Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ms Pelosi


I will give you my take on Ms Pelosi and what kind of job she is doing as the Speaker of the House.

A reminder of her back round , she purports to be a Roman Catholic, but let's look at her record. As with too many Catholic politicians the issue of abortion is relegated to second fiddle to the issue of how to get votes. Ms Pelosi is an excellent example of this type of nonsense.

The latest comment Ms Pelosi made is the one about her advice to the Catholic Bishops of America. The liberals are the ones who are always moaning about separation of church and state, where are they now? How come they are not screaming at her? I forgot, a liberal supersedes being a Catholic. Really great leadership.

When I heard of her latest advice to the Bishops, I went to my Catholic version of the Bible. I looked all over, guess what? There was no gospel according to Pelosi. Did I miss some thing? Do I need to take up a collection to buy a newer version of the Bible?

Stay tuned for more.

Continue to pray for our uniformed military.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tea party (Tax payer) continued


As I write this piece the election results for various state primary votes are about ready to unfold. There are some very important selections about to be made. The "lamestream" media does not want to disclose how they feel. The reason for this is simply, VOX POPULI or the voice of the people. Isn't it ironic, the media who have their profession guaranteed by our Constitution are the ones who are trying to hide the freedom of speech of the American populace. Go figure. I hope and pray that the people will speak and show up the media, the professional politicians and the rest of the crowd in Washington.

If the election of today goes as hoped I will be counting the days until the midterm election. I am getting anxious already.

Please keep on praying for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, May 17, 2010

More on Tea Party


I am continuing my discussion of the "Tea Party Movement". I refer to it in my writing as tp. Note that those initials may also stand for tax payer.

Today is the eve of several important primary elections and this will show how much influence the tp movement has. My personal opinion is that the tp movement will have a huge impact on midterm elections.

The liberals now serving in congress have only one way to counter the movement, namely, to try to discredit the tp people. I don't think that that kind of policy will work. What we have is a true ground up movement and the people are speaking. There are too many critical issues facing our great nation and congress is failing to deal with these issues. I refer to unemployment, bailouts, illegal immigration and now what kind of person are we getting on the US Supreme Court. To the members of congress (and others who agree with them) face reality, Give the American people what they want. Stop trying to intrude into our lives and let us be. Have faith in the American people, we will do the right thing.

As a method of reinforcement I refer to the adage that points out that every time a law is passed, some one loses some rights. I know that there is a debate if that is all bad but that is a subject for the future.

Please stay tuned to what is going on in politics.

Pray for all our heroes in uniform.
GOD Bless

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tea party


I want to give my take on what the tea party is and isn't.

For starters, the tea party (tp) is not a political party like the republican or democratic party. Instead it is more of a movement. To use it as a political party would be a complete disaster. Third parties have always been destructive to the very core beliefs they supposedly espouse. A recent example is the run of Ross Perot for president. The only thing he accomplished was the defeat of George Bush, the elder. The so called third party only served to upset the election. We do not need this any more.

What should the tp do? It should run as a movement and support candidates in either party who run on a platform similar to the tp movement. This would give the tp much more clout and it would send a message through the minds of politicians, "Do as the people want."

While watching TV I heard such pundits as Bill O'Reilly and Al Sharpton criticsise the tp movement. The point of view they urge the tp is to get leadership, run candidates and pass a platform. I say "No way." Follow the pattern I mentioned in the previous paragraph and really exert people power. Let's hope that the tpers do that.

Do your share, read about the tp and if you want to be part of the movement get active. Democracy and the United Staes needs to reclaim our freedoms from sleazy politicians. Stay active.

Please start by acknowledging the sacrifices made by our brave service people, pray for them.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Explanation of absense


In case any one out there was wondering I didn't fall off the earth. Between a case of writers block and some personal matters I found myself with little or no time to write. I will be writing now at a rate equal or better than I was previously writing. Please stay tuned and stick with me. Thanks

Here I can ask you to remember our brave service people and keep them in your prayers.
GOD Bless