanently poor. As Rush Limbaugh often says, "Liberals measure compassion by how many people they put on welfare, conservatives measure compassion by how many people they take off welfare." Right on.
Now as to Mr Gordon, he alleges that Tea Party people want to hang Negroes from trees. He even attributes this feeling to members of congress who are Tea Party favorites. I would like Mr Gordon to read this blog and answer one question-"Do you have any original thoughts or ideas other than to play the race card when you run out of political rhetoric? What claptrap. We the American taxpayer deserve better. Let's see the Congressional Black Caucus do some thing about these two characters. We can only hope and pray that the right thing is done.

Some thing positive we all can do is to pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Budget cuts keep coming


As you can see from the titles of the blog I am especially interested in budget cuts. My hope is that it will rub off on our elected leaders. For too long every one in DC, presidents, congress people, and members of both political parties have ignored the harsh reality, our government costs too much. Every so often they appease the voters by announcing some sort of budget cut. In order to explain what Washington means by a budget cut I will give a hypothetical example. For sake of this example let us assume there is a department which has an annual budget of $100,000. The department submits a proposed budget for the subsequent year of $110.000. a 10% increase. After review the congress approves only a $6,000 raise to a total new budget of $106,000. The way Washington looks at it they cut $4,000 off the proposed budget which is a 4% cut. In actuality the new budget is a 6% increase. f we did math like that in grade school we would have received a failing grade. Let's give these characters a failing grade at the ballot box.

Remember to keep our service members in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Federal budget cuts - travel


This wee there was an article in one of the Supermarket tabloids about Michelle Obama and her travel expenditures. A perfect lead in to my take on federal travel, does any one audit these expenditures? It would seem as if this is not done. A good accounting system would require an independent audit of such expenditures and I hope we taxpayers are getting one.
Travel, and the use of cars by the elected officials must be reined in. A while back congress woman had her chauffeured car take her to work. Her office is just around the corner from her office. When Ms Pelosi was speaker of the house she got to use a large jet. I know she is from California and needs some leeway, but, should she have such a plane available for her personal use. Taxpayers pick up the tab, they should have a voice in how to spend the money.
It must be a given that the media either does not uncover these abuses or they choose to omit these stories from news coverage. Either way the taxpayer loses.

These are some of the ways we can save money, I know it, let's hope the panel selected to suggest changes recognizes the situation.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The budget cuts keep coming


One of my favorite areas to cut spending is education. Not on education but rather on the Department of Education. Another vast federal department that has gotten out of hand.

The education in this country can be demonstrated by explaining how the Department of Education works. There are 3 classes of people who work in education, the educators, (teachers, aides,etc), the administrators, (principals, school board members etc), and the service people, (janitors, lunchroom monitors and school crossing guards,etc). All are needed but the more we pay for the 2 classes of non teaching roles the less money becomes available for the teachers.
Enter the federal government, The Department of Education. Rules for what to teach, schools being graded, and excessive paperwork to secure federal aid. Why, do we really need this bureaucracy?
At this point there is a question about Tenth Amendment rights. The Tenth Amendment limits the role of the federal government and education is not a function of the federal government. For the sake of this blog I will assume we want to subsidize education.

Currently the states must file a report of several thousand pages to get federal funding. What if we were to substitute this with a simple census report prepared by the schools. After the census report is prepared the state can collect and collate the school district reports. Then file with a slimmed down Department of Education, and allot funds in a per capita basis. The local schools know what they need, new schools, renovation, teacher salaries, etc. The control is now shifted to the local school away from the bureaucrats in DC. This can also be a monitor in the control of illegal aliens bleeding our school districts.

If we go the route of cutting the Department of Education then a portion of the savings can be included in the grants to the schools. The portion not sent to the states can be eliminated from our budget. A win-win situation.

Our troops need our support and prayers, please remember them.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Still more budget cuts


After reading this post I hope you can understand why I dedicated this blog to President Carter - the really irrelevant old geezer.

My subject is the Department of Energy. A typically liberal project, good idea, accomplish nothing but we felt good doing it. I for one am tired of paying taxes for this "feel good: policy of liberals. I want results and I suppose you want the same.

President Carter established the Department of Energy to do several missions:
First to wean America from dependence on foreign oil, second was to develop new alternative fuels, and third was to keep oil prices stable.

Today we depend more on foreign oil than when the department was formed. We are at the mercy of OPEC. Our national security is threatened because we must commit troops to protect these sources particularly in the Middle East. Ask yourselves, "DO we really need to spend our young peoples lives because we depend on an incompetent bureaucracy? This is a great tragedy and should stop.

Now look at the second part of the mission. The only new fuel developed is ethanol, and that is questionable. It has driven food prices up because the corn normally used in food processing is now used in ethanol manufacturing. To compound the stupidity, off shore oil mining in the Gulf of Mexico is virtually at a standstill. Yet, President Obama hands over a large sum of taxpayer money to an operation controlled by that "needy" individual, George Soros. A company controlled by Soros is subsidized so they may drill for oil off the coast of Brazil but our local companies are regulated by a policy which refuses drilling permits. Doesn't this government understand that we have exported jobs out of the country this way? Maybe they couldn't care.

Lastly the department was to stabilize fuel prices. Hasn't happened. Frankly without some common sense I don't see how the government could stabilize prices without expanded drilling of our own crude oil. More evidence that someone in Washington doesn't care.

With a perfect record, nothing for three, it is time to get rid of the Department of Energy. How much money have we wasted since the presidency of Carter? Stop it now, eliminate the Department of Energy.

I ask that you please remember our brave heroes who defend our liberties and remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae


This is about one area where spending cuts must be made. Not just cuts but eliminate the program(s) altogether.
As a brief explanation how this program works, they are mortgage holding, insuring and guaranteeing entities. Both were created by the person this blog is named after, President Jimmy Carter. When an individual goes to purchase a house he(she) negotiates a selling price. In almost every instance the buyer must borrow money to pay the price, hence a mortgage. The correct legal term is a Bond and Mortgage, the Bond is actually an IOU, and the Mortgage is an instrument which describes the collateral for the loan. This is filed with the keeper of records and serves as notice for the world that a lien exists on the property. The mortgage contains both the names of the lender and borrower. In order for the bank t make more money and more mortgage loans the Bond and Mortgage is then sold to a third party. Enter Fannie and Freddie, they buy the paper. this is not recorded because the bank who sold the paper to Freddie or Fannie agrees to service the loan for a fee. The borrower never knows that the paper is sold.
Here is where the problem comes in. Freddie and Fannie use the power of the government guaranty to force the bank to make what are referred to as sub-par loans. This means loans to people who probably can never pay them off. The theory was that low income people can achieve the American dream of home ownership. The whole scheme is based on a constant inflation in the value of real estate. The bubble burst, real estate did not appreciate and now people are in a financial bind. The borrower owns a house, subject to a loan, but the loan is worth more than the house. He walks away or the bank forecloses. Either way the government(read U S taxpayer) foots the bill. This is akin to a Ponzi scheme in that it must inevitably fail. Only now the taxpayer gets the bill.
Both Freddie and Fannie are operating at a loss and require more taxpayer money to keep the program working. I say, enough. Eliminate the program and cut all funds to both Freddie and Fannie. Cut taxpayer losses and privatize both. Taxpayers have had enough of this federal government butting in and trying to direct our lives. Can anyone show me where entities like Freddie and Fannie are authorized in our Constitution? This is a program which must be cut and both political parties must get serious and do what is good for America. If not, vote the bums out.

We do have good federal employees, our brave military men and women. Please remember them in your pryers.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 22, 2011

Next area of spending cuts


In keeping up with my thoughts on budget spending cuts I offer another area where we should make cuts.

We currently subsidize several "quasi governmental agencies". AMTRAK, The Postal Service, Arts and Humanities endowments. The question is - Why?

As you listen to the media discuss our budget problems the discussion should turn to these programs. Many are outdated and are actually a failed policy. The problem is that these programs will always operate at a loss if the federal government is allowed to keep them. Sell them off and let private sector experts run them. The motivation is there for the private sector, profit. I am not "Politically Correct" so the word "profit" is not some thing bad. Let investors turn around these programs and we will see a complete change to an efficient operation. The Congress cannot even manage their own cafeteria, why should we expect that they can manage a business. More cuts to come, stay tuned.

Remember our brave service people who are defending our liberties, pray for them.
GOD Bless

Friday, August 19, 2011

More on spending cuts


Ti understand the scope of necessary spending cuts we must look at all programs and weed out those which are either too costly or do not work.

The new Republican House has proposed cuts in specific programs, the first is Public Broadcasting. Why do we taxpayers subsidize public broadcasting? I love to watch opera on TV but I should pay for it, not every other (or at least the 50% who pay income taxes) citizen. The estimated savings would be $445 million. The irony of the situation is that the liberal democrats wanted to pass a "Fairness" doctrine to balance conservative leaning talk radio. Where in our Constitution is Congress empowered to regulate speech? We must make sure we elect common sense people to run our government. Remember on election day.

In my nest blog I will enumerate additional cuts which could be made.

Meanwhile, pray for our defenders.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 15, 2011

Spending cuts


We as a nation face a massive decision - What direction do we want our country to go?. A panel of congress people has been selected to recommend budget cuts and the question facing us is where do we cut, and by how much.

Defining a problem is only apart of solving a problem, it is necessary to come up with a workable solution. My opinion is that this panel should start by agreeing not to let these meetings evolve into name calling and blame placing. The time for that is past, now we must go on.

My thinking is that I don't hold out much hope for this panel. It would be difficult for congress to appoint a panel that would do the wishes of the people. Washington must get the mind set of spend, tax and regulate out of their collective minds. Once, (and if) that s done then we can have a panel that makes sense. Let's pray that this panel works out.

Pray for our service people,
GOD Bless

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My return


Just writing to let you know why I have been absent for a while. I did have some medical problems but they are under control. If you missed me I will try to blog on a regular basis, and, as usual my blogs will be about the direction of our country and my opinion as to what should be done.

Thank you for your understanding.

Pray for our protectors.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another spending cut we must make


I just read a report today about some rather unusual spending by the department of education. I could hardly believe my eyes but now I want to share this with you.

Here in Texas the daily papers are full of stories about cities like Austin, the State Capitol, having to shut schools for lack of money. The today I read that the US Department of Education is giving over a million dollar grant to a school district in northern Texas. The reason for the grant is to establish a program to study Arabic (Islam).Is this necessary when we have trillions of dollars of debt. I think that the Washington establishment (government) has lost it. Where does it end?

Please bear this in mind when you go to the polls to vote. Your vote does count.

Please keep praying for our armed forces, we certainly need them in these times.
GOD Bless

Friday, February 4, 2011

Department of Education


In my previous posts I have said I would eliminate the Department of Justice. Here are my reasons and thoughts.

To begin we should examine the make up of education and schooling. In the United States we have three types of people who work in education. These are the teachers, administrators and service people. Each performs a needed service. Here comes the caveat, it is not the positions which have to be cut but the staffing for these positions.

DOJ is made up of bureaucrats, the only function is to shuffle paper work for federal funding. When we look at this way we can easily see that this serves no useful purpose other than to grow federal government. No DOJ person can show you where the federal government is empowered to act in education by our constitution. Why, because it is not there. Solution, cut or eliminate the bureaucratic waste by cutting the DOJ.

These are the first line educators, the teachers and aides who actually sit in the classrooms and teach. I would allow each school district in the nation to set its own standards for education including class size, hours, and how to teach. Washington does not know any more than the local people.

Service people:
Here we look into the use and function of people like crossing guards, maintenance people and cafeteria workers. Most of these jobs are required but I would look very deep into programs like school meals. Family should feed children, not the public. When the population starts to realize that dependence on government subsidies is wrong they will rethink priorities.

These are just a few of the cuts we must implement to restore sanity to our federal government.

Remember to pray for our brave defenders.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Budget cuts and debt reduction


Ever since the "Tea Party" and the midterm elections we have been subject to liberal pundits demanding to know where we can cut spending. Well, here is my take.

We should start by repealing the big government takeover of the medical field called Obamacare. This slows down or stops future additions to spending.

The next area is to declare a stop to the"War on Poverty". I always hear pundits railing against the Iraq and Afghan wars, how about this one. It's been longer and costlier than the other two wars combined and it has not produced results. We still have government defined poverty.

For the next project we should streamline government agencies and or departments. We could privatize the post office, Amtrak, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. All losers and they could be turned into profitable entities with proper PRIVATE control.

Then we should eliminate and or streamline some government agencies. Department of Energy, has accomplished nothing and has caused burdens on our economy. We still have no energy policy after how many years. Education is next, it takes a report of some 2000 pages for states to get federal aid, do we need bureaucrats at both the federal and state level to do paper work?

Funding for certain social programs should be eliminated. Planned Parenthood, NEA and National Public Radio are examples of what should be unfunded by taxpayers. Let them raise money to operate like any other private sector entity.

The other area of spending we can fix is government payrolls. Put Congress and all federal employees on social security and medicare. You would see how quickly the projected deficits would be addressed. We definitely need to adjust the pension coverage and medical benefits given congress. Let them have a 401(k) plan just like the rest of us. A good example of the mindset of congress is the action they took to pay the widow of the late Senator Byrd. His widow was given a years salary, does she need it? Get real. It's our money they are spending.

I plan on future writings to point out foolish and unnecessary spending. The congress needs to be held accountable and only we the people can do that.

It seems that theses cuts would not be draconian but would serve as a start to reclaiming our tax dollar spending.

In closing I ask that you remember our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Media hatred


This month a blogging site tried to promote "friendship" as a theme. Today I cannot follow that theme.

My blood is boiling over the hated shown by the liberal left, in the media, the blogs and the pundits. My particular scorn is aimed at a peace officer who should know better. Of course I am referring to the tragic shooting in Arizona. The cause of this anger is because the left sees that their game is over,they lost. Due to their overinflated egos about how they are elitists, they cannot accept the will of the people. The thinking process is corrupted even when it concerns a tragic cost of lives. What nerve on these liberal elitists. They are the ones who run with the idea that conservatives causes all the evil in the world, but in their hearts, they are the ones who foster a feeling of evil. I wish they would pause, think about what the consequences of their rhetoric causes and then come to their senses. Discuss ideas, not insinuations about supposedly wrong doings by conservatives and we can have a real discourse. I only hope and pray that these people on the left will come to their senses. Heaven help us.

Remember to pray for the real heroes of today, our first responders and our military.
GOD Bless

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tragic Arizona weekend shooting


This weekend marked a very serious problem facing the American pop culture, the shooting in Tuscon, Arizona. The main stream media has hyped it as an assault on Congresswoman Giffords. Yes, it is a great tragedy, but, there were other people killed in this event. I cerainly do not mean to diminish Ms Giffords shooting, but doesn't this tend to show how a story can be slanted? The media should not just refer to this as if there were only 1 person shot, the lives of the others are just as valuable. One of the other victims was a federal judge, his name is barely mentioned. I think we all, politicians, media, family and concerned citizens, must pause and ask ourselves "Why?" Here we must pray for guidance.

Please pray for the victims and also pray for the brave people who serve to protect us.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Unfriendly friends"


In keeping up with the theme of friendship I am going to post about "unfriendly friends". This group includes people who should be your friend but always seems to act against your best interests.

The biggest bloc of these characters is the United States Congress(before the midterm election). Some of the most unfriendly acts are being pointed out.

First, there was the passing of Obamacare. Rammed through congress, never explained to the American people, votes bought with bribes and the unbelievable explanation of Ms Pelosi -"We'll find out what's in the bill after we pass it." Ask yourself, did she have the friendship of the American people in mind when she passed the bill? Thank heaven she is no longer speaker.

There are other unfriendly actions taken by Senator Reid(D-NV). This guy is completely the most unfriendly character in congress. Does he ever smile?

The new congress should keep the American electorate in mind every time new legislation is proposed. Let them be friendly to the people and then see how the people will certainly reward them. Let's hope we got a good bunch to run the country when we voted in the midterm elections.

Meanwhile keep our service people in mind and keep praying for them.
GOD Bless

Monday, January 3, 2011



I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I wish you the best for the New Year.

The title of this post is unusual but it stems from the monthly topic designated by a blogging site. It is my intent to show "friends" in many lights, including, but not limited to politics, American culture and to the manner in which we perceive those around us.

It is said that the best way to insure that we are all on the same page is to make sure that we all are speaking the same language. To me a friend is some one who knows all about you and still likes you. In order to make a friend one must first be a friend. These are givens.

Friendship begins when we give "love" to one another. One of the most difficult thing to do is to befriend one who annoys us. We all know some of those people (Remember some of us also annoy others). In future posts I will keep defining what I consider those things which make us friends. Keep tuned in.

Pray for those who are protecting us all over the world.
GOD Bless