Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Illegal immigration - continued


This post is going to be about the steps that can be taken to fix the illegal alien problem.

Under current law it is a misdemeanor to enter the United States illegally. This should be corrected by making it into a felony. By doing so the United States would send a message to other nations, "We are serious."

I am a firm believer in the use of what is referred to as the "tag up" system. It is a use of a term from baseball and it means that any one here already must go back to his )her) original country and reenter legally. By doing so we would alleviate the pressure on our border security and as a side effect there would be less stress on aliens who comply with the law. The tag up system would have to factor in some tweeks, i.e. - China, Cuba. These nations would not be open to having their citizens immigrate to America, so we would have to build in some protection. Congress should be able to work that out.

Another step that should be taken is to have immediate deportation of criminals. Let them serve their time in prison and then immediate deportation back to their native country.

If we were to implement these changes we would get the benefits of control over our borders and in addition there would be a serious dent in the illegal drugs crossing our borders. These are common sense fixes so the question is "Why haven't these fixes been done before?" Get politics out of our border security and let our government do some thing for the safety of us citizens. We deserve this.

Please continue to pray for our service men and women.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 29, 2010

Illegal immigration


This post will be an extension of my posts about illegal immigration. I must point out that I am not against immigration, the contrary, we need immigrants to sustain our nation. We also need "controlled" immigration. Controller immigration means that the government has dominion and control over who and when immigrants are allowed to stay in the United States.

In my last post I wrote that we should start by controlling student visa over stays. That would be a starting point.

The big problem facing our nation is the overflow of illegals from Mexico and Central America. Here is how I would deal with this problem:

The first priority is to close the borders. This would stop the flow of new immigrants into the United States. The simplest way is to take all the proposed new hires that the Obama administration has labeled for the IRS to monitor Obamacare and instead hire these people for the border patrol. Sounds too easy, that's why congress probably will not do it. With the leaks stopped on the border we can concentrate on the other aspects of illegal immigration.

Keep tuned as I will write more on the subject.

Pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 26, 2010

A solution to illegal immigration


One of the biggest problems facing the national security of the United States is the problem of illegal immigration. This problem is intensified because neither political party seems willing to come to any type of acceptable solution. At this point I would like to chip in my two cents worth.

The problem is multifaceted because it involves people physically in the country who come from all over the world. In order to solve a problem one must first identify the problem and then deal with it.

In order to deal with the illegal immigration problem the main thrust should be adequate law enforcement.

The easiest task is fixing students over staying education visas. Here we can mandate the colleges and universities help by reporting any student who enrolls on a visa and then forgoes going to class. The college reports to the Immigration Service and the person is picked up and summarily deported. Like all the solutions that I will offer this one relies on prompt, cooperative and competent enforcement of the law. The colleges must be made to cooperate.

For the next few posts I will address other aspects of the illegal immigration issue. Please bear with me. Thank you.

One other request which I have is that you pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Holiday greetings


During the year I post about my take on politics and how it alters our American lifestyle. This post is different.

I would like to take this time to give thanks to our creator for all of HIS blessings. We in the United States have many and we should be especially thankful.

My thanks go to all those brave heroes, our service people, especially those who cannot be with loved ones this holiday. Thank you.

Please pray for those serving ur nation.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 22, 2010

Open letter to Senator Rockefellor


This is an open letter to the West Virginia democrat.

Senator I saw a TV blurb wherein you said you wanted to muzzle both Fox News and CNBC. You expressed concerns about how biased they were. I'll give you credit for this, you picked on a "perceived" liberal and conservative station. My complaint is with your general precept. Senator, have you ever heard of the United States Constitution? You should read it sometimes, it contains a clause which guarantees every American freedom of speech. The comments which you made were beneath the dignity of a US Senator. I hope that upon reflection you realized how your TV blurb is against the Constitution. Senator, it may be difficult to understand but our elected officials should set an example of obeying our Constitution. The kind of talk and attitude expressed by you is exactly why we have Tea Parties. Please get your thinking straight or if you cannot, then please resign your senate seat and give the American people a break. We deserve better.

I continue to sk that you readers pray for our brave military.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 19, 2010

Political leaders


Today I am going to give my take on the type of people we have in politics. Some are positive and others are not.

I feel that honesty, integrity and altruism should be driving factors in running for office, unfortunately, too many of those in power do not act with these in mind. Perhaps even more unfortunate is the fact that both major political parties share the blame.

If you run down the list of politicians you can find the following:
Barbara Boxes, D-CA: She was one of the biggest check bouncing people in the House scandal years age, how is she treated- she gets elected to the Senate. HUH
Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska; when she ran for the senate the last cycle she was opposed by a conservative candidate in the primary. Ms M contacted an open conservative member of the senate and had him travel to Alaska to try to convince the opposing candidate to quit the race. This election cycle she loses the republican primary, what does she do. you guessed it. she runs as a write-in candidate. Hypocrisy
Charles Rangle, D-NY; here we have a tax cheat who serves on the tax writing committee, nuf said.

The list is too long. We, the American people deserve better. Please consider the factors of character when yu pull the ballot lever.

Now please pray for our men and women in harm's way.
GOD Bless

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Type of leaders we don't need


In a follow up to my last post I am now writing about the type of people we don't need as leaders.

Today the Ethics charges against Congressman Charles Rangle,,(D-NY) were announced. The committee votes to refer to the House with a charges of censorship. Considering the facts of the case this seems to the observer too lenient. This is what prompted me to write on the subject of leaders we do not need.

We have seen people who run for office (usualy in a safe seat) who seem to feel the purpose of an elected official is to grab what he can for himself and get pork barrel legislation to help his cronies. Do we really want this type of attitude? This kind of thinking causes the voters to form tea parties. Congressman Rangle is just a symptom of the system. We have seen people going to jail for this type of conduct. It is imperative that we,,the electorate, be alert and keep these people out of our government. At the expense of sounding trite, Freedom is not free.

In addition to being alert please pry for our brve troops.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who we need to run our nation


Every so often we should look t the type of person that we pick as our political leaders. This writing is my opinion of some of the people we need. It is my opinion so feel free to add, delete of comment on my choices.

From the entertainment profession we should have people like Chuck Norris, Gary Sinisi, Denzel Washington and Bo Derek.
Sports figures would be Bret Favre, Nolan Ryan, Derek Jeter and boxing analyst Teddy Atlas.
In the other areas we could hope for the likes of retired General Tommy Franks, author Tom Clancy and news reporter Sheppard Smith.

hy these individuals? Mainly because they are learned, thoughtful and experienced in dealing with other people. I don't know the political leaning of these people but I do know that they all exude a sense of confidence. That coupled with common sense makes for a good leader. More so that political ideology. To me this is the most important aspect of leadership.

Another plus is that these people would tend to stay in politics for shorter periods, giving us de facto term limits. Let's draft them.

I ask that you continue to pray forour brve service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day


Today we celebrate both a happy day and a sad day. The object of our admiration and respect is our veterans who have served our nation. These people earned this admiration and respect with great sacrifice, all gave some, some gave all.

The least we can do is to set aside a few minutes on this special day and pay our respects for these individuals. Please pray for them.

Please pray for those who are currenty serving and ask for their safety.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Open letter to Bill O'Reilly - Fox News


This is my answer to a segment which aired yesterday on the O'Reilly factor.

The main theme of the segment was that Bill O'Reilly could not place where President Obama fit on the political spectrum. I am adding my opinion hoping it gives readers an idea of how some of us see our president.

When considering how to find a niche for an individual we must look at all of the known factors. If we start with the fact that there has been no full disclosure of school records,factor in no writings while in school and no previous work experience we must rely on the actions of the president since he ran for office.

During the campaign Obama was speaking to "Joe, the plumber", and the question of wealth redistribution arose. Obama admitted that he did intend to use the power of government to take money from one class and redistribute it to another. This should have been our first clue into what type of economic system Obama favored.

Upn assuming office,the president then used the power of government to usurp the private sector. We saw the takeover of the auto industry, the financial markets, the housing and mortgage industry. All of these are socialistic in nature.

The energy sector was threatened with the so called "Cap and Trade" control. It would not have passed through congress so the president is now using administrative agencies aa his tool for socialization.

We see that the president is appointing czars to oversee sectors of the economy, make rules and dictate policy. This also is socialism.

When we look into all these moves we cannot draw any conclusion other than that our president is a socialist. His actions clearly indicate this. Of course the White House wil blame prior administrations but that is stale and trite. The American people deserve better.

In summary, Mr O'Reilly, any clear thinking individual would have to come to the conclusion that Obama is a socialist. Actions speak louder than words.

Please keep praying for our service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 8, 2010

We need a flat tax


With the result of the recent elections behind us time time to change has come. Here are what I think congress must do:

First: Enact a fair or flat tax. I say this with great hopes for reform. We need to fix it so that if liberals get control again they cannot mess up our economy with excess taxes. We would have to repeal the Contitutional amendment that authorizes the income tax and replace it with a simpler and more equitable taxing system. Prior to the election cycle a couple of ideas were floated. One, favored by Pelosi, would have been a one time tax on all pension accounts of either 15 or 35%. The second idea, favored by Rep DeFazio, is a tax on all bank transactions. This tax would charge 1% on all bank transactions, deposits and withdrawals. The liberal establishment revelsin tax hikes, (wealth redistribution), we must permanently take this power away from them.

Second: Because a fair tax would require much less intrusion by the federal government, we can either use the savings to reduce the national debt or to swing the jobs from IRS to Border Patrol.

Most of what should be done is nothing more than common sense, we must demand that from our elected officials. Stay alert.

Now I ask that you remember our brave and dedicated service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post election syndrome


As you can tell I have been on a "political hiatus" for several weeks. The reason for this is that the American public is already getting too much political talk already, I didn't want to add to the overload. Now the discussion will taper down and I feel that I can join the dialogue, so here goes.

Regardless of how you feel about the results of the election I thin that we should all get serious as to the direction that our leaders take our nation. I consider myself to be a "political libertarian/conservative". I do try to look at all sides of issues and hopefully I have achieved some balance.

The next congress must deal with the Obama administration and the liberal agenda. The most important thing for the new congress people must do is to keep the dignity of their political views in tact. They were voted into office for the reason and to compromise their views would be a betrayal of the American people. In my opinion the Tea Party movement was not a republican vote but an anti establishment vote. Republicans would do well to remember this. Now we have to see where the government takes us, freedo or more of the same failed liberal policies of the past. Pray for a good outcome.

We should all stand behind our brave heroes who are defending our nation, please say a prayer for the safety of these heroes. Thank you.
GO D Bless