Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More on lack of leadership


I feel somewhat vindicated. Today I witnessed a democratic pundit say that it is about time that Obama stops blaming every thing on Bush. What a relief, the liberals are starting to act like Americans.

The specific issue under discussion is the Christmas Day attempt bombing of an airplane. Obama said in one of his press conferences that the blame is on a system which was put into effect by Bush. I'm not surprised by that, that's Obama's stock in trade. What did surprise me is that some democrats are now getting the message. Maybe our prayers are being answered.

The president, his White House staff and his Homeland Security Department all seem lost when it comes to understanding the situation. I don't think that any of those listed understand that the United States is in a war with radical Islam. They don't act like they understand the effect of their decisions. Specifically, closing Gitmo, trying the terrorist in a civilian court and moving the trials to New York. When Obama was running for president he said his policies would raise our esteem in the world,I think that his policies have done just the opposite,they have made the United States into a paper tiger. Come on Mister President, wake up and smell the roses. Your theory will not work.

I will keep posting on this matter during the upcoming weeks,so stay tuned.

Continue to pray for our brave heroes.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lack of leadership puts public in danger


The events on Christmas in Detroit have brought out a simple fact - The Obama administration has no clue about how to conduct the war on terror.

All during the presidential campaign Obama criticized Bush for doing the wrong things about the extremist who are waging a jihad against against us. Did Bush deserve that kind of treatment? Now as facts unfold we should become acutely aware of just how fanatical these people are. I know I am but I wonder if anybody in the administration is. They let this character board a plane even with the knowledge that his own father warned them not to. The Attorney General moves the trials of the terrorists captured to New York instead of trying them in a military tribunal. This is the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

As I see it the way to cure our problems is simple,fire all the incompetent people and replace them with people who know what they are dong. Both the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security are nothing but political hacks and certainly this is not the time to play politics. The stakes are too high,the safety of the American people is too valuable to gamble on incompetent bureaucrats. We need and deserve better. Is this the change we were promised?

Let us pray that we can survive without another attempt by the terrorists.

Keep praying for our safety and the safety of our brave defenders.
GOD Bless

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Congressinal leadership


I hope all had a good holiday and that Santa was good to all.

My subject today is about the arrogance expressed by our congressional leaders. I expect some one like Speaker Pelosi to be off the wall but I am a little miffed about Senator Harry Reid. Senator Reid has pushed the health care reform bill through the senate and he has hidden a little something extra. Hidden in the bill is a provision that the bill may not be amended by less than a super majority of the senate. Now I ask, "Who does he think he is by trying to strip the power to amend a bill from future Senators?" Isn't this real hypocrisy. Reid is trying to strip the Constitutional power from future congresses. This means that in the future the American people will be denied their voice in congress. This move should really expose what type of character (or lack thereof) that Mr Reid possesses. I always felt that our Constitution governed how to pass laws, not some two-bit politician. I only hope that the bill gets defeated when it come up for a final vote. Let's hope.

Stay tuned for more on our "inept" leaders.

Continue to pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Christmas Spirit


For those of you who read this I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthful and prosperous New Year.

In keeping with the spirit of the Holy Days, I will refrain from writing negative things about politicians. I promise I'll vent after the holidays.

I ask that during the holiday season, while most of us are with family and friends, please remember those who are in harm's way. Pray for them.

GOD Bless

Monday, December 21, 2009



This piece of writing is a continuation of my earlier blogs on the lack of leadership. Please don't think of me as being redundant, but rather somewhat frustrated. I just hope and pray that we can some how educate our congress and president to do the right thing. We, the American people deserve better.

My gripe is with many members of congress as well as the president. Both major political parties are guilty of too much political posturing and not showing leadership. When Obama ran for president he promised no more ear marks, we get more than in previous years. Obama explained this as a one year phenomena but this years spending package is loaded. Is it any wonder that the people have a grass roots movement called the Tea Parties. I am not surprised.

The way to correct this is to vote the incumbents out of office. They have what I refer to as DC mania. The politicians are more concerned with being liked by the DC crowd than the people they represent. We must change this if we want to keep our freedoms.

More to ccome.

Pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My take on health care reform


Why am I not surprised by the turn that the health care reform legislation has taken. I am referring to the recent events. Democratic senators have switched sides on the legislation, why Because they have been bribed. The president has promised financial aid to the states that these senators represent in exchange for a favorable vote. Real leadership. I repeat my lament, why can't we elect statesmen instead of cheap politicians? Heaven help us.

The so-called Blue Dog Democrats, Nelson, Bayh, and Landreau have gone against principles they have stated earlier. In effect they have prostituted themselves. It is very difficult to accept this. I would like to pose these questions, "Doesn't your vote in effect become an earmark? The end result is the same. Where's the change?" I know I will not get an answer, but I think that the American people are asking the same questions and will remember at election time. I know I will.

It seems that the leadership is hell bent on giving us some legislation despite the fact that polls show the people don't want what is being proposed. To me this is a complete lack of leadership on the part of the Congress and the President. We desere better.

I'll keep writing on these subjects,so please stay tuned.

Please continue to pray for our brave warriors, they show leadership and character,and deserve our support.
GOD Bless

Friday, December 18, 2009

Another shot at mismanagement


There they go again, the democrats are now raising the issue of whether President Obama has the constitutional power to sign any treaty in Denmark.

Senator Webb (D-VA) and Representative Markey (D-Mass) are giving different opinions as to the legality of any treaty signing by the president. What is going on here? It is my understanding that a treaty MUST be ratified by the Senate. Where does the president get his idea that he can sign such a treaty without congressional approval? Mr Obama should put an end to this by simply stating where he feels the Constitution gives him such power. Mr Markey claims that the Environmental Protection Agency can authorize such power. Whoa, Nellie. The EPA is a division of the executive branch of the government, how can they legally bypass the Senatorial consent mandated by our Constitution? Aren't these the same people who constantly complained about Bush subverting our Constitution? What a farce. Too bad these are the clowns that represent us in Washington. The clowns are running the government.

There is a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. I read that recent polls show that the American people now favor the Tea Party (it doesn't even exist) over both the Democrats and Republicans. Wake up politicians, are your days numbered?

We can only let this play out and keep our fingers crossed. Keep the faith.

Please pray for our service people who will be spending the Christmas season away from family. They certainly deserve it.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why rush health care?


Today I am going to express my concern about why the Obama administration is so fiercely pushing health care reform. Am I the only one who questions how a congress made up of 535 members can pass a 2000 page bill within a few days? Why not have the bill studied and examined as to coverage, cost and the effect on the economy? What's the rush.

Of course my hope is that they let the American people have the freedom to pick their own health care choice. What a novel idea, free people making their own life choices. Maybe it can catch on.

It is anecdotal but I would like to relate something I saw on the O'Reilly factor on Fox News. Bill O'Reilly played a 911 call from a woman in a fast food restaurant. It seems that the woman wanted her hamburger order prepared differently than the way it normally is done. When the customer got some static from the burger flipper the woman called 911 to ask the emergency services come to help her. It seems almost comical but here is the more serious thought - the woman needed to rely on a 911 call for help. I don't know about you but I would have just walked out of the restaurant, case over. Why do people feel that they need the government to do every thing for them? Where does it end?

My concern is with the attitude of our populace. Let's get real, Washington cannot solve all of our problems. GOD helps those who help themselves. Get with it. We cannot change the attitude of this lady but we can make sure we don't follow her thought process. Let us all make a New Years Resolution to live our lives with as little government intervention as possible. We all will be better off if we did.

Also please keep your resolve to pray for the safety of our fighting men and women.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Global warming - er - climate change


From my description of this blog you can see that I am NOT a believer in global warming. To me this is just a hoax to further ruin the economy of the United States.

My premise is based on things like the disclosure of misuse of e-mails. If the scientists had nothing to hide they would have made these statistics public. Instead they try to cover up. Honesty is still the best policy. Why would a reputable learned person try to mislead the populace unless he/she is trying to hide something. If these scientists were well meaning people they would welcome the questioning of their test results. After all testing would support the conclusion that they draw. This leads us to believe that the conclusion of their studies is not consistent with the findings the scientists foist off o us. For shame. You should know better.

Now we add to the mix former vice-president Al Gore. He makes up statements and then attributes these fabrications to scientists. Luckily, the person in question came out and exposed the falsehood. Mr Gore, how many other "lies" have you told? (Iced tea anyone) This has got to stop. Gore is making a ton of money on this false premise of global warming and he should be ashamed of himself. Gore is Harvard University educated, has political connections and has a family relationship with many prominent people. He should be able to get a job easily. What does it say about his character that he resorts to lies to make a living. I'm afraid not much.

Keep tuned for more.

Meanwhile keep praying for the honorable and brave people who are defending our freedoms.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Leadership vs arm twisting


Today I am concerned about the tactics used by President Obama. Specifically I refer to the arm twisting tactics used to try to get the Senate to pass a health care reform bill passed. We saw this in connection with getting bills through committee and now we see it again in the effort by the White House to get Democratic senators to cave.

I find this disturbing on several fronts. The first is that it is the White House or executive branch of government trying to usurp the Constitutional powers of the legislative branch, congress. This sets a dangerous president for future politicians. Our government is formed on the basis of separation of powers and the undue pressure of one branch over another will eventually cause the diminishing of a democratic government. The time to stop this is now, our congress people must act and vote their conscience, not the dictates of the White House.

The second thing that I do not like is that the president is exerting pressure to try to force an unpopular concept on the American people. Poll after poll have shown that universal health care with a public option is not what the people want. Mr Obama is trying to ram it down our throats, I do not appreciate that. Do you? The way to stop this is for congress to pass only a bill that really gives the people the reform they want. Abe Lincoln say it best, "Government of the people. by the people and for the people". We deserve this type of government. Please DC give it to us.

Here I ask that you pray for our warrior heroes.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 14, 2009

New spending bill


Today I am going out on a limb and calling our president a fake prophet. Test your memory, remember during the campaign, change" Where. Last year when congress passed a deficit spending bill over loaded with pork, we were told that the promise Obama made to cut pork applied to this year. Now let's see him act. If he is sincere, which I doubt, he will not allow such legislation to go ahead, and if presented with the huge spending he must veto it. The test is here. Personally I think that Mr Obama will sign the new spending bill and come up with some lame excuse, (Probably blame it on Bush). Time will tell.

This is the sort of thing that infuriates the American people and gives rise to the Tea parties and the uproar at Town Hall meetings. This dissent is not driven by any political party but rather it is a people originated movement whereby the American public is demanding our country back. Power to the people. Remember this at election time.

Mean while continue to pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The religion of liberalism - the saga continues


Today I am going to direct my thoughts towards the agenda of the liberal mind. If one were to analyze the liberal agenda and chart the beliefs or "isms" they espouse they would find an interesting pattern.

Most of the left believe in man made global warming (not withstanding the recent disclosure of fraudulent record keeping), animal rights, save the jungles(rain forests for you PC people), and an equalization of results of achievement. These beliefs all ring with the tone of some kind of divine being, but there can be no mention of a Supreme God. Gracious me, no. This is illogical thinking and is merely philosophy based on emotion. I should add the current fad emotion. Do we really need this kind of thinking determining our laws? I hope not.

The whole thrust of the liberal belief is actually creating a new god, isn't that religion. We can see how it causes prominent people to make rash statements. Look at Speaker Pelosi and her remarks about the Catholic Church stand on abortion. Another example is the pundit and columnist Ellis Hedigan. Whenever he is on the Bill O'Reilly show he quotes or cites his catholic upbringing. That is unless it goes contrary to some liberal politician,then silence. Real good thinking?

The examples go on and on but there is really nothing to gain by further exploiting the situation,so I will end here.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Liberalism as a religion - continued


This blog is being written to illustrate what I mean by liberalism is a religion. The Cardinal of the diocese of Los Angeles has said that he considers not giving illegal immigrants public paid health care is immoral. I agree with him on one point, I too would like to see all insured. Here is where we part company. I do not believe it is immoral not to give publicly funded health care to illegals. The reason for this difference is that we look at the issue from different views. The Cardinal looks at the problem and sees a moral issue,I see a political one. My belief is that Christianity does not say that the government has the right to steal my money (taxes) and give it to some one else. I don't profess to know as much about religion as the Cardinal. but I never remembered reading Christ teaching anything about levying taxes in order to be charitable. Maybe I missed that class but I doubt it.

Now to tie the issue of liberal thinking and religious thinking together we go back to my earlier statement. The Cardinal thinks in terms of everything should be equal, clearly a liberal idea, whereas I feel that the only thing people should have granted to them is THE OPPORTUNITY to succeed. If I am wrong I wish that some one would explain to me why. If you don't agree with me give me an e-mail and tell me why. I certainly would appreciate it.

Meanwhile continue to pray for our soldiers and sailors.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Liberalism as a religion-Part 2


In my last blog I started to liken liberalism to a religion, concentrating on the issue of abortion. Today I would like to expand on my theory.

In order to make a comparison you need look at the phenomena we call charity. Most religions preach some form of charity and so does liberalism. The defining difference between the religious view and the liberal view is dramatic. When a religion preached charity the main thrust is that it comes from the heart of the donor. It is voluntary, not mandated. The old Christian churches used to teach that people should tithe,or give 10% of their income to charity,but that idea has lost favor. Today charity is measured by what you can afford and what you actually give.

On the other hand liberal belief is that charity is a mandate and one must give. The mandate is in the form of taxes. Yes taxes are a form of charity to the extend that taxes exceed what the government needs for operation of government uses. (Namely,defense,infra structure and civil rule. Liberalism adds the concept of taking the money from one class and doling it out to another class. Where does the moral right to steal the money from a working man and give it to some one else. I find no mention of this in either canon laws or any set of morals. Only in civil law written by liberal politicians. The reason for this is self evident, it empowers the politician. In a later blog I will go into the concept that this causes economic slavery.

The comparison of liberalism and religion will continue in my next blogs. Please stay tuned. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 7, 2009

Liberalism as a religion


I would like to take some time to spell out how the liberal agenda is really a religion in disguise. This may sound like some far fetched idea but a close look at fact will disclose otherwise.

The first issue that I will address is abortion. Liberals support abortion rights by saying the right to an abortion is a right for women. Abortion is a termination of a conception (I like to use the expression life) but what about the male. Doesn't the father have any right, he caused the conception. To just ignore the father is to cut his rights off. Liberals dismiss this because it fits into their concept of morality. Isn't this really a religious issue.

Another aspect of a liberal agenda is the fact that abortion is based on the woman to control her body. How come the same point of view is not used when we consider the question of obese people. Don't they have the right to control their body? Why use two different standards? It fits into the liberal concept of control over the population which is based on an underlying concept of superiority. Liberals feel they are smarter than the rest of us, and therefore they must dictate how we conduct our lives. Sounds like a religion to me.

How do we combat this attitude, start by reminding people that because they have college degrees they are not the smartest person in the room. A few letters after yur name do not make you better than the average Joe. I future writings I will give more examples to show the parallel between liberalism and religion.

Keep praying for our service men and women. (Note I am not against religion,but I do oppose using religion to force me to accept your agenda)
GOD Bless

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Renewed call for a flat tax


Anyone who knows me knows that I am a strong advocate for the flat or fair tax. Most people do not know much about how it works or what the effect would be. I am writing this in the hope that I can clear up some of the misconceptions about the tax.

There are several advantages to using this tax structure, probably the major advantage is that it tends to limit the power of the federal government. The only way there can be a tax increase is to raise the rate of tax. That means that the lobbyists and other "power brokers" in DC would be severely curtailed. They derive their power through political donations in exchange for favorable legislation, including tax legislation The power they wield would be diminished and transferred to the people. Imagine, the American people having the power to control their own financial destiny. Great.

With the diminishing of power in DC would come the lessening of the desire to serve perpetually in public elected office. Read between the lines, term limits. There is a saying, "Money is the mothers milk of politics", a flat tax would cut off this supply. The American people would dictate how much tax is sent to DC because the public controls spending.

The Internal Revenue Service could be retrained to do other federal duties. Every body gains. I only hope that there can be a ground up movement to implement this tax.

Please continue to remember our brave warriors and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Job creation


Now the push is on to create jobs. In one simple easy to understand sentence, "Lower taxes".

Is this a cure-all? It has worked in the past and we have no reason to suspect otherwise. Why not gibe it a try? No one will blame the job crisis on a tax cut. Of course the politicians don't wnt to see job creation, they would rather have everyone out of work and dependent on the government for handouts. This brings me to my repeat mantra, we elect politicians, not statesmen. Just once I would like to see what the people would do if we got our wish for real change.

A criticism of the president and his job summit is that he did not invite any small business representatives to get input. Is this any way to solve a problem? I say no. Mr Obama, Where is your leadership and change?"

One area where I do not want change is the prayers that we Americans offer for the benefit of our protectors. Keep them in mind.
GOD Blass

Friday, December 4, 2009

Catholic Church and abortion


I write this not as a spokesperson for the Catholic Church but as an interested party. I was raised a Catholic so I may be partial, but I will try to let logic dictate my opinion.

It is a given that the Catholic Church opposes abortion, that is, unless you are House Speaker Pelosi. The problem seems to be in the execution of that fact. There are those individuals who believe in separation of church and state and use that doctrine as a reason for the Catholic Church to but out of the abortion debate. The United States Supreme Court has not really defined their interpretation of the Constitution and how it applies. Remember the Amendment has two prongs and both are of equal weight.

Many Catholic politicians openly support the right of a woman to an abortion, this causes the conflict by triggering the question of separation of church and state. It was brought to publ9c attention with the case of Congressman Kennedy and the Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island.

Here is my take. The Catholic Church is dogmatic, no abortion. Catholic politicians vote in congress according to their own beliefs. The Catholic Church does not dictate how to vote, but instead says,,"If you vote for abortion rights, you suffer the consequences of excommunication from the church." This is a valid decision of the Catholic Church. It is within their province to judge their own. Many liberals would have yu believe that the Church is meddling in civil affairs. Honestly, do they have any argument. Fuzzy thinking (a liberal trademark) seems to dictate. I wish the politically correct would stop meddling in the management of the Catholic Church. We'ld all be better if they did.

Please continue to pray for our brave defenders.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Job summit


Today the president held a "job summit". It was at the White House and there were several participants were invited. (Not the 2 crashers who reportedly looking for a reality TV series) What strikes me as erroneous wis the fact that no representatives from any type of business or trade association were present. In my opinion these parties would have some thing to add. The president didn't invite them because he only wanted to hear that which furthers the agenda he is pushing. This is another example of poor leadership, a good leader would at least hear all sides and get ideas. The president has once again shown his complete misunderstanding of what it means to be a leader. Willhe ever learn? I doubt it. We can only hope and pray that he sees the light.

Mean while continue to pray for our warriors safety.
GOD Blass

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghan strategy


President Obama has delivered his speech and I was not surprised t all. It was every thing that I expected from him, pure political and no substance.

His announcement of an exit strategy just in time for the next presidential election cycle came as no surprise. Once again Obama shows no ability to lead. He pledges troops to appease the hawks but then sets a date for quitting just to give some thing to the doves. Is this the leadership the American people deserve? I don't think so. Remember the book by Tom Brokaw +The Greatest Generation", do you think that Obama would be recorded in that book? The people that Brokaw spoke about were real Americans, Obama hardly qualifies. The terrorists must be planning to go into hiatus until the withdrawal date set and then God knows what.

We need some spun and leadership. Why didn't Obama pledge troops until victory was won? That's what we deserve.

Meanwhile keep praying for the safety of our brave troops.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Presidents speech


This evening the drama is over, President Obama will deliver his speech about the troop surge in Afghanistan. All the previews and early press releases indicate that he will send some more troops. The number will be less than the generals asked for but will be a substantial amount.

Many people would like to say that I am "looking for the hair in the egg" by being critical of the president so I will answer these critics. This decision should have been made a few months ago, it wasn't made because the decision was based on politics, not the welfare of America. A good leader would have made his decision and then acted on it, but Obama decided to hold off on the announcement for a period of several months. It also strikes me as ironic that the speech is said to have an announcement of a time line for withdrawal. Even more ironic is the fact that the withdrawal time line will be just before the 2012 presidential election. Please don't call me a cynic but this stinks to high heaven. Pure politics, plain and simple.

There is one real long shot, maybe the president has finally realized he must be a leader, but it is still a long shot. I rue the fact that we elect politicians and not statesmen in this country. Obama is such a choice.

Well let's wait for the speech and see. Keep up your prayers for our brave service men and women.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama still doesn't get it


I am amazed at the complete lack of understanding on the part of our president. Specifically I refer to the War on Terror. In my opinion we made a serious mistake when we elected Obama. The inexperience of Obama is starting to show with the inability to make a good judgment call on the war. His generals have asked for more troops in order to conduct the war, but yet Obama continues to vacillate. Why? Because he is fearful of offending some of his political base with a decision. My point is that this lack of ability to carry out the duties of president (commander in chief) shows he is not up to the job. His delaying tactics puts our national security more at risk. I thought that Obama swore to do what was necessary to defend our nation.

The Nobel Prize committee may accept his inaction but should we? We need a strong leader to preserve our national dignity, not a wishy-washy person. It is early to speculate about the 2012 presidential election, any thing can happen, but, at this time I lean towards Sarah Palin. She has shown a willingness to change the way our elected officials play politics with decisions. Let's keep our hopes up that she runs and wins. We could use some fresh air in Washington.

Continue to pray for our brave heroes.
GOD Bless

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Who are trying to fool?


Today I would like to discuss some thing that seems like a typical congressional move. Some democratic senators claim to be against the health care reform bill going through the senate. When it was time for a vote on procedural matters, they voted to let the bill pass out of committee and go to the floor. Once on the floor these senators say they will oppose the bill. Here is where the rub comes in. On procedural votes the senate needs 60 votes to stop a filibuster. When the bill reaches the floor it only needs 50 votes. In effect by voting to pass the bill out of committee they are actually voting for the bill itself. Because of the difference in votes needed these same senators can vote against the bill, and say "I voted against the bill". The whole truth is that this is nothing more than a political ploy, the senators can have it two ways. Is this democracy? Do we, the American public, deserve this? H*** NO. I wish these people would just listen to the tea parties and the town hall meetings. Listen to what the public is saying.

We can still hope and pray that the senate will get this message and do the right thing.

Meanwhile pray for our brave servce people.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 27, 2009

New York trials for 9/11 terrorists


This is the most absurd decision that the Obama administration has made. There is no sane reason to expose our national security to this kind of treatment. We saw in the earlier trial of terrorists how they manipulate the court just for the notoriety of it. In effect Obama, acting through Attorney General Holder is rehashing the so called torture and misdeeds supposedly committed under Bush. This is old history and we need not hear this again. Of course the real objective of Obama is to keep the Bush presidency on trial. If Obama were a true leader he would not act this way. One never gets respect by tearing down some one else. All that will be achieved is the degrading of the United States. This is a perfect example of what I mean when I say (see earlier blogs) we elect politicians, not statesmen. Perhaps in future elections we will get a real leader as a candidate and then we can elect that person president and restore dignity to the White House. I might add that so far I have seen Sarah Palin as such a person. I hope she runs and wins. We can only wait and see.

Please continue to pray for our military.
GOD Bless

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What has happened toour pop culture


Today is Thanksgiving Day and I would like to remind all that we set this day aside to thank the Almighty for our blessings. We eat, visit with family and friends and watch football. That is the American way.

One thing which is not the American way is our "Politically correct" behavior. We have become a nation of hyphenated people. A nation where one cannot express an opinion without hearing some one say that your opinion is based on a bias, or that it is harmful to some group of people.

My feelings are that we should correct this, and correct it both speedily and forcibly. For beginners, stop using such terms as African-American, Latino, Chicano or native American. We are all Americans, not hyphenated Americans. The use of these definitions only serves to make us feel alienated from each other. Politicians jump at the chance to exploit this. Just ask yourself, How many times have I heard some politician say something to drive a wedge between classes of people. Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear politicians discuss real issues, not some drummed up rhetoric aimed at dividing the population? What would they say if they could not use such phony issues or phrases as, "tax cuts for the poor, more insurance coverage for the elderly, better benefits for the military? Most of the politicians would have to address real problems. Think of all the "windbags" we would get rid of. We can only keep hoping and trying our best to stop the PC attitude. If each of us does try we can get rid of this. Please try.

White I ask you to try I add please pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Media bias


I am writing this blog to show how the media just doesn't get it. If you were to read about Sarah Palin in the mainstream media you would draw the conclusion that she is incompetent, not too swift and not experienced enough to serve as president of the United States. I will try to show how these so called headlines are driven not by the desire to publish a fair vision of the news but rather a distorted view which the media has.

Sarah Palin has served as a governor of a state. The state was run very well under her tenure but the media conveniently neglects to mention this. How come? There was no such reporting when Obama ran for president.

I saw a picture of a gathering of a crowd outside a store which was hosting her book signing. The crowd was large, but the photo was buried inside the paper. When a liberal makes news and gathers a crowd the main stream media break their collective necks to publish the photo on page 1. Again, how come?

When reporters discuss Palins interviews on TV they always harp on the moments which the media feels will show her in a poor light. Questions are always aimed at getting an answer which will make her look foolish. Why dont they ask fair questions? Is it because they fear that Palin will show a clear and lucid thinking process? Come on media, get with it.

A fair and honorable media is essential to our way of life, is it too much to ask for that courtesy?

Keep the faith in America and keep praying for the safety of our armed warriors.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 23, 2009

Catholic Bishops stance on abortion


Today I heard that the Roman Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island issued a statement in which he said that Congressman Kennedy should not receive the Catholic sacrament of communion. This is a valid decision for the bishop to make, it fits directly into his job description.

Before I go further please let me explain myself, I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state. Our forefathers put this into our constitution for a good reason. While we are basically a Christian nation, we as Americans do not want any government agency to infringe upon the religious beliefs of others. Christian leaders are excluded from making civil laws. Good.

The problem comes in when the constitution is interpreted by liberal judges who would write the law so as to create non existent rights, and to prevent the people from exercising their right to obey the rules of the church of their choosing. This leads to politically correct nonsense which causes resentment and ill will. But that is to be expected when activist judges use the bench to make law.

The case of the Catholic bishop is not one of making law, but, rather one of enforcing church law. The statement does not say that catholic legislators must vote to stop abortion. The heart of the statement says that if the legislators choose to continue to champion abortion rights, then, under those conditions the legislator will be excluded from the Catholic church. This is certainly within the scope of the church.

I think it is about time that the bishops got tough with the so called catholic legislators, hooray for the Bishop of Rhode Island.

Now let us use our constitutional rights to practice religion as we see fit, and pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Where does health care lead us


My title is a question and I would like to try and answer the question. Most people want heallth care reform but, here's the catch, these same people want a sane and sensible reform package.

Most of the programs being tossed about in congress fail to answer the real problem, but instead focus on how to make a government take over more palatable. Guess what, a government take over is not palatable with the vast majority of Americans. The people have spoken through polls, town hall meetings and tea parties. The real problem is that the congress refuses to acknowledge these wishes. As usual liberal thinking comes up with the philosophy that "they" know better. Well they don't.

If congress were serious about health care, the first problem they should address is the high cost of the coverage of insurance in place already. Much of the cost is attributable to malpractice insurance. The malpractice insurance is high because of runaway jury awards. Congress need not take away the patients right to sue, only they should adjust the award process. Currently juries can award punitive damages. These are awards aimed at punishing the medical practitioner. The law can be changed to eliminate these excessive and unnecessary chrges. If we were to eliminate the punitive damage portion of awards then the patient would still get his/her fair compensation for any harm and the doctor would pay less insurance. This savings could be passed to the patient in the form of lower charges for medical services.

The next area of reform needed is the limitation placed on insurers which prohibits carriers from writing policies across state lines. Under the current system carriers have little or no competition because not all carriers write policies in all 50 states. If the federal government were to eliminate this cross state prohibition then carriers would open up new markets and compete with carriers in all states. Competition would drive the prices down and the patient benefits. Of course the only people who oppose this are the malpractice trial lawyers. (Just remind yourself how much money Edwards made on the tobacco settlements). Congress should put the people first, not the special interest such as trial lawyers. We can only pray that they do so.

When you pray for our brave service people add a prayer that congress will be blessed with the wisdom to do the right thing. Thank you.
GOD Bless

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Health care and Pres Obama


Today the congress is debating a health care reform package. There is a divide in congress especially in the democratic side of the aisle. The president is pushing for his version which is socialized medical care for the people but the polls show that people do not want a government take over.

The president has tried to "bribe" the Lou8isiana senator to vote for his version He has done this by promising a great amount of money to Louisiana to help pay for the states share of medicaid and medicare. Is this leadership. Why is the president pushing for a health care reform when the people don't want one. A good leader would reflect the opinion of the people and do the right thing. The president seems to be more interested in his image and taking over the American economy. Where is the change, where is the leadership. Mr Obama has been a disappointment so far. He has not shown any thing except his own ego and a complete disdain for the will of the people. Small wonder that his poll numbers are going down. We deserve better.

The congress people who go along with this "bribe" so not show any leadership or courage either. I thought the pork was being cut out of our spending. I quote John F Kennedy - "Ask not what your country could do for you,,but what could you do for your country". Mister president and members of congress please reread these words and act accordingly.

While we wait for congress to act let us not forget our brave protectors. Pray for them.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 20, 2009

The president and lack of leadership


Today some one send me an e-mail with a joke. Sadly, the joke rang too true. The joke said that a fast food chain is coming out with an Obama cabinet special chicken meal - all left wings and a**holes. I don't know if I should laugh or cry at the truth behind that joke.

We are faced with a government which is being run by extremely left leaning thinkers. The institutions that we know are under attack and we almost seem powerless to do anything about it. We have to wait until the mid-term elections before the American people speak out. I don't mean to imply that we lost freedom of speech, but we have lost control over how our elected officials vote and govern. The only defense we have is our protection under the Constitution which guarantees our freedom of speech. Exercise that power, let congress know how we feel. Maybe we can sway some wavering congress people and make them reconsider their vote. I certainly hope so.

The president should exercise his power and voice to stop such things as the civilian trial of the terrorists, the failure to investigate ACORN, the meddling with the investigation of the Fort Hood terrorist massacre (the president doesn't want it called an act of terror). The list goes on. For all of you who voted for Obama, are you happy with the direction tha country has taken?

There is still hope. Keep your confidence in America and the American people.

Please continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, November 19, 2009

When do we get a leader?


I am upset by the actions of both President Obama and Attorney General Holder. Neither of these men seem to show any concern for doing the right thing but rather doing what is politically expedient. I am referring to the trial of the terrorists.

I wish some one could explain to me why they should get treated as American residents when they are nothing but terrorists. By moving the trial to a civilian court and on American soil the terrorists are guaranteed all the same rights as the average "Joe citizen". Does this stink, or what?

It should be obvious to any one with some sense of understanding that the only reason for this is to put Bush on trial. Yes, the ex president. This civil trial will only give the terrorists a sounding board for venting anti American rhetoric. We will hear all about water boarding, sleep deprivation and countless other torture methods employed by our government. It will serve only to reinforce the bad image the outside world has of us. If Obama was a true leader he would put an end to this. But he would rather have the embarament of former president Bush than the protection of the American people. This is not a campaign mode, Obama already has won, now it is time for him to lead. That is what the American people elected him for.

How many people really are satisfied with Obama now?

In the mean time please pray for our brave heroes who defend our nation.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 16, 2009

More government take over


I read a story )unconfirmed) that the liberal democrats, led by Obama, are talking about a federal seizure of the public transportation systems throughout the United States. If this is so, we have another arrogant move by the administration to socialize the country. What is going on?

The ironic part of this is that the federal government is trying to control the commuter rai systems but they cannot operate Amtrak at a profit. Lost in all of the budget shortfalls is the annual losses of the Amtrak operation. Yes, we pay for it in taxes. Now the talk is to add more rail systems, is this a case of the inmates running the asylum, or what? Why do liberals think that when one of their own gets elected to public office they suddenly get a rush of knowledge about every thing? Personally I think it is an arrogant assertion of the idea that the liberal establishment is smarter than the rest of us.
Many liberals feel that because they have a slew of initials after their name they are the "mental elite". The rest of us are just bumbling idiots who have to be led around by the nose. I cannot believe this attitude. Just think of it, they know how to spend the money we earn, tax us and create government programs that hand our money to some body else. They know that they can better raise our children, after all they are "superior". I think that if we know how to have and raise kids we also know what moral standards we wish to instil in these children.

I have mentioned it before but it requires repeating, the congress had to privitize their own cafeteria. Now they want to run all sorts of businesses. Heaven help us.

We can still remember our brave warriors and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We are a rudderless ship


This blog will attempt to show that under the Obama administration the United States is like a rudderless ship.

An examination of the facts leads us to draw this conclusion. The generals conducting the War on Terror ask for more troops. Pbama has delayed for months, now he says he will announce his decision. I was under the impression that Obama was capable of making decisions under duress, was I wrong' I shudder to think that both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got it right during the presidential primary season, Mr Obama is not capable of answering the "red phone" Current events have brought us to this conclusion.

In other areas the president does not seem to have a handle on what decision to make. The incident with the Massachusetts policeman was one, another is the Fort Hood massacre. He calls one a stupid act but then says we must wait to get all the fact before jumping to any conclusion. Mr Obama, I got news for you - we have the facts, the Fort Hood shooter is an Islamofacist terrorist. Please do something, lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. We deserve better.

Until next time, stay alert. And continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fort Hood Tragedy


Before I go any further I would like to give my condolences to the families and loved one of the people of the victims of the Fort Hood tragedy.

The army major who did this is nothing more than a Islamic terrorist, and any one who doesn't see fit to call him that is just a victim of Politically correctness. Too many of our elected officials, media and others just don't get it. The major is Islamic, he got a weapon and finally he carried out a plot to kill innocent and almost defenseless people. If that doesn't fit into the definition of a terrorist, please tell me what does. The liberal establishment does not want to call the war on terror what it is, a war. Get real, the war started when the Iranians took our embassy while Carter was president. It may have lain dormant for a while but it is now rearing its ugly head. Only when the public faces that fact of what it is will we be able to properly carry out the mission of destroying radical Islam. Please make sure to read the word "radical", that is what differentiates yjr radical Islam and the rest of the religion.

I will voice my opinion in future blogs concerning the attitude of our leaders. Stay tunes.

Meanwhile pray for the victims, their families and all of our service people in harm's way.
GOD Bless

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm back


I was dormant for a while but now I'm back. I waited to blog because I was biding time while congress went over the medical insurance bill. I should have realized that it would take too long to pass.

My subject is the complete lack of leadership shown by the president. Some one pointed out that Obama is afraid of making a decision about troop levels in Afghanistan. This from the guy who was very critical of every Bush move. What a hypocrite. Obama has proven that both Hillary and Biden were correct when they said he is not prepared to be president. They are singing a different tune these days,and we have to pay the musicians. When are we going to learn to elect statesmen and not politicians? Soon, I hope.

Obama rushed to get the stimulus bill through because he wanted to catch the American people off balance, he did the same with the other bailouts and even the supreme court nomination. This guy is a loser. The only hope for the American people is to vote out congress next year and restore balance to the government.

Mr Obama, where is the leadership? Please reply.

Keep the faith and continue to pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prize - huh


I have not written for a while because I was waiting for the debate about medical insurance coverage to conclude with some kind of law, but the awarding of the Nobel prize got me peaked.

I have mixed feelings about the award. I like the idea of a sitting American president getting the award, however, I cannot understand why.

The award committee has just lowered itself to being a self serving political hack commission, not a grand and noble judging panel. The president was awarded the prize not for what he did, but rather what he said. How can the awards panel do this and claim to be an honest judge of a peace prize? Beats me.

In our pop culture there are already too many such unreliable panels. Here are a couple for you to consider.

Anyone who has any inkling about major league baseball has heard of Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Joe DiMaggio and Hank Aaron. Yet the panel that elects the members of the Baseball Hall of Fame has not seen fit to name these individuals without dissenting votes. How creditable is any one who does not see these above named athletes as deserving to be named? Not very much, in fact, they call their own credibility into question.

Now we can look at the Academy Awards, another incapable awards panel. Today the awards are the result of lobbying efforts and political friendships. Mel Gibson made a movie which grossed more than any movie before and yet it was not considered, not even for a nomination. It had nothing to do with artistic content but with the fact that Gibson was not one of the "in" crowd. Over the past years there is an evolving culture that dictates the voters (members) to vote not on artistic merit but rather on too many extraneous matters. Too bad, the academy awards once meant something.

This speaks badly for the pop culture of the country. We need to turn it around and we need to do it quickly before it chokes us. Please do your part to stop these kinds of misgivings.

Start by praying for the safety of our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama and health care


The much awaited speech re health care came and went and I don't know any more about it than I did before the speech. The "glib" president didn't come across with any new explanations of his agenda, same old trite proposals. The American public has rejected these proposals but the democrats still are trying to push them off on us. I just wish that the republicans will hold and get enough blue dog democrats in the senate to defeat this terrible bill.

The one thing that amuses me is the so called cooperative insurance carriers. In my writing I have said that a MUTUAL type of insurance carrier would tend to lower costs. The big difference between my idea and that which is floated about in congress is that under my plan the mutual company would compete in the market place, not be over regulated by the government. Government regulation only serves to cause inefficiency and waste. (Amtrak, Post Office, Medicare and Medicaid, (remember Obama is saying there is enough waste to pay for the covering of the uninsured), and the congressional cafeterias, etc. The list of government management failures should serve as a caution for any federal takeover. Ann Coulter pointed out last night on a talk show that Bernie Maddoff and his Ponzi scheme was under federal over sight. Look at what that got us. Do we need more of the same? I hope not

Stay tuned as I will write about Obama and his dealings with some shady organizations. Interesting.

Pray for the soldiers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

health care


In the last blog I forwarded some ideas for health care reform. I also deferred the reforms concerning those who are uninsured,not I will address that part of the problem.

There have been several numbers tossed around and I feel that we must first determine just how many people we are talking about, after all, if we don't define the problem how can we fix it?

The usual number is 65 mil, (no matter because any number is only an estimate). Let's discuss a large chunk of these,the illegal immigrants. My thought is that we owe these people nothing,especially health care that we pay with our taxes. By removing this group we are now talking about a more manageable number. There is another large segment of the uninsured population, the young who opt not to have coverage. They work under the theory that they need a doctor only a few times, therefore, they self insure. A government plan would force these people to buy insurance, why? Shouldn't these young people have the right to choose how they spend their money? After all,they knew how to earn the money, they must be intelligent enough to know how to spend it. Leave these people alone. Let the youth learn what is important in their own lives, this would serve to strengthen their life resolve.

The next group, mostly the very wealthy, choose to self insure. Again my thought is to leave them alone. The government wants to force them to get coverage, and even worse, the government wants the taxpayers to pay. Do we need to spend our tax dollars on insuring people like Bill Gates?

When you take out those who fall into the above groups you have a more manageable number. Most of these would want insurance so we should make it more affordable. If we were to follow the suggestions outlined in my previous blog. many in this group could afford coverage. For those who don't. I would create an assigned risk type of pool. This was used in many states to insurance high risk auto drivers, why not use it in the health care field? Insurance companies would be compelled to write some percentage of this pool, probably based on what they write on policies outside the pool. Cheaper yes, and the best part is that it lets us only pik up the tab for the truly needy. We would see this through higher premiums on policies written outside the pool.

As fr now the subject is still under consideration, these are ideas which I feel would help us all, after all we are the people who pay taxes for any plan. Stay tuned.

Pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, September 7, 2009

Government healthcare


There is a lot of discussion going on concerning government health care, now I am adding my opinion.

To really understand this situation we must look at the entire health care situation. We find it divided into segments with two glaring areas ripe for improvement. The first is the many uninsured and the second is the problems of cos and transferability of the insurance already in place. Lets address them separately.

For the easier problem involving cost and transferability there is an easy solution. Currently insurance companies are not allowed to write health care insurance across state lines. When you consider that we allow auto and life insurance companies to cross state lines, doesn't it make sense to allow health care companies to have the same opportunities. The lobbyists for the AARP and other groups that get monies from insurers claim that this will led to higher costs. Just the opposite is true. If an insurer in Pennsylvania is cheaper than one in Washington,DC, you can solve the problem by allowing the carrier in Pennsylvania to write insurance for DC Contrary to what these lobbyists say the insurance companies that charge lower premiums would not increase premiums, but, in order to keep customers, they would be forced to keep premiums low. Raising premiums only keeps new customers from changing their coverage. The higher priced coverage is the one that would lose and in order to keep their existing customers and attract new ones, those insurance carriers would have to lower their premiums. Now just multiply this scenario by the carriers in all states and you can see how the market place supply and demand principle would have a serious effect on lowering premiums.

The second problem facing those who have adequate coverage is the thing known as "preexisting conditions". This is usually one of the problems when an insured moves across state lines and must get new coverage. If we correct the requirement that only in state residents can be covered, we basically solve this problem. Why are politicians so reluctant to use common sense and pass this type of legislation? The American people deserve better from our elected leaders.

Another area of correction is the modification of tort reform legislation. Doctors and health care provider pay an enormous amount of money for malpractice insurance. Actually, we pay it through higher doctor fees. If we were to adopt some form of a cap on damages, especially punitive damages, we could lower costs. Again this is a problem for politicians because they serve special interests, namely groups like trial lawyers. Why don't the politicians look out for the people? I repeat, we deservebetter.

Still another area of correction that can be made is in the advertising of prescription medications. We've seen them all over our TV sets. They always add a caution to talk to your doctor. Great, but if my doctor needs me to tell him what prescription medicine is good for my condition, I want another doctor. The cost of these TV ads is just added to the cost of the medicine, wouldn't you rather have that cost transferred to research where new and better medication could be developed. I know I would.

In my nest writing I will address the question of the uninsured, bear with me and stay tuned.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, September 4, 2009

Curt Schilling


By the title of this blog those of you who do not follow Major League Baseball may not recognize the name of Curt Schilling. Curt Schilling is a man who showed great dedication and work ethic when he pitched, especially in the World Series for the Boston Red Sox. Schilling is one who has had an interest in national politics even when playing professional baseball. The dedication that Schilling has shown is exactly what we need to clean up Washington. I prefer conservative candidates who have this zeal but even candidates who are honest, diligent and have good work ethics would be a great improvement over what we now have. Imagine, a politician who votes to do the right thing, not one who votes the pocketbook of special interests. Wouldn't that be a whiff of fresh air.

Not having political experience is a plus not a negative, the person is not tainted with the dirty money of the lobbyist or special interest.

Curt Schilling has expressed some possible interest in running to fill the seat left vacant by the passing of Ted Kennedy, I hope he runs and wins. All of my readers who would like to see some decent human beings run for office, please join me in doing whatever possible to see it happen.

Please remember our service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The lack of leadership is showing


It is finally showing, the White House and staff do not know what they are doing. We were warned by none other than our current Vice-president Joe Biden and our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. During the primary season both voiced doubt as to the qualification of Obama to be our president and now it is starting to show. The examples are many, the rushing through of the so called stimulus bill which was merely a pork barrel piece of legislation. The attempt to push through Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court Justice and now the complete breakdown if the health care reform bill.

We may be able to excuse and live with one but all of them. Hardly. This administration is totally without any type of leadership, only a hollow figurehead who reads from a teleprompter and is glib. Obama says one thing about investigation the CIA but the attorney general is doing the opposite. I know, the AG is supposed to be independent, but this is a blatant move by Obama, he can cover his rump by putting the blame on the AG. Pure politics, and not even good politics.

The latest is the attempt to brainwash children, (Goebbels anyone). No other president gave this type of speech to children, what is wrong,Mr Obama, does your dropping poll numbers worry you so much that you must grasp straws and go after the children? Mr Obama, where is the leadership?

More to come. Stay tuned.

Please pray for the troops.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Catholic Legacy of Ted Kennedy


It's time to express my feelings concerning the Catholic legacy of Ted Kennedy. I just read an editorial piece written by Tim Rutten who appears to write for the Los Angeles Times.

Mr Rutten states a case that Kennedy met with Catholic theologians and after discussion and debate Kennedy came up with the idea that Catholic politicians can be personally opposed to abortion and still allow the government to allow to procedure. It always seemed to me that to be a Catholic one must obey the teachings of the Pope on questions of faith and morals. That is what I was taught as a child, doesn't that apply today? Numerous Popes have stated that abortion is te taking of a life and therefore contrary to the teachings of JESUS CHRIST. How come Kennedy can support an opposing view and still claim to be a catholic? How can Mr Rutten defend the actions of Kennedy? The real reason is that these people live by a different religion, liberalism. We have seen it in the words of Speaker Pelosi, the actions of such other Catholic politicians such as Kerry, Giuliani, Durbin, Daschle and others who go around campaigning for the Catholic vote but then support abortion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Pope Benedict say that these people are publicly excommunicated? Why are we having this discussion, the old adage applies, "Rome spoke, the matter is closed."

Liberals live under the assumption that good intentions trump deeds. Then they define the meaning of good intentions. Does stealing the wages of working people (called taxes) and giving it to those who will not work constitute charity. Charity as taught by JESUS is supposed to be some thing which one gives from his heart, not legislated by politicians. We should get back to basic Christian teachings and straighten out the mess we have gotten ourselves into. I would love to see people run on a platform of "I will do the fair and just thing." Separation of church and state does not preclude this. This platform does not establish any single tenet or belief as government policy. Come on, we deserve better.

I ask you to do the right thing and pray for the safety of our service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 31, 2009

Mass hysteria


Today I would like to address the issue of mass hysteria as generated by the mass media.

The death of Senator Kennedy was covered as if he were the second coming of Christ. After seeing all the coverage I asked myself if we would have to wait the usual five year period for his canonization. The media sure knows how to over report a story. This is in no way intended to be any statement concerning the politics of the man but rather how we treat famous people. The list goes on, Michael Jackson, Princess Diane,etc. It borders on the sickening. The only consolation that I have is to simply shut off the TV, which I did. The best form of censorship that man has invented. In my opinion we should all turn off the TX or stop buying a newspaper when we get excess coverage. Maybe they will get the message. I certainly hope so. In the future I will address the political and moral ssues I have with the late senator, but for now, let him rest in peace.

Pray for our brave service peope.
GOD Bless

Sunday, August 30, 2009

More questions for Obama


I would like to direct to questions on this blog towards our president, Barack Obama.

I think there is a severe lack or leadership and direction in the country, Mr Obama is an example of what I mean. On one hand he claims that he is not in favor of investigating the CIA,but his Attorney Genera Eric Holder announces he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate. Who is running the ship of state? If Obama is really concerned about not prosecuting the CIA operatives he simply can issue a blanket amnesty. Matter closed. But, by not issuing any presidential pardon Obama can say, I didn't want the investigation,it was Holder's call This is clearly a political tactic. nothing else. I only hoe that the American people do nt fall fr it. We deserve better. To me this sows a lack of leadership on the part of Obama.

More and more I am convinced that when Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden said Obama was not ready to be president, they were correct. Now we must make the best f the situation. Remember,mour great nation can survive this assault on the American way. Keep the faith.

Pray for our brave servce men and women.
GOD Bless

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Health care fiasco

I was driving home when I heard a news report concerning the late Senator Kennedy. I said to my wife,, "How long before the democrats make a move to use his death as a means of getting a health care bill passed?" It didn't take long.

Can you believe the audacity of these characters? The body isn't cold yet and they are already calling for this sham of a reform bill to be rushed through and signed. Some of these characters really have thick skins, but we knew that. Senator Dodd, D-CT, is out front leading the charge. I guess we can expect this kind of behavior from him given what he has done so far in politics. Oh, to have statesmen elected instead of two bit politicians.

I deliberately did not comment on the Kennedy death because I feel we should have a temporary period of mourning and respect for the family, the public debate can wait for a few days.

There will be some further comments concerning the health care reform debate, stay tuned.

Meanwhile,pray for our brave service people and include a prayer for Ted Kennedy, let GOD judge him now.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 24, 2009

Health Care & the democratic party line


If you have been following my writing you are aware that I am not particularly fond of the proposed health care options that the democratic party has advanced. I especially dislike the idea that you will have a single payer system. The democrats, elected ones and pundits would have you believe that it is the republicans who re holding up any reform. Let's look into the facts.

Despite what democrats say they have enough votes in both houses to pass any reform they wanted. Republicans cannot stop them. Yesterday on Fox News I heard Juan Williams, a pundit that I admire, say some things that gave me reason to pause. He stated the democratic party line, republicans are negative and should come on board for reform. This falls short in logic, the democrats don't need the republican support. Point in case, they passed the stimulus and the pork barrel legislation in the finance bill without republican support. I can conclude that there is only one explanation, deep in their hearts the democrats sense that the health care reform bill will be a failure, and they are trying a CYA move so they can foist off some blame on republicans when the bill fails. I hope for the sake of us taxpayers the republicans do not fall for this move.

The second point the democrats are making is the use of so called co-operatives. Would any democrat please tell me where the difference is between a government controlled co-op and a government agency. The bureaucrats would dictate price, extent of coverage, where and how much coverage is to be given and the rest of the garbage associated with the one party payer. We pay taxes for these people's salary and we will pay for any costs associated with any change, don't we deserve better? I know I think so. Please write to your cngressmn and tell him how youfeel.

Continue to pry for the servce people.
GOD Bless

Friday, August 21, 2009

Is this leadership?


This blog is written to show the complete lack of leadership and character that is missing in our President, Barack Obama.

With the polls showing a free fall for his Obama care, he turns to religion to reverse the tide. In his speeches he alludes and even cites biblical expressions, what a joke. This from a man who spent 20 years going to a church where the minister blasphemes, Reverend Wright damned the United States, if Obama is a true Christian he would have condemned the speech of Reverend Wright. It was politically expedient at that time to endorse or overlook such speech. Doesn't that show good leadership?

If that isn't enough Obama also shows his lack of compassion and leadership by failing to stand for a position on Partial Birth Abortion. When Obama served in the Illinois legislature he voted "present", which translated into normal language means "I don't want to commit to any ideal or tenet". I ask again, Is this leadership?

During the election campaign Obama promised no more ear marks. The first budget bill he signs contains thousands of these ear marks. Does a leader start his reign by lying? Is this leadership?

So far Obama has shown himself to be a liar, a charlatan and now a hypocrite. I ask the question again, "President Obama, where is the leadership?"

Pray for our nation and especially for our brave military.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Health care - who is lying


This is being written to try to crystallize the health care debate in my own mind. Every body is throwing around sound bites and bits about how the other side is "stretching the truth". Now its my turn, only I will try to tell what I perceive as truth.

My question is, How can we add 25 million (estimated) new patients without any visible means of increasing health care providers? The counter is that we already treat these people in emergency rooms, hence no need to increase doctors, just move them around. The logic of this point of view escapes me, it does not address the fact that if "free" medical care is provided to those who are not now covered, these people will see doctors more often and many times when there is no emergency. By logic this new Obamacare will cause a shortage of medical providers. The answer down the road will be rationing.

Is there any one who believes any government estimate of future costs? If there is, let's sell that person the Brooklyn Bridge. Buying the Brooklyn Bridge makes about as much sense as trusting the government to estimate future costs. The only conceivable way to curb costs, rationing health care (see above), increasing taxes, cutting down on reimbursement to providers, and setting up a panel to deny care to the elderly are all self defeating. Is any of these methods what we really need or want? I say no. For example just look at the other government run businesses, Congressional cafeterias (they switched from congressional control to privatization), Amtrak, a social security system which is being bankrupt by the very same congress and president who are trying to sell us on Obamacare, medicare, the list goes on.

It seems to me to be basic to our Constitutional rights that we, the American people exercise our RIGHT to Free Speech. The arrogant politicians feel they are elite and do not have to listen. Boys and gals, the party is over, the giant (American people) is awake and is speaking. Shouldn't you politicians listen, and not try to mock us? Boy when are these politicians going to get the message, we are angry.

I will try to keep up on the medical care takover in future writings. Stay tuned.

Now I ask that you pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health care contiinued


Today I will address some additional thoughts concerning the pending legislation about government health care reform. It seems to me that we have conceded the fact that our free market system has caved under to a government plan. We can only limit the government plan to one which regulates health care, but does not dictate the care. That must be between doctor and patient. If they choose to include family it is their option,and it never should be mandated, especially by the government (bureaucrats). Having said that I think that the system would be best served by some change.

Previous blogs have spelled out some reforms, but these should be added.

A cap or some other control on tort legislation must be written into the law. It must NOT be a government supervised cap but one which takes into account the free market, the actual harm done to the patient, the degree of culpability on the part of the medical provider. One way this can be done is by use of a similar panel or board as we now have in most states to govern Workers Compensation (WC). WC panels are legally empowered to give damages in lieu of a negligence tort suit. Both parties present their evidence and the board makes a decision based on the evidence. The reason it works is that the board members are not influenced by the fact that an insurer is actually paying most claims. The emotional effect of a jury system is eliminated. Medical providers have an option, provide WC insurance coverage offered by a licensed entity, or pay out of pocket. The vast majority (if not all) would opt for the insurance option. This would offer an incentive for providers to be effective and do good work or else they face an exorbitant cost for insurance. The providers who do better work will find that the premiums they pay decreases. The providers who do poorly will either subsidize the others or improve, it is a matter of economics and business sense.

It is repetitive but the other aspect of health care reform include (but not limited to) all federal employees from the president to the park ranger must be covered by the same plan as the taxpayers. It is my understanding that Sen T Kennedy, D-MA, has written an amendment that would exclude congress from the new changes when made. Real leadership and a lot of care for the poor and the people of the country.

Private insurers must be allowed to cross state lines and write insurance for out of state residents. Yesterday on Fox Cable News there was a spokesman (lobbyist) for the AARP, his objection was that allowing insurers to cross state lines would serve to drive up the price of the lesser expensive carriers. Either this man has been in DC too long or he has poor human nature skills. The lower cost carrier would attract the people and would not raise prices to match the prices that the higher carriers charge. To do so would only drive the customers back to the other carriers. The mission of insurance companies is to sell insurance, not drive customers away. True unsubsidized competition would do this and would be achieved.

Another option is the use of co-ops or mutual companies. These are policy holders owned and the profit factor is therefore greatly reduced. I see this as a win-win situation. As an added feature,a mutual company would serve to diminish the lower priced carriers from raising prices. It would be economic suicide.

Let's pray our elected politicians make these changes, we need them.

Pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The cure for health care


As I write, a strong debate is going on in the nation, how to fix health care. Previously I mentioned I would have some possible solutions, well, here they are.

The president keeps talking about how his government subsidized system would mean competition. The fallacy of that argument is that it would do the exact opposite. How can anybody compete with a government subsidized company or agency? The truth is that it would not be done because to do so would be a blueprint for failure. The president has ulterior motives, to drive all into government controlled health care. If Obama really wants to introduce competition into the equation, there is a simple way, without government control. Presently health care insurers cannot operate across state lines, why not just lift this ban? Insurers would compete against one another and the more efficient and better run carriers would survive. The free market place wold take care of that. Insurers could operate at a lower cost and build these cost savings into their price structure.

Another method would be to allow more mutual companies to write health care insurance policies. The profit motive is greatly diminished because the policy holders own the company and it would be in their best interest to pay a lower premium. Every body wins.

It seems to me that the real reason behind the liberal push for health car reform is to take over control by the government, not to look out for the people. This speaks volumes to the leadership of both the president and the congress. We need REAL CHANGE.

The president has "lied" about who supports his plan, he has used a child, a daughter of one of his minions, to ask a prearranged question at a town hall meeting. Is this leadership? I say no.

Keep writing and letting your representatives now where you stand.

Continue to pray for the armed services.
GO Bless

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama and leadership(lack thereof)


I am in my seventies and I never thought that I would see another American president as bad as Carter, well, surprise, along came Obama. This man is in completely over his head, he is still running a political campaign, and not operating out of a leadership position.

On foreign policy he either ends or allows Bill Clinton to go to North Korea and negotiate for the release of the 2 reporters. Sounds nice, but at what price? I hear rumblings that the price is a one on one negotiation between North Korea and the United States. Iran is looking to see what ensues. This is the worst possible scenario possible and Obama has gotten the United States into this corner. Please,no more debacles.

On domestic policy, Obama is running a scare tactic campaign to have congress pass socialized medicine. In his "rigged" town hall meeting he asserts that the AARP endorses his reform. My understanding is that only one of the directors of AARP( a Democratic contributor) is in agreement with his plan. Is there a need to lie. The lie is made because the plan is too weak to stand on its own, fool the American people. A good example of "leadership".

Please continue to press your representatives and tell them not to pass this legislation. In my next blog I will address an alternative plan. Stay tuned.

Now I ask, please pray for our brave men and women in the service.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 10, 2009

We are finally getting through


Well for once it is starting to look as if the politicians in Washington are getting the picture. I am encouraged by news reports about some democrats who have expressed points of view contrary to the "party talking points".

One house member actually voiced concern about the tea parties/town hall meetings and said he believes that they are not the fully staged affairs the democratic party would have you believe. The voice of the people is starting to get through.

On another front a democratic senator has stated that he would possibly favor a health care bill without the one payer inclusion. I only hope that this is the start of the congress finally listening to the wants of the people. Let's hope so.

The people have shown that they want to be heard and now we re getting results. Keep your eected representatives aware of how you feel.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, August 7, 2009

Open letter about health care


Before I go any further let me make one point clear, I consider myself a conservative and I do not live in any district represented by a congress person who favors the health care reform bill.

This letter is addressed to people like Congressman Doggett of Texas, Senator Spector of Pennsylvania and all others who espouse the so called health care reform.

It is in the form of a series of questions:

The proposed health care reform will dictate what kind of insurance my employer will cover me with, (please don't try to tell me there is choice, a government subsidized agency will offer lower premium insurance, so who is going to opt for the higher cost?) my question is simply this - If you dictate what my employer purchases for me, why don't you set an example, since the American public owns the government, let us choose your health plan?

The second question is about the latest talking points coming from Washington. Why are you trying to paint the people attending tea parties and town hall meetings as crazed, fanatic right wing locos? Did you say that about the civil rights marchers and protesters, did you say that about the illegal immigrants who had that march for illegal rights, did you say that about the environment activists when they demonstrated? I didn't hear any complaint from liberals, you lost your right to complain. What you are doing amounts to hypocrisy. We deserve better than that.

The last point I will make in this blog is one which has been said by many people, If government health care is so good, why don't you vote to cover congress and demonstrate just how good it is? Put your vote where your mouth is.

I only hope that some of you read this and reconsider your vote for this monstrosity.

Now please pray for our brave service people who serve so that we may have town halls.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Government health care


The battle wages on. On one side you have the politicians (mostly democrats) claiming that the protesters at town meetings are staged and placed to disrupt. (When the big orchestras played in Europe they called these people "clacks"). This is what the Democratic Party is trying to do with their talking points.

On the other side the people and certain media people are saying that it is the voice of the people. The problem is who is correct.

A look at the facts will reveal certain true facts. At least one town meeting was held by a Republican, would the Republican National Committee disrupt their own meeting? Hardly. The shortsighted view held by the politicians is that because it is orchestrated they need not pay attention. Let them feel this way, it's a one way ticket to losing an election. Boys and gals, this is the real thing. The American people are fed up with the elitism of the elected officials. We want representatives who listen, not dictate. Give us the courtesy of at least reading and digesting the bill before you try to sell it. Better yet, put your health care where your mouth is. This entire problem can be solved by simply making the proposed bill a law and cover only the federal employees including congress, the president and the cabinet. After all, if it is good for us it should be good for you. One Connecticut congressman (a democrat) has already done so. A one year trial period would determine if the plan does what it is supposed to do. I repeat, put your health care where your mouth is. That would be leadership.

My advise is to keep protesting until the insiders get it, freedom of speech is still in our Constitution. Keep up the work of letting your representative now your true feelings.

Continue to pray for our brave military personnel.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 3, 2009

Missing leadership


Here we go again. Over the weekend two top economic advisers to President Obama spoke on the Sunday talk shows and both said that the federal government would have to raise taxes on the middle class. The White House comes out and denies these statements. President Obama where is the leadership? Does your right hand know what your left hand is doing? Your actions and the actions of your aides indicate that the federal government is running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

A bigger concern that I have is the question of which statements are correct. If the aides are, then President Obama lied during his campaign when he said no taxes for the middle class. If the White House statements are correct, why are your aides allowed to run around like a pair of loose cannons? Either way, Mister President, it shows a complete lack of leadership. Please, we the American people deserve better. Be a statesman, not a two bit politician.

More to come.
Pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Todays Heroes


Today I would like to point out some real heroes who are living among us. My definition of a hero is one who does their duty and takes responsibility for themselves and helps others. Under this definition all you people who work, either at a job or as a homemaker fit, and deservedly so.

This is not to slight those people but merely to point out some noted individuals.

The recent presidential flap involving Sgt Crowley of the Cambridge, Massachusetts police comes to mind. Just think of the enormity of the situation, here is a policeman in a relatively quiet area of Boston and while answering a routine 911 call the sky descends upon him. Sgt Crowley did no wrong, he obeyed protocol when answering the call. It was the Professor who introduced race into the situation. The next thing the president is blabbering about it at a national news conference. The president even said the policeman acted "stupidly". Did they pile up on this patrolman, wow.

Sgt Crowley is an example of the hero that I admire, a regular "Joe" going about his daily life doing his job. Keep in mind that when there is trouble the average person moves away but the police, like our brave service people, move towards the hot spot. We don't hear the media hyping this but if a policeman does wrong, the media sharks go into a feeding frenzy. I don't have the clout of the media but I will make it a point to point out the heroism that these unsung police go through. To all police people,keep up the good work. Real people admire and respect you. Thanks for a job well done.

Please keep our heroes in mind and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Assertion of States Rights


Today I will concern myself with the question of states rights versus a central federal government.

When the founding fathers formed the nation the intent was to have a loosely defined federal government, limited in powers. That is evident in the catch all wording of the Tenth Amendment, all powers not given to the federal government are hereby reserved for the states. Unfortunately we have come to the point where the federal government has become a vast over reaching bureaucracy. The tenth amendment is shrinking. Much of this has been done by decisions of the Supreme Court, especially by justices who feel the need to legislate from the bench.

As usual the problem is how to reverse this trend. When President Obama named Sotomayor for the Supreme Court his intent was to continue the trend. The Senate should have asked her how she felt about making decisions based on emotion and political correctness rather than interpretation of the Constitution. Of course Obama named her because he wants a rubber stamp court which will find ways to justify his socialist takeover of our economy. Sotomayor fits the bill exactly.

There is a grassroots movement starting in several state legislatures, namely, the reassertion of the Tenth Amendment. The states are passing state laws which fly in the face of the decisions of the Supreme Court. The legislatures are basing their claims on the belief that if brought before the Supreme Court, states rights will triumph. Let's hope so.

More to come.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama and lack of leadership


This blog is about the complete lack of leadership on the part of President Obama. A blatant example is his inability to grasp the seriousness of the situation involving the Harvard professor and the Cambridge, Ma., policeman. A good leader would never have spoken on the subject but would have backed off using the acceptable explanation that at the time of the question, he(Obama) did not know all the facts. The entire matter blew up in his face.

A more serious example is his demeanor as President. One of the true traits of leadership is the understanding that the people who compromise "the flock" are the ones who are the true leaders. A good leader listens to the people being followed and merely acts as a helmsman and steers the ship of state. Instead of this, President Obama acts as if he is all knowing and tries to force his agenda on the people. During the presidential campaign the push was to vote early, why? It was done so the public would not have a chance to analyze his policies.

The stimulus package was pushed with the same urgency, "We must act fast or else the economy will go to h*** in a hand basket". Congress acted fast and it worsened the economy, (another case of screw the American public and reward the lobbyists). The cap and trade bill, ditto. Now the so called health care reform is being shoved down our throats. Would some one please explain to me how this is effective leadership?

It is our duty as Americans to speak out against these tactics and make our elected representatives know our feelings. If they choose to ignore us, then they must pay the price of ouster from office, nothing less.

Keep faith in America, we will weather this storm.

Pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The leadership is still missing


The president is at it again, the man shows no idea of leadership. I am referring to the incident involving the Harvard professor and the Massachusetts policeman.

To begin with the reporter who asked the question didn't use his "brains", after all why make a federal case of a simple misunderstanding. Obama compounds the stupidity by attempting to answer the question. He even acknowledges that he knows nothing of what happened and then he goes on to give an opinion and closes with a slap at the police. This is not leadership, this is just compounding a situation which would have just disappeared by running its course. A good leader would not have added fuel to the fire but would have diffused the situation by not taking any stance. He does know the facts, just don't run at the mouth. I wish some one would ask Obama how he is going to deal with North Korea, Iran, etc when he cannot handle this. Is that leadership?

The other part of the situation is what actually happened, the police records show that the patrolman was responding to a 911 call and was doing his duty properly. It was the professor who introduced the "race card". Professor Gates, isn't it about time that you atop acting like a constant victim and show some gumption. Stand on your own two fee like a man, don't be a whiner. We all would be better off if you did.

My final observation is the solution to this mess. The professor claims he is owed an apology but in reality the policeman is owed the apology. Both the president and the professor should end this by issuing a simple apology to the sergeant and the police. Obama hinted at setting up a meeting in the White House among the parties, not needed. In fact if I were that policeman I would not go to any such meeting. Let's wait and see how this unfolds.

Meanwhile continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Blass

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Obama health care and its relationship to illegal aliens


This is about the effect of the Obama health care bill going through congress now. The bill would give free (don't you believe it, you and I pay for it through taxes) health care. I just want to explain how I see the end result of this type of legislation. First the illegals come into this country against our laws, then we don't prosecute or even deport them. Instead we give them free education, clinic care and at the same time we exempt them from taxes. We bend over backwards to accommodate these ILLEGAL aliens by giving them these free services and if they do not know how to access these perks, we explain how in a foreign language. Is this really Christian care as we were taught?

The answer is simple, legislate a good, fair and honest piece of law that benefits all. We would give these illegals dignity, not the feeling of a dependent class of people. It would require a price to be paid, honesty and hard work. There are many ideas out there which would achieve the goal of dignity for the illegal aliens, please ask congress to pass legislation which would achieve the goal of honesty.

I will continue towrite about what Ifeel should be done, please stay tuned.

Pray forour brave service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Current pending legislation


Today I am writing about two pieces of legislation that are being considered by congress.

The first is the so called "cap and trade" which permits the sale of bogus tax credits for polluters. I wish some one could explain to me why this is even discussed. If pollution is such a grave worry, why permit it all. Legislate against it completely. But no, our corrupt congress and people like Al Gore stand to make millions of dollars from cap and trade. Amazingly, these people are the same who are the biggest donors to Obama, coincidence isn't it. This is change? This is leadership? Mr Obama, where is the leadership? Certainly not in Washington.

The second area that I am greatly concerned about is the government taking over the health care system. We have faults but we have the best health care in the world, Do some thing positive, alter the system so as to eliminate the flaws, don't scrap the entire system and replace it with some thing patterned after a plan that has proven not to work, socialism. Just remember what government managed businesses do. Here are some of the failures, social security (why does congress choose to cover themselves in a different plan that they force on the rest of us?), Amtrack, at a cost of how much over the years? The very cafeterias that congress eat in, they saw fit to privatize them. The housing industry, who do you think caused the foreclosures to rise? Congress and poor oversight. The banking system, certain individuals stand to make millions on the government bailouts, again donors to Obama. The auto companies, subsidizinf a business which is borderline profitable if at all.

There is a growing pattern here, a socialist takeover of the American economy. We elected these characters and we must vote them out as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more.

Pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, July 13, 2009

Where is the leadership?


Today I use a comment by Charles Krauthammer, "Where is the leadership?" Of course the question is aimed at President Obama and it certainly deserves an answer.

When Obama ran we heard the campaign rhetoric about change, a new direction and hope. So far we have gotten more and worse corruption, politics as usual and the complete disdain for the American public. So I add my voice, "Where is the leadership?"

When the stimulus package was pushed through congress by Obama it was really accelerated, no one had a chance to read or digest the provisions, The bill was loaded with earmarks, Obama promised no more ear marks. No leadership, why didn't Obama stop congress from adding the earmarks? Because he is a liar and a charlatan. Congress gave him what he wanted all along.

We were promised "clean and open government" where is it? Did we see any attempts to stop the practices of congress people like Dodd, and Frank. etc, did we see any move to stop Acorn, no way. Instead we get Acorn subsidized by taxpayer (our) money. Is this leadership? I know I don't think of this as leadership, how about you.

I will be writing about what is going on but for now I close with the thought that we must demand good government from our elected officials. Stay tuned.

Pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, June 22, 2009

What do we do with North Korea?


Much is being written about North Korea because the nation will not comply with the rules of decency and be a part of the community of nations. What do we do, and how far do we go?

First we should make certain that we engage other nations to help us, namely China and Japan. China wants a nuclear power in North Korea but China also wants to trade with the United States even more. I don't mean that we should back China against a wall, but, we should tactfully remind them that we are a good trading partner. Both our economies rely heavily on United States and China trade. A gentle, tactful reminder would not hurt. Japan also is in the same situation as the United States, the last thing Japan wants is a nuclear North Korea.

As far as dealing with the North Korean regime, we must remind ourselves that this is a nation that is being run by a madman. Te premier is more interested in saber ratting than he is in feeding his population. An ego maniac. We must deal with him as such, and not try to get reasonable, sane reaction from the North Koreans. They are still fighting the Korean war. The situation along the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is no different than it was about 50 years ago when I left. Proves my point about how the North Korean nation is being led by a madman. By contrast, South Korea s a flourishing nation, a democracy and a fairly stable economy. The contrast between North and South Korea is amazing.

Let us hoope that our leaders will act properly and do the right thing.

Meanwhie, pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time for a "draft"


Not a beer, but a military type draft, or selective service. I have written about this in prior blogs but it merits retelling, so here goes.

The United States military seems to be functioning well with an all volunteer membership so why tinker with it. My proposal would be some thing akin to a Peace Corps or Americas Corps.

Basically it would mean that all young people would have to serve for a period of one year. This service would be either upon completion of high school or attaining the age of 18 years for high school drop outs. People (Immigrants ) granted amnesty would also have to serve. To correct the problem with the Viet Nam era draft there would be no deferments for school or married people. We saw how ineffective that type of system worked, too much politics, and it seems that only poor kids were drafted.

The question is what would we do with these young people. Simple, we would train and educate them to be available for disasters, teach them to be good citizens and generally foster a feeling of patriotism amongst these people. Heaven knows,the American people need that.

The training would not include any weaponry or ordinance training except gun safety. The cadre could be selected from military members who would teach military discipline and customs. College teachers and lawyers could teach civics and basic citizenship classes. Medical people can be used to teach first aid and emergency response tactics. Just think of a country where every one knows how to be a model citizen, knows basic first aid and cares to be involved in the process. Great idea.

While on active duty these people can be used to supplement federal and possible state agencies, i.e. - the Park Service, Border Patrol and FEMA. Just think of all the possibilities, it is a win-win situation. These would be no foreign service except in an emergency involving a natural disaster. There would be constant supervision by qualified cadre at all times. The United States could once again prove that we as a people are the most benevolent in the history of mankind. I get excited just thinking about it.

Now if only congress and the office of the president would do some thing like this, we could respect our elected politicians again. Hopefully some statesman will emerge and get the ball rolling. More to come.

Meanwhile keep praying for our brave service people.
GOD Bless