Sunday, January 31, 2010

Decline of pop culture


If you have been following my posts you know I am writing about our pop culture. Today I will address the effect of politics on pop culture.

As long as there has been politicians there has been graft. I am sure the early Greeks and Romans suffered some degree of dishonesty. Why should we be different? We aren't. The problem is that when an elected official gets egotistical and feels he/she knows more than the populace, the graft problem gets more severe.

I quote Rush Limbaugh, "Money is the mothers milk of politics." Too many of our elected representatives see politics as a lifetime profession, not a chance to serve, ergo, the need for money to get reelected. This need translates into more temptation and subsequently more graft. There is an old adage, "A little graft makes the wheels go around." Today it seems that the wheels are spinning out of control. It is one of the causes of the division of opinion in this country. In order to get reelected politicians use the tactic of dividing the people. Class warfare is the order of the day, male vs female, white vs black, rich vs poor and so on. As a result our culture is polluted.

The only way this can be fixed is by removing the cause of the pollution, money dictating politics and public policy. Previously I have written about the flat tax replacing our current taxation system. That would be a giant step in resolving the problem. Another step would be term limits. These and other fixes must be made if we want to revert to a time when the elected people answered to the voters. We need this.

There will be more about pop culture so please stay tuned. Thank you.

Pray for our heroes.
GOD Bless

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pop Culture - continued


In keeping with the series of my thoughts on our pop culture this blog is about another aspect of the subject.

I will concentrate on our love for athletics. We have to include both professional and college sports. In the days of World War II many athletes served. The list covers all major sports, baseball had Bob Feller, at 18 yeas old, already in the major leagues he enlisted the day after Pearl Harbor and served in the Navy. He went on to receive several battle stars. Joe Louis, the boxer, served. His heavy weight championship was put on hold while he was in the Army. Hall of fame baseball pitcher Warren Spahn served and earned the purple heart for wounds received in combat. Noted established stars like Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams were joined in service to the nation by the likes of Yogi Berra, a promising baseball prospect. The National Hockey League was decimated because the majority of players were Canadian nationals and Canada was in the war before the USA. Football lost a fine young patriot in Al Blosis, a lineman for the New York Football Giants. The list goes on. Sure, I know, you can cite some of todays athletes who served. Certainly the Phoenix Cardinals gave a starting player, Pat Tillman, who was killed in Iraq. This list of those who served is shorter than the list of people who served during the world war.

By contrast let us look at the current athletic situation. Almost every sport has had a substance abuse scandal. Big name stars, who should be looked up to are in the papers because they either are being arrested or they have a history of substance abuse. I am not going to name them, you know who they are. The National Football League is referred to as the National Felony League. It seems as if every team has at least one guy who either is awaiting charges, has plea bargained a felony down to avoid jail time so that he can play football. We need better from our role models, what have the youth of today got to look up to? This lack of responsibility is a major cause of the decay of our pop culture. Our children and the next generation deserve better. We can help clean it up by not tolerating these characters, let the sports teams know that we do not like it and if nothing is done, we should boycott their games and the products of the advertisers who sponsor them.

Still more on pop culture in the hopper. Stay tuned for the next episode.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, January 29, 2010

Direction of pop culture


In my previous blog I discussed the direction of pop culture. This will go forward with a new wrinkle.

Much of what we consider pop culture is championed by the mass media, Hollywood, TV and athletics. I will concern myself in this writing with the movies and TV. Try to contrast the movie and TV stars of today with the same group during the period of World
War II. During the WW II era, almost every movie star either served, entertained troops or if that was not possible, movies were made showing patriotism. Today you would be hard pressed to find either a movie or TV show that puts America in a good light. The liberal left has poisoned the entertained industry. Again I refer to WW II, Clark Gable volunteered to serve on flights which put him in harms way. He was over the Army Air Corp age limit but he still volunteered. When it came to service the same could be said of Tyrone Power, James Steward, Henry Fonda and many more stars. Some like Lee Marvin earned a Purple Heart for wounds received in combat. Where are the actors of today? You can almost count them on one hand, Gary Sinisi, Chuck Norris and Elvis Pressley served. This is one of the causes of the deterioration of our pop culture. I don't advocate that one must be a veteran in order to be an actor but at least show some caring for the nation where you earn your money. I don't see that today. Gratitude never hurt anyone.

Stay tuned for further discussion on pop culture.

Pray for our heroes.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What happened to our culture


Today I was at the hospital having a cup of coffee and a conversation started between several of us sitting at the same table. The topic evolved into the demise of pop culture in America. I will try to list some of the reasons given and maybe explain why this happened.

All of the people involved in the discussion agreed that the demise of pop culture coincides with the breaking of the family culture. Let me explain. With the cost of living today many women are forced into working in order to maintain a certain life style. This causes an unrest in the house as roles are no longer clearly defined. Unfortunately this is one of the disadvantages of feminism. I am not against women being equal but I do feel that in order to maintain our national culture being destroyed, those who argue for equal rights should temper their demands and consider the total picture, especially the effect on family structure. Of course the same can be said of men who abandon their families, they are just as guilty.

I am going to explore and hopefully explain some more of the theories, so stay tuned. Thank you.

Continue to pray for the heroes in the world.
GOD Bless

Friday, January 22, 2010

Where do we go from here


The news this week included the GOP gaining a senate seat once held by the late Senator Ted Kennedy. Much has been said about this and rightfully so.

My take is that this represents a statement by the American electorate. The Democrats are trying to put a different spin on the event, but it sounds weak and shallow. The Dems are just not being realistic, this should be a wake up call. The town hall forums and the tea parties are real. When coupled with the GOP wins in Virginia and New Jersey, what do the democrats need, a hit in the head. As a conservative I am glad the Dems are not aware of what is going on around them. It makes it easier to vote them out in November.

The republicans should take this as an omen. Good candidates and hard work will get conservative people elected. Use this as a stepping stone, not a free pass. The hardest work is yet to come. Buckle down, roll up the sleeves and get good candidates.

Stay tuned, the ride has just begun.

Please continue to pray for our brave warrior heroes.
GOD Bless

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What have we in DC?


With all the problems going on in the world. Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. we must ask ourselves what have we in office running the country. Sadly the answer is not good.

Our federal government is lacking in leadership. We see the president trying to push an unpopular agenda by bribing congress people, offering "exemption status" to a class of people (at the expense of the rest of the population). We need to stop this. Members of congress just continue to push the unpopular idea of "so called health care reform" down our collective throats. There are exceptions to the rule, one of the more prominent ones is Congressman Mike Rogers. I don't have the link but if you want to see what we need research this man and listen to what he says. I only wish we had a few (many) more like Mister Rogers in congress. We can start by electing the "anti health care boondoggle legislation" candidate in Massachusetts. I know I certainly hope he gets in. We need and deserve this. Keep the faith and hope he wins.

While this is unfolding, please continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, January 15, 2010

Health care fiasco


I must write about the health care reform fiasco that is going around DC currently. Where do I begin.

The president is selling his political soul to get this passed (Dr Faust anyone). Congress is being bribed by the president. This all translates into a shaft job on the American people. What a bunch of cruds we have governing. If they would only adhere to our Constitution and obey the intent.

I am so sick and tired of this kind of treatment to the American populace, and I only hope that the voters show these people the door in November. Please do.

Please pray for the decent people who are defending our liberties.
GOD Bless

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is any one in charge?


Today I am worried about the safety of our nation because of the action (or lack thereof) by our president. He seems to be unsure of what to do to wage the war on terror and he acts like he doesn't want to offend anyone.

My specific concerns are the trials of the terrorists which have been shifted from Military Tribunals to a federal court in New York. Why was this done? The decision makes me think that the president does not comprehend the complexities of warfare. The acts of the terrorists were not criminal but war acts. They are out and out terror. I don't think that these people should get any protection under our constitution. They are not Americans and they are not prisoners of war, but they are enemy combatants. The president should never have moved the trials to an American city and a federal court. It is getting more difficult for me to understand the mind set of the people running the country. I truly hope we can hold out until the next election. Let us pray and hope that we can.

Continue to pray for our brave miitary people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chaos in the dems camp


Well my wish is coming to pass, some of the worst legislators are giving up their senate seats. Good riddance. One of my biggest disappointments is the quality of person that we elect to office but it seems that some of them got the word, quit or get voted out. The tea parties and the town hall meetings have worked. Just goes to show what an aroused public can do. Keep it up people of America.

I do have some misgivings even with the departure of these characters. My question is what to do about the money they have received as campaign contributions? It's my understanding that they can keep it, I hope I'm wrong.

Now we the public have to seize the moment and elect replacements who are good and honorable people. The ball is in our court now.

Along with your prayer for our military I ask that you include a prayer asking for guidance in selecting good people to run the country.
GOD Bless

Monday, January 4, 2010

Intrigue about the Birth Certificate


I am not a black helicopter conspiracy theory kind of guy but the question of the birth place of the president has taken a new turn. This week the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case concerning the legality of the birth certificate that Obama presented. Before we go into all kind of speculation let's take a deep breath and hold off drawing any conclusions. The only reason that I have brought this up is that there is virtually no media coverage of the matter. (Why am I not surprised?) The good news is that the innuendos will finally be put to rest. The court will make a determination and that should be final. Let's hope so. We, the American people need a final determination of the facts.

Along with your prayers for our armed services please pray the the Supreme Court makes the correct decision.
GOD Bless

Friday, January 1, 2010

New year -New leadership?


We have celebrated the new year, now we can hope for a better effort from our elected leaders. I think that the American people deserve this.

Soon the nation will be bombarded with rhetoric about the mid term (2010) election and this rhetoric should be focused on good leaders, not cheap two bit politicians. Let's get it right this time.

In some of my blogs I have mentioned some non politicians that I felt would be good candidates, maybe we can inspire some decent people to run. If they do run, let's go out and support them. Remember that old adage, "In a democracy you get the type of government that you want". It is time to show that the American people want representatives who care for the country, not political power. The ballot box is our chance. Remember this when you vote.

Please continue to pray for the service people.
GOD Bless