Thursday, December 23, 2010

What do we have in congress?


The lame duck session of congress produced some major laws, my question is why were these laws enacted after the mid-term elections?

Majority leader Harry Reid showed his true core belief, politics before country. There was no budget passed, the reason - the budget proposed contained too many ear marks. It is my understanding that Obama promised no ear marks and then just last year he said that he meant for the policy to start in this fiscal year. Rediculous. We deserve better. Our hope lies with the new congress. Maybe the new people will start to put the welfare of the population over their own special political ambitions, let's hope.

It is Christmas and we can hope that the spirit of good will engendered by the season will sway the attitude of the new members and the people of America will benefit.

At this Christmas time let us remember those who are serving to protect us and are in far distant lands. Remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 16, 2010

We need a Congress that is responsible


My blood is boiling. I cannot listen to the news on TV because I feel like the American taxpayer is getting "screwed" by Congress.

Congress waited until the lame duck session to try to pass meaningful legislation, do we really need this? The blame rests on the shoulders of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. These two are about the worst leaders I have ever encountered, not just in congress but in any walk of life. Thank God that at least after the first of the year Pelosi will not be house speaker. Too bad Reid got reelected, now we have him for six more years. Thank God that the United States is strong enough to survive this disaster.

The bad effect is compounded by the Democratic pundits. They are all over the TV still blaming Bush for every thing. These characters should get a new line, the "blame Bush" one is trite. Cone on guys and gals, invent some new talking points.

My hope is that the current congress does not pass any major legislation that will impact our nation. Give it a break, go home and enjoy Christmas (I am not politically correct but that is on purpose).

I wish congress would go home and I am reminded of those who choose not to be at home for the Christmas holiday, our brave and unselfish warriors. Remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 13, 2010

Who we should elect


Today I was wondering what to write about when it dawned on me. We have a lame duck session of congress rushing to pass bills which should have been discussed and voted upon earlier in the congressional term, but because of politics, we are in a quandary. Why hasn't our congress acted as they should have? We should get answers and then put these galoots out of office.

Here is the part that hit me as a great idea. In professional sports the NY Giants are playing the Minnesota Vikings, the pregame talk is about the consecutive streak of Bret Favre being broken. Hey, why not elect people like Favre? This guy has gone to work (as a professional football player ) for years and always did his job diligently. Mr Favre, we need you. Bret Favre would be a perfect person to represent the people. he has shown he believes in hard work, preparation and loyalty. Cone on Bret, run for office.

Now I am going to go and enjoy the game, but, I will also remember our brave service people who are away protecting us, I will remember them in my prayers, please remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 9, 2010

When are we going to get a sensible immigration policy?


As I post our congress is acting like a bunch of spoiled children. They are trying to pass so much in a lame duck session when they could have done this during the earlier part of their tenure.

This has a negative effect on the country and now I'd like to point out how it effects immigration policy.

The illegal immigration flow must first be stopped. We need to control our borders and who comes and who stays. N either political party has been willing to confront the problem so as a result the problem has grown into a major disaster. We must act both quickly and wisely to fix the situation.

All proposals to correct the problem will fail unless we write in a policy of enforcement against the employers who hire these illegals. This is a first step. At the same time we must control the flow of people at the borders. In my past posts I have spelled out my theory on how to fix the problem, this is only one of several ideas which should work. Please members of congress, do your job.

Please remember our service men and women and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let us remember


Today is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. We must a;ways remember the horrible devastation reigned upon our service people. Today my post is short and simple, Make a conscious effort to do something positive for one of our service people who are serving us now. Thank them and remember those at Pearl Harbor in your prayers.

GOD Bless

Monday, December 6, 2010

A look at Social Security


Let's get it straight, Social Security is not an entitlement, it has been paid for by our money. Senior citizens have been paying since the 1930's, it is not our fault that the politicians have let the system rot.

The question is how do we fix it, and at what cost. Most people are aware of the fact that we pay this "tax" as we earn. If you are employed your employer must match your contribution. If you are self employed, you pay a partial add on which is meant to offset the portion which the employer would have paid. Under President LBJ the government decided to put the social security funds into the general revenue funds. This proved to be a bad move. The politicians got their hands on the money and did what politicians always do, they spent it.

The water has been spilled from the bucket, now we must try to fix the problem.

The first step is a partial privatization of the system. This can be accomplished by allowing younger participants to opt to handle their own account. A partial amount of the social security payment together with the employers share would be put aside into a non spendable account. This account would be tax deferred. The way this helps is as follows:

The system would have fewer payouts when the newer people retire. These individuals would have paid less into the trust fund and would receive a lower monthly payment from the trust. The lower amount would be offset by the use of the closed account. The funds in this closed account would be invested and the return would be greater than the return on social security.

As an added bonus the retiree could pass any balance in this so called closed account to his/her heirs. Statistics show that the fund balance woud more than offset the lower monthly social security payout.

In theory every body wins, so why hasn't congress acted to pass such legislation? Simple, congress wants the money to spend and grow government. Where is the greed? Wall Street or congress. When you vote please consider the reason why candidates choose to run. Who are they looking out for, the people or themselves?

There are those that are not greedy or se;f serving, I am talking about our brave military. Please remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Summary of immigration


To recap my thoughts on how to fix illegal immigration here are the key points:

First, clamp down on abuse of student visas,
Next, tighten and secure our borders,
Next, pass legislation at the federal level to discourage illegal entry, i.e.-increase the act of entering the US illegally to a felony.
Next, set up a method of LEGAL immigration which is controlled by the United States,
Next, establish and enforce laws governing the hiring of illegal immigrants.

If these are adhered to the illegal aspect of immigration would disappear. Let's hope Congress has the integrity to act.

Keep our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless