Thursday, April 30, 2009

A man we need

Today the tone of my blog is going to be a positive one. I am a conservative/libertarian in most of my thinking and I believe that we need a strong conservative candidate to run our nation. There are many out there, but one who I like is General Patraeus. The general is not known as a political figure or an inside the Washington beltway person so he would make an excellent choice. If we were to enumerate the qualities we need in a president and compare this list with the generals accomplishments we would see that he fills the needs.
First, there is the question of leadership. Can any one deny that leading men in the armed forces is perhaps the finest way to acquire leadership skills? I know I would be very comfortable with Petraeus as president. I think that most Americans would.
Next, the question of foreign policy experience comes into play. Petraeus has led the "surge" and has the confidence of most mid east leaders. The few that may object are those who are pledged to destroy us anyway,so they don't matter. A good steady hand at the helm of the ship of state is what we need now.
The next consideration is domestic policy. I feel confident that Petraeus would be the leader who would pick good qualified advisers. Do you think that he would include all the Obama tax cheats? Petraeus doesn't seem like the man that would let himself get dependent on that type, ergo,no dumb appointments. The man is definitely qualified and deserves our consideration. Talk it over with your relatives and friends and see what they think.
Meanwhile pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu

Well the topic du jour has not eluded me. The world seems to be bent on preventing the spread of swine flu. (I make no apology to Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano for use of the term "swine flu:). Israel has called it "Mexican flu" which brings me to some thing I have written about in previous blogs. I do not blame Mexico for the disease but I do fault poor control over borders by nations, particularly the United States , for giving this a chance to spread. Maybe this will prompt our leaders to act to secure the border, we are already porous and susceptible to another epidemic, illegal drugs. One added feature of proper control of our borders would be the lessening of the chance of communicable diseases being brought into the country.
As a recap of my earlier blog I will enumerate the ways I would control the border:
First - apply the "tag up" rule. All illegals in the country would be required to return to their native country and get a certificate which would be presented to a representative of the United States in their country.
Second - the US representative would issue a tamper proof document which would be used as a legal entry into the United States.
Third - the alien must present this document to anther US representative in the states. This document would be registered and stmmped and woud serve as a work permit.
Finally - when the alien goes for employment the stamped document must be presented and the potential employer has a short time to verify the authenticity of the document. No verification, no job with the penalty for violating this being a steep fine on any emloyer who violates the law.
Let me call attention to the first step, getting the initial permit,this must contain at least 2 facts, one is that the applicants criminal record, if any, and secondly that the applicant does not any communicable disease.
Simple and inexpensive, that is why politicians from both parties have not implemented any thing like it. Indirectly the inaction of the American government has abetted this epidemic. We deserve better.
As a change of pace there is one group that get inoculated against diseases, our armed forces. They are vulnerable in other ways so please continue to pray for them.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What we are not being told about the medically uninsured

During the presidential campaign all we heard from both sides was the number (estimate) of uninsured people in the United States. This was described as a national disgrace. I would like to point out some things which our friends in the mass media, the politicians and most pundits did not tell. Was this done on purpose?
The almost agreed upon number of uninsured is 25 million people. The democratic party argued who could insure more, each candidate claiming his/her plan was better. What was never said is far more meaningful than what was said.
Did anyone give a breakdown of how many of these uninsured are illegal immigrants,if so, I did not her about it, did you? Is there any sane person out there who believes that we "owe" health care insurance to illegals? I know I don't. No politician ever mentioned this fact. Hmmm. It did not suit the approach to getting elected, tell them what they want to hear, nothing else. If we add the cost of this insurance to our budget what is the effect? Did anyone mention that it would be staggering when added to the stimulus packge and the big pork bill which congress has passed. Grab your wallet. here comes the change Obama promised,the tens in your pocket will become ones.
Even if we could afford to insure these people financially, the net question deserves comment. I want everybody to just imagine the following scenario, we add 25 million new patients but not any new doctors. Where does health care go - 2 places. Doctors will start by giving less of their office visit time to each patient and thus health care will suffer. If the doctor doesn't cut the office visit time he has no alternative than to extend the time between visits. Rationing anyone? Where are these charlatans who pose as political candidates? I did not hear a peep from either party on this matter. If this is allowed to take place just stop to think who will suffer most, the senior citizens. The rationale will be they are old and have lived their lives, the younger people need health care because they are the future. Do you want your mother or father to be considered in this manner? Where were (are) the politicians? No where in sight, the truth hurts, so hide it.
With the overload of patients one of the first areas to suffer is the specialized medical treatment area. Things like MRI,CAT Scans, etc will be delayed until the patient is either dead or the result of the scan is too little too late. Who suffers, your mother or father. Where is the AARP on this matter? Isn't this what that organization was formed for? Come on AARP lobby for the people, not your political agenda.
I notice that Obama and the congress are trying to push through this legislation without the established Senate rule of a filibuster. Here the ypocracy really reeks. Senator Dodd used his powers to filibuster the attempt by then President Bush to reign in the abuses which caused the financial meltdown. Dodd is nothing but a greedy, selfish and arrogant politician, a cheap character who wears expensive suits, styles his hair and then goes around pontificating about how good he is for the people. We need more like him in congress hahaha.
One thing we can do is contact our elected officials and fight his attempt to further erode the power of the American people. Please do so and ask your friends and relatives to join in on the chorus. We need it.

One more thing that I always ask for is your prayers for our brave miitary.
GOD Bless

Monday, April 27, 2009

What became of the pirates


So far it seems that now that the American sea captain has been rescued the saga of the Somali pirates is laid to rest. The American people don't care because none of our nationals are being held captive, and the rest of the world, notably the Europeans don't seem to care. Are we to assume from this that the problem is cured? I think not. It is only a matter of time before the piracy gets into murder and violence. They have already threatened to do this to American merchant ships. This leads to the questioning of the Obama administration,,"Where is the action to stop this?" Sadly no action seems to be forth coming, which is a clear statement for the pirates, Keep pirating but don't touch our ships. This is an instance where preemptive strikes are warranted and we should protect our shipping interests or else some thing dreadful will happen. No action was tried by the Clinton administration when the USS Cole was attacked, nothing was done. I remember Madam Albright going on TV and blaming the incident on Bush, even though Bush was not even president yet. The failure to act by the Clinton administration was one of the main causes of the thinking that led us to 9/11. Are we being led down this path once again? I hope not. President Obama, act and do something to solve this problem before it is too late.

My usual closing where I ask that you join me in prayer for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, April 26, 2009

More crazy stuff


Today I start by admitting that I actually watched the Keith Oblemann show. I was searching through stations when I saw his image together with his guest, Genine Garofalo. This is an experience that no one should miss, it was eerie. When Mr O (the one here not the Mr O in the White House)(I never liked him as a sportscaster),now I know why. Garofalo made an assertion that the Tea Parties were racial in nature, she does not cite any logical reason for this, just a lot of unsubstantiated allegations. Completely unacceptable. I would like to know why Mr O didn't question this further. It certainly warranted further exploration. This is an example of what the main stream media tries to pass off as journalism, all it is actually is a lot of hot air. Maybe Al Gore can get after these people for global warming. My opinion of the whole interview was that I was watching a pompous ass interview the village idiot. Neither party did anything to make me feel otherwise. Please put some good stuff on TV, not this rot.

Counter this by doing a good deed, pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Democratic Party double cross


Today I will try to control my anger and write logically, it will be hard considering what's going on around here. Consider, the President lied when he promised "no ear marks" in the budget. Now the answer is that's next year". Congressmen Murtha and Hoyer boldly state they don't care what the president says, they assert it is their job to bring pork back to their respective districts. I thought that congress worked for the greater good of the country, not special interests who donate campaign money. Obama was going to fix that wasn't he? The tax cheats are many and come in all sizes, colors and shapes. Just to remind you, we have the Secretary of the Treasury, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and a former leader of the Senate. Heaven help the poor little guy who uses the same judgment in filing his taxes. Now we have a breaking story about shady deals foisted upon the American people involving Senator Feinsteain from California. Some times I think that the flimsy excuses make it an almost comical scene. Unfortunately the American people are the butt of these jokes. They play, we pay. (Our children and grand children pay also). We have got to vote these people out. In my next blogs I will continue the ongoing problems with the liberal democratic party policies. Stay tuned.

Now please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, April 24, 2009

What is going on here?


Today I will try to maintain some degree of sanity despite the wold around me in a state of collapse. I am referring to the Obama administration and the liberal control of congress. My dilemma is where to start. Obama keeps opening and shutting the door regarding the potential investigation of former president Bush and his advisers. I don't recall any other president doing this to a former administration. From what I can gather the public opinion polls show that the American people don't want this. why is Obama still considering this investigation? It would appear that the only reason is politics, it might embarrass the Bush legacy. Do we really need this? This attitude has even caught on in Spain, a nation that expands its jurisdiction to include allegedly war crimes and crimes against humanity if these alleged crimes are committed outside the borders of Spain. If President Obana wanted to show leadership all he has to do is to tell Spain that the United States is well capable of taking care of its citizens. President Obama instead chooses let this fester and all he does is waffle. Do something Mr President, lead,follow or get the hell out of the way. We need and deserve a better leader than we are getting.

If seems that this is the tone of the Washington liberals who run the White House and Congress. Please let the next election come before these clowns really do some harm.

Please pray for our brave service people, they deserve it.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Politics and money


I hear that the quarterly financial accounting that Senator Dodd files contains some very interesting items. In this quarterly report candidates must detail the monies given to them for running the political campaign. Senator Dodd reported about $4 thousand dollars from Connecticut residents, but, he reported over $600,000 from out of state donors. My question to the people of Connecticut is,"Who do you think Senator Dodd would represent if he gets reelected?" Interesting thought. Mind you this is the guy who chairs the committee that oversees the bailout money. What a way to run a country. I would like to suggest a solution for this dilemma, limit contributions to only people or entities who are based or live in the district. The senator would have to go to his constituents for money to conduct a campaign. What a blow that would be to special interests. I would not limit it to the senate but to the house as well. Couple this with a fair or flat tax and you have real meaningful campaign finance control. Come on politicians do some thing right for a change.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Janet Napolitano


This blog is being aimed at the Secretary of Homeland Security. The woman is under pressure from the "right wing bloggers" and she should be. It is a disgrace for her to be in a position of utmost security when her priorities are misguided. She seems more concerned about those of us who exercise our constitution right to free speech because we attended "tea parties'; we have the nerve to want to enjoy the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment; we have an opinion that every one has the right to life, even the unborn. Where does it end? Not at those of us who served in the military, we are the enemy of this woman. After all it matters not that veterans put their lives in danger to protect her and her like thinking liberal allies, no, the important thing is that we MAY be recruited as terrorists after all Timothy McVay was a veteran. I assume that when Ms Napoitano speaks out against police stopping a car with colored people, after all that is racial profiling. When she speaks and belittles the veterans that is national security. I hope you see the hypocracy here. The fuzzy thinking of the liberal mind is that this is all right when done for a good cause, after all, intent matters,not the results. If you listen to Rush Limbaugh you know he drives this point home often and very well. It applies to this scenario, please do the country a favor Ms Napolitano, resign and let some one who really cares abut the security of our nation do the job.

Despite the fact that Ms Napolitano deems these people future terrorists,I am asking you to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, April 20, 2009

More Obama choices

I continue to be awed by the choices that the president makes for advisers. Where does he get them from? Today I would like to point out one such adviser who has not received much publicity, Rosa Brooks. Ms Brooks was a writer for the LA Times, an opinion column. Now she is picked to work in the Pentagon as an adviser. Maybe her experience is valid but I question her agenda. Mush of what Ms Brooks has written is about social issues and in particular I would like to point out one. Ms Brooks is an advocate of bailouts for the newspaper industry. At the same time the liberals want to quiet the "radical right on talk radio". Here the fuzzy thinking and reasoning of the liberal mind is at its worst. How can one advocate subsidizing one form of the media and censuring another form of the same media? I really would like some one to explain this to me. Totally illogical, but that is the liberal way. We can only pray that some how it works out. Stay tuned, more to come.

Meanwhile keep the faith and pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, April 16, 2009



We have seen President Obama handle the terrorist "pirates" situation well so far. The question is where do we go from here. I am a firm believer in letting the military give strong advise on how to handle these kinds of situations, so I hope that the president is listening to his advisers and carefully weighing the advise. Most Americans do not want to see an American citizen endangered needlessly, but we do want to see the president handle this so as not to compromise our national security and integrity. We can only hope, pray and wait. As a cautionary piece of advise I offer the fact that the longer one waits the worse the situation gets. By not dealing with the crises immediately the crisis only gets worse.

When I ask you to pray for our service people today I will ask that yu also pray for those who are already being held hostage by these terrorists. Please remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The real danger to the United States


Today I feel like I'm in a time warp or some thing. The reference is to remarks made by Ms Napolitano, the Secretary of Homeland Security. I understand that a report issued by the Homeland Security Agency lists "extreme right wing" groups as posing a real threat to the nation. It further states that particularly vulnerable are the veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Let me get this straight, these vets put their lives in harms way to protect the country and now they are a threat. Ms Napolitano, "Did they develop this threat while on the return trip from the war zones?" If so, I'll be the first to agree with you. But since that is not a likely scenario then I must assume that they posed this threat even before going over seas to combat zones. Wouldn't it be just common sense to assume that if a service person is putting his/her life in danger in order to protect the United States, therefore that person is not a threat but rather a patriot. Ms Napolitano the real threat is people like you who get government jobs and issue reports like the one in this discussion. In my opinion that report and any one associated with it is a "spear carrier" for the liberal left and actually does pose a real threat. Why else would any one make such an ignorant report?
Now I sarcastically ask for your prayers for these "people who threaten us", our military. Remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More liberal fuzzy thinking


The more I learn the more I am surprised at how liberals think. I refer to the latest idea of Congressmen Waxman(D-CA) and Markey(D-MA). These two want to make a new right, the right to sue the United States government(the American people) the basis for these lawsuits is global warming. This proposal would allow suits for damages caused by global warming, but all it is is an extra way of getting your tax dollars. This amazes me. Where do these congressmen come from, an alien planet? It is sad that we elected a democratic congress and a democratic president, what has happened to America? What's in the water down in DC? Please starting with the Tea Party scheduled for April 15th, show your support for sanity in government. Send a message, congress stop the nonsense" We DEMAND it. I'm closing now to get prepared to go to the tea party, please join me in your neighborhood.

I'll close by asking your prayers for our armed forces.
GOD Bless

Monday, April 13, 2009

Obama vs the Pirates


Today I start by saying that President Obama was right in the use of military force to break up the hostage situation in Somalia. The real test comes now, how will he handle the ongoing piracy problem? To me there is only one answer, the continued use of military force. It is time for the president to show some leadership and can the rhetoric. History has shown that the United Nations is nothing more than a sham aimed at taking money from the United States (taxpayer money) and wasting it on graft, corruption and wasteful endeavors. The United States should protect the shipping interests and safety or our merchant marine and protect our ships. In order to do this we must attack and destroy the "pirate" lairs. Break their ability to launch boats and amass arms and ammo, that is the only permanent solution. Remember history, then President Carter completely mishandled the Iran hostage crisis, it festered for over a year. President Reagan made it a priority and the problem got resolved. Now who does Obama follow, Carter or Reagan? That is what the real question is. Let's sit back and wait and hope for the best.

Meanwhile please pray for our brave service people and remember them.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chuck Norris - a real hero


Today I am writing about a celebrity that I admire as a human being, Chuck Norris. We often think of celebrities as the persona that they portray on TV and in movies and we forget that they are real people. Chuck Norris is more than some guy who goes around kicking people and dealing out karate chops, he is a real person. This real person is the one that I will speak of.
Chuck is a veteran of the US Air Force with service in Korea, where I believe he got interested in martial arts. After Korea he went into competitive martial arts and won tournaments and some titles. Then came movies and TV. He has always shown these stories as they should be shown, the good guys win. This may be unrealistic to some but it enforces a good positive role model for us to follow, and we sure need good role models. He was asked to portray the "villain" dojo operator in the movie "The Karate Kid" but he refused the part because the role showed the teacher in a bad light. That's conviction and faith. Chuck runs a series of karate schools throughout the country where teaching is not limited to martial arts but to morality. It is my understanding that the schools are a success so he must be a good business man as well.
We always like to look for the "Renaisance man" and I think in Chuck Norris we have one. I have seen him on TV as a guest and he always is looking out for the good of society. If only our politicians would follow his example. It would make me very happy to see Chuck run for political office, just think of all the good he could do. (Yeah, I know he could karate chop the crooked politicians, haha) You must admit that with people like Chuck Norris in politics our country would be run much better than it is now.

Remember there are other good guys who are not in such a high profile position, namely, our armed services. Please pray for them.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More hypocracy


It strikes me as ironic that during the presidential campaign the American people were told by the media not to mention that Obama has some connection to the Muslim faith, but now that he has been elected it is one of the first policy decision of his to promote his Islamic ties while in an Islamic country. What a lot of garbage we were fed. In my opinion it shows that the man (Obama) is nothing more than a cheap politician who will say anything to get elected and then he will just disregard the feelings of the American people. I hope that all you Obama voters will realize what a sham his public life is. It is sad that some one like this can get elected. I can only hope for the sake of our future generation of Americans that we will not repeat this travesty. Please think who and what you are voting for when you go to he polls. Remember politicians rely on apathy from the citizens to win elections, don't encourage them.

Please encourage the "white hat" good guys, our service people. Remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, April 6, 2009

A sad story


It is a continuous surprise to me when I hear about the choices of President Obama for advisers. The latest choice is Sumner, the man picked as an adviser. He joins the many picks who has ties to companies getting bailout or stimulus money. (Taxpayer money) He was associated with AIG before Obama tapped him, now he is part of the team that is supposedly helping the government dole out our money. Where does it end. I feel as if it is one great redundancy to keep mentioning these characters but than again it is the redundancy on the part of Obama. Will we ever get some people in government who are looking out for us, the taxpayer?

The only help I see is to keep calling these people out and when election time comes vote the people out of office who are responsible for these choices. We deserve better.

As an aside, I would love to know which "adviser" started the idea of having veterans partially pay for health care. The "poor" (read illegal aliens will get it for free) is this what how we pay off our brave service people who defended this country? Now you can understand my frustration with the liberal establishment. Heaven help us.

Frustration aside, please pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, April 3, 2009

How to spendlike "a drunken sailor"


Today it seems that all there is to write about is how the president spends and spends and spends, etc. You get the idea. He not only spends taxpayer money on poorly thought out stimulus packages and bailouts but also on personal things for his travels. The taxpayer is footing the bill for about 50 people to travel to Europe for the G-20 meeting. Do we really need that? The meetings will last for a week but 50 people, to me that is overkill. Unfortunately, most politicians think this way, it is the mindset of Washington. How I wish we could have a chance to elect a statesman instead of a phony politician. These people "come out of the wood work". The sad part is that we elected them and we must pay for them. Please make an effort to really consider who you are voting for in the future, let's join and end this kind of goings on. Together we can make a difference, after all, it's our money they are spending.

Now I ask that you join me in another cause, praying for our armed forces.
GOD Bless

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tax "mis"filings


In the past days I have spelled out my feelings concerning the tax problems with some of the Obama picks. Now I would like to ask a question for all liberals, especially Obama, Pelosi and the other politicians who are trying to govern. Does it strike you as irony that the very same people who advocate a policy of tax increases so they can further a big government agenda are the same people who disregard our existing tax laws? To me it is a tragedy and to be honest the last thing we need is these characters in government. Not only is it these characters but we must look at the position they would hold in Obamas administration. Just some of them are Wrangle, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the committee which writes tax laws; Secretary of the Treasury, he is responsible for handling the bailout funds as well as the interpretation and execution of the Internal Revenue Code; Sebalius as secretary of HUD, the agency responsible for housing; former Senator Daschel, he was originally picked for HUD; what a cast of characters. If this were a theater play and I were a critic I would have a hard time pointing out who the villain is and who the good guys are. We, the American people deserve better.

Now I ask that you join me in praying for our brave men and women in the military.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another tax problem


I see that the Obama administration has just names another "tax challenged" person to be a cabinet official. Does this guy know how to pick them. If he purposefully tried he couldn't get any weirder choices, it seems as if Obama is trying to raise the stimulus and bailout money from tax delinquents. Now we have a governor of a state joining the chorus of tax delinquents, along with the Treasury secretary, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, former Senate Majority leader and who knows who else. President Obama, "Where is the change you promised? You are nothing more than a liar and a demigod. I only hope that the American people see through your charade before it gets too late. Heaven help us, we need it.

Now for the good "guys", pray for our brave service people who are defending our nation.
GOD Bless