Monday, June 22, 2009

What do we do with North Korea?


Much is being written about North Korea because the nation will not comply with the rules of decency and be a part of the community of nations. What do we do, and how far do we go?

First we should make certain that we engage other nations to help us, namely China and Japan. China wants a nuclear power in North Korea but China also wants to trade with the United States even more. I don't mean that we should back China against a wall, but, we should tactfully remind them that we are a good trading partner. Both our economies rely heavily on United States and China trade. A gentle, tactful reminder would not hurt. Japan also is in the same situation as the United States, the last thing Japan wants is a nuclear North Korea.

As far as dealing with the North Korean regime, we must remind ourselves that this is a nation that is being run by a madman. Te premier is more interested in saber ratting than he is in feeding his population. An ego maniac. We must deal with him as such, and not try to get reasonable, sane reaction from the North Koreans. They are still fighting the Korean war. The situation along the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is no different than it was about 50 years ago when I left. Proves my point about how the North Korean nation is being led by a madman. By contrast, South Korea s a flourishing nation, a democracy and a fairly stable economy. The contrast between North and South Korea is amazing.

Let us hoope that our leaders will act properly and do the right thing.

Meanwhie, pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time for a "draft"


Not a beer, but a military type draft, or selective service. I have written about this in prior blogs but it merits retelling, so here goes.

The United States military seems to be functioning well with an all volunteer membership so why tinker with it. My proposal would be some thing akin to a Peace Corps or Americas Corps.

Basically it would mean that all young people would have to serve for a period of one year. This service would be either upon completion of high school or attaining the age of 18 years for high school drop outs. People (Immigrants ) granted amnesty would also have to serve. To correct the problem with the Viet Nam era draft there would be no deferments for school or married people. We saw how ineffective that type of system worked, too much politics, and it seems that only poor kids were drafted.

The question is what would we do with these young people. Simple, we would train and educate them to be available for disasters, teach them to be good citizens and generally foster a feeling of patriotism amongst these people. Heaven knows,the American people need that.

The training would not include any weaponry or ordinance training except gun safety. The cadre could be selected from military members who would teach military discipline and customs. College teachers and lawyers could teach civics and basic citizenship classes. Medical people can be used to teach first aid and emergency response tactics. Just think of a country where every one knows how to be a model citizen, knows basic first aid and cares to be involved in the process. Great idea.

While on active duty these people can be used to supplement federal and possible state agencies, i.e. - the Park Service, Border Patrol and FEMA. Just think of all the possibilities, it is a win-win situation. These would be no foreign service except in an emergency involving a natural disaster. There would be constant supervision by qualified cadre at all times. The United States could once again prove that we as a people are the most benevolent in the history of mankind. I get excited just thinking about it.

Now if only congress and the office of the president would do some thing like this, we could respect our elected politicians again. Hopefully some statesman will emerge and get the ball rolling. More to come.

Meanwhile keep praying for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, June 12, 2009

More problems with illegal immigration


In my last blog I talked about how illegal immigration will lead to rationing of medical care, today I will talk about the effect on our culture.

Most illegal immigrants want to come to the United States for economic reasons which is a good cause. We should welcome people like this but only if we make it a legal entry. We do not need to foster a culture based on sneaking and undercover hiding to "import people". It does no body any good.

The argument is always being put forth, they want to work and immigrants were the ones who made this country grow. First, let me answer, yes, we need immigrants, but I emphasize we need these people legally.

My next point is that when immigrants come here without a real chance at life, they may survive. The first wave is driven and will sustain themselves. The problem lies in the children of these immigrants. These are the young people who will be born in ghettos and schooled in inner city schools. This is a drain on society and it does not do the children of immigrant parents any good. These second generation people will almost never get ahead and will perpetuate poverty. Poverty leads to social abuses, drug use, crime, high unemployment, etc. Is this what we want. I certainly hope not. By using some good legislation we can create a good environment for people, come on politicians, do some thing good for a change. Don't act to cater to people just to get elected. Give these people a real chance at life. That is the real Christian thing to do.

Another Christian act is to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Illegal immigration and the effect on medical coverage


Today I will try to tie the problem of illegal immigration to another hot topic, namely, medical coverage.

As you know the politicos and pundits have been throwing a lot of numbers around concerning the uninsured in the United States. The liberal answer is the usual horse and pony solution, throw the money of the taxpayer at the problem. Well, I think we taxpayers are sick and tired of politicians throwing our money to solve some of the problems of some one else. Give us a break.

If we analyze the effect of the liberal solution what are we buying? More patients for doctors to treat, but where does this extra service fit in? The plan does not call for more doctors or health care providers to offset the surge in patients. That leaves us with one possible solution, government control over which doctor does what, who studies what in medical school. and countless other inane attempts at a solution. Read, rationing of health care. If health care is rationed who do you think will suffer most, you got it, the elderly. We are the most vulnerable segment of society. But we do have a say, namely at the ballot box. Elderly have traditionally voted more often than most other groups, now if we concentrate this vote, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Don't listen to the AARP because they have become an arm of the liberal establishment. We elderly have many years of experience and we should use the logic that time has given us to figure out who to vote for, there is no need to follow another lobby group. We can protect ourselves from the Washington bureaucrats.

Please join me in prayer for our troops.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More on illegal immigration


I started to express my views on illegal immigration and now I would like to add to the subject. Before I go any further I would like to emphasize that I refer to ILLEGAL immigration, I think we need a controlled immigration policy. What we don't need is a flood of refugees crossing our borders at will.

Having said that I refer to some of my earlier blogs in which I express my prior reference for the "touch up" method of border control. Couple a good immigration policy with the flat tax and you have the best of two worlds. Legal immigrants can come into the United States and work and share the American dream. They can hold their heads high knowing they are both bettering themselves and welcomed by the natives. This is desirous because it is what our nation prospered on, a good work ethic and hope for the future. We can recapture that feeling and share it with our new wave of immigrants.

I refer to a flat tax as a condition of alleviating the immigration problem. If we had a flat tax the workers who immigrate to the United States would have more disposable income to spend. When they purchase goods and services they would be paying a share of our tax revenue source. Currently no body knows how much of current earnings goes "south", that is off the books and hence untaxed. Even the government gains under this system.

Another aspect of this type of solution is that the stigma attached to illegal is removed. Most of the back lash would be neutered. Again, we all gain.

There is a down side, the politicians cannot buy votes with phony legislation which benefits illegal immigrants. The politicos would have to prove themselves in order to get reelected. Hey, maybe this isn't a down side. Let's hope and pray we get some good meaningful legislation from our elected officials. Stay tuned, more to come.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Illegal imigration - How to solve it


In my previous blogs I have spelled out a type of plan that would solve the illegal alien problem. Now I would like to go over my thoughts on why this is such a necessary step. To begin with, both major political parties are acting like ostriches, hiding their heads in the sand. Come on guys (and gals) get with it, do something, "lead, follow, or get out of the way". We, the American people deserve this.

Specifically, I would point out that not doing anything is the same as importing the poverty which exists in the nations which are giving us these illegals. We need immigration but at what price, certainly not the price of what is being shoved down our throats.

Already there is a cadre of immigration lawyers and leaders echoing the talking points, "give them amnesty, they are only here to do the jobs the Americans don't want". My feeling is to give these people jobs but with one big difference, dignity. Amnesty merely makes another sub class of citizens, something we already have enough of.

These so called "champions of the Latinos" are mostly demigods and charlatans. They are interested in becoming the national spokesperson of the Latinos. The new Reverend Jesse Jackson or Reverend Al Sharpton. They make money but the poor people (Latinos) suffer living in poverty, no health care , etc. Why, because these people are not trained for jobs that will pay them enough to prosper. I know most of my conservative friends (the people called anti=immigration by the media) want these people to have the same chance at the American dream that was given to all previous classes of immigrants. The new wave of immigrants will work and become responsible citizens but the so called leaders must be pushed aside and let the people thrive. Ever hear of people power? Let's hope and pray that our politicians do some creative legislating and come up with a fair and equitable solution. The Latino immigrants and the rest of us deserve this.

Now I ask you to remember our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, June 8, 2009

Supreme Court Vacancy


Today I am adding my opinion concerning the recent discussion about nominees to the United States Supreme Court.

We in the United States live in a Constitutional Republic, which means that we are governed by a central constitution and elected officials. The elected officials cannot do anything which is contrary to the terms of our constitution, only the people can change that.

Now to apply this theory to modern politics. Today we have elected people who feel that the constitution is elastic and changes with the times. This can not be further from the truth. I always cite an example, every day when you get up and go about your daiy life you are in effect ratifying our constitution. If you didn't like the law you would do something to change it. Hence we the people are not to quick to make amendments, we like the law the way it is written.

When the elected officials use the court to make law from the bench we do not have any say in the matter. The federal judges are appointed for life and they are not elected. Why should they have the power to make law without any recourse on the part of the people? People power is what we need.

The current nominee has stated her view that a "Latina woman" is better to feel the temperament of the case and can decide based on her life experiences. My question is simply."What about the written law, the one we ratify everyday by our actions? Shouldn't the written law overrule personal feelings?" We need judges who rule on the law, not some idea of what the judge sees fit. Let the congress make federal law, not judges.

Stay tuned in, more to come.

Meanwhile pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Popularity of the president


We have had a time to evaluate the policies of the present administration and now we can start to make reasonable comments. Here are mine.

Sadly I feel that what Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden said during the primaries was true, Obama is not qualified to be the leader of this nation. Too many dumb mistakes and too much pandering to his lobbyists. How come so many earmarks?

A very naive understanding of foreign policy. How can he still believe that Iran, North Korea. the Taliban and other terrorists would sit down and discuss peace? To these people discussion is a sign of weakness. How come we know it but the president doesn't?

His dealing with the financial meltdown is just the opposite of what is needed. We should be discussing tax reductions, job creation (in the private sector), and future growth of our economy. Instead we get a policy which is a blueprint for socialism. This country was founded and prospered on a capitalistic economy, why change now. Also, why allow a congress which cannot manage its own financial affairs manage the economy. Remember the banking scandal and the privatization of the congressional cafeterias? Where are we going?

Even a lack of a plan for our energy needs is missing. Obama keeps putting it off but acts like he is still running for office. He just doesn't get it. Governing is not at all like campaigning.

Any one here know his immigration policy. Oh yeah, amnesty for illegals and then citizenship so they will vote democratic for years. Why is Obama trying to destroy the two party system when he promised a bi-partisan approach to his administration?

Stay tuned, more to come.

Pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Death of the Abortion Doctor


This blog is a departure from what you might expect. I am one who doesn't believe in murder and as such I believe that the full weight of the law should be brought down on the person(s) responsible for the killing of the doctor. We who are Christians should pray for the soul of the doctor. Christ would have forgiven him.

In no way do I condone what he did, I still equate it with the taking of the lives of the most innocent, the unborn. I do want to bring one thing out at this time. Today in the newspaper there was an article which told that a person who is a convert to Islam killed an American military recruiter. There was no hysterical cry from our left wing populace to place armed guards at recruiting stations, why? Aren't recruiters people, don't they deserve the same protection as doctors who perform abortions? To me this is pure hypocrisy, nothing else. Another example of the political crowd running society. I say do the right thing. If we give special treatment to one group, give to all. Who are they that special treatment is merited. We do have a right under our Constitution to equal protection, so let's follow the law. If any of my liberal friends could explain this to me I sure would love to hear another opinion.

Let's say our prayers for the brave men and women who protect us and include a prayer for the deceased doctor.
GOD Bless

Monday, June 1, 2009

President Obama,Is this what was promised?


Today I open with some direct questions for the president.

Did you ever ask for our votes by pledging a socialist agenda?
Did your campaign mention how much money you intended to spend?
When you mentioned a "plan" to fix the economy, did you mean a socialistic take over of American business?
Was your aim to appoint tax cheats to the government in order to promote "open and honest" government?

Mister President, before you spend another penny belonging to the American people I think you owe us an answer to these questions. Please show the change you promised.

I await your answer.

Meanwhile I pray for our service people and ask that you join me in prayer for these honorable and brave individuals.
GOD Bless