Thursday, July 30, 2009

Assertion of States Rights


Today I will concern myself with the question of states rights versus a central federal government.

When the founding fathers formed the nation the intent was to have a loosely defined federal government, limited in powers. That is evident in the catch all wording of the Tenth Amendment, all powers not given to the federal government are hereby reserved for the states. Unfortunately we have come to the point where the federal government has become a vast over reaching bureaucracy. The tenth amendment is shrinking. Much of this has been done by decisions of the Supreme Court, especially by justices who feel the need to legislate from the bench.

As usual the problem is how to reverse this trend. When President Obama named Sotomayor for the Supreme Court his intent was to continue the trend. The Senate should have asked her how she felt about making decisions based on emotion and political correctness rather than interpretation of the Constitution. Of course Obama named her because he wants a rubber stamp court which will find ways to justify his socialist takeover of our economy. Sotomayor fits the bill exactly.

There is a grassroots movement starting in several state legislatures, namely, the reassertion of the Tenth Amendment. The states are passing state laws which fly in the face of the decisions of the Supreme Court. The legislatures are basing their claims on the belief that if brought before the Supreme Court, states rights will triumph. Let's hope so.

More to come.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama and lack of leadership


This blog is about the complete lack of leadership on the part of President Obama. A blatant example is his inability to grasp the seriousness of the situation involving the Harvard professor and the Cambridge, Ma., policeman. A good leader would never have spoken on the subject but would have backed off using the acceptable explanation that at the time of the question, he(Obama) did not know all the facts. The entire matter blew up in his face.

A more serious example is his demeanor as President. One of the true traits of leadership is the understanding that the people who compromise "the flock" are the ones who are the true leaders. A good leader listens to the people being followed and merely acts as a helmsman and steers the ship of state. Instead of this, President Obama acts as if he is all knowing and tries to force his agenda on the people. During the presidential campaign the push was to vote early, why? It was done so the public would not have a chance to analyze his policies.

The stimulus package was pushed with the same urgency, "We must act fast or else the economy will go to h*** in a hand basket". Congress acted fast and it worsened the economy, (another case of screw the American public and reward the lobbyists). The cap and trade bill, ditto. Now the so called health care reform is being shoved down our throats. Would some one please explain to me how this is effective leadership?

It is our duty as Americans to speak out against these tactics and make our elected representatives know our feelings. If they choose to ignore us, then they must pay the price of ouster from office, nothing less.

Keep faith in America, we will weather this storm.

Pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The leadership is still missing


The president is at it again, the man shows no idea of leadership. I am referring to the incident involving the Harvard professor and the Massachusetts policeman.

To begin with the reporter who asked the question didn't use his "brains", after all why make a federal case of a simple misunderstanding. Obama compounds the stupidity by attempting to answer the question. He even acknowledges that he knows nothing of what happened and then he goes on to give an opinion and closes with a slap at the police. This is not leadership, this is just compounding a situation which would have just disappeared by running its course. A good leader would not have added fuel to the fire but would have diffused the situation by not taking any stance. He does know the facts, just don't run at the mouth. I wish some one would ask Obama how he is going to deal with North Korea, Iran, etc when he cannot handle this. Is that leadership?

The other part of the situation is what actually happened, the police records show that the patrolman was responding to a 911 call and was doing his duty properly. It was the professor who introduced the "race card". Professor Gates, isn't it about time that you atop acting like a constant victim and show some gumption. Stand on your own two fee like a man, don't be a whiner. We all would be better off if you did.

My final observation is the solution to this mess. The professor claims he is owed an apology but in reality the policeman is owed the apology. Both the president and the professor should end this by issuing a simple apology to the sergeant and the police. Obama hinted at setting up a meeting in the White House among the parties, not needed. In fact if I were that policeman I would not go to any such meeting. Let's wait and see how this unfolds.

Meanwhile continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Blass

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Obama health care and its relationship to illegal aliens


This is about the effect of the Obama health care bill going through congress now. The bill would give free (don't you believe it, you and I pay for it through taxes) health care. I just want to explain how I see the end result of this type of legislation. First the illegals come into this country against our laws, then we don't prosecute or even deport them. Instead we give them free education, clinic care and at the same time we exempt them from taxes. We bend over backwards to accommodate these ILLEGAL aliens by giving them these free services and if they do not know how to access these perks, we explain how in a foreign language. Is this really Christian care as we were taught?

The answer is simple, legislate a good, fair and honest piece of law that benefits all. We would give these illegals dignity, not the feeling of a dependent class of people. It would require a price to be paid, honesty and hard work. There are many ideas out there which would achieve the goal of dignity for the illegal aliens, please ask congress to pass legislation which would achieve the goal of honesty.

I will continue towrite about what Ifeel should be done, please stay tuned.

Pray forour brave service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Current pending legislation


Today I am writing about two pieces of legislation that are being considered by congress.

The first is the so called "cap and trade" which permits the sale of bogus tax credits for polluters. I wish some one could explain to me why this is even discussed. If pollution is such a grave worry, why permit it all. Legislate against it completely. But no, our corrupt congress and people like Al Gore stand to make millions of dollars from cap and trade. Amazingly, these people are the same who are the biggest donors to Obama, coincidence isn't it. This is change? This is leadership? Mr Obama, where is the leadership? Certainly not in Washington.

The second area that I am greatly concerned about is the government taking over the health care system. We have faults but we have the best health care in the world, Do some thing positive, alter the system so as to eliminate the flaws, don't scrap the entire system and replace it with some thing patterned after a plan that has proven not to work, socialism. Just remember what government managed businesses do. Here are some of the failures, social security (why does congress choose to cover themselves in a different plan that they force on the rest of us?), Amtrack, at a cost of how much over the years? The very cafeterias that congress eat in, they saw fit to privatize them. The housing industry, who do you think caused the foreclosures to rise? Congress and poor oversight. The banking system, certain individuals stand to make millions on the government bailouts, again donors to Obama. The auto companies, subsidizinf a business which is borderline profitable if at all.

There is a growing pattern here, a socialist takeover of the American economy. We elected these characters and we must vote them out as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more.

Pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, July 13, 2009

Where is the leadership?


Today I use a comment by Charles Krauthammer, "Where is the leadership?" Of course the question is aimed at President Obama and it certainly deserves an answer.

When Obama ran we heard the campaign rhetoric about change, a new direction and hope. So far we have gotten more and worse corruption, politics as usual and the complete disdain for the American public. So I add my voice, "Where is the leadership?"

When the stimulus package was pushed through congress by Obama it was really accelerated, no one had a chance to read or digest the provisions, The bill was loaded with earmarks, Obama promised no more ear marks. No leadership, why didn't Obama stop congress from adding the earmarks? Because he is a liar and a charlatan. Congress gave him what he wanted all along.

We were promised "clean and open government" where is it? Did we see any attempts to stop the practices of congress people like Dodd, and Frank. etc, did we see any move to stop Acorn, no way. Instead we get Acorn subsidized by taxpayer (our) money. Is this leadership? I know I don't think of this as leadership, how about you.

I will be writing about what is going on but for now I close with the thought that we must demand good government from our elected officials. Stay tuned.

Pray for our troops.
GOD Bless