Monday, March 8, 2010

Ethics in American politics


It seems that the democratic party is going crazy. There is no leadership and now the democrats are fighting amongst themselves.

Case in point - In order to get an additional vote for Obamacare, Congressman Massa of New York is being thrown under the bus. The liberal leaning pundits are all spinning the "tale" that it is because of a sex scandal. Rot. If sex scandals were any criteria why isn't Barney Frank being pushed out? The liberals can spin all they want but facts deny any baloney about the real reason for a witch hunt on Massa. I just love it when the liberals try to put this nonsense in a positive light, it shows them for what they are, hypocrites.

Another example is the recent remarks by our old friend Dan Rather. You remember him, the guy who wore sweaters on TV and then ran with a phony story about George Bush. Now Dan is making remarks on TV and saying Obama could not sell watermelons. I wish some liberal (or anyone else) could explain to me why that remark doesn't get Rev Sharpton out with his bullhorn. More hypocrisy. Don't you just love it when these self proclaimed "smart people" get themselves into such Catch 22 situations. I know I would appreciate a good honest answer from some liberal pundit. I an not holding my breath until that happens.

Meanwhile keep up your prayers for our service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lack of leadership in DC


It is disheartening to follow what is going on in Washington. It is depressing enough about health care reform, the debate over global warming and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but now we have a new concern.

The question of ethical people running our government concerns me. House Speaker Pelosi condones the actions of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Wrangle, former congressman Jefferson is in jail and the late Congressman John Murtha has had his name connected to various nefarious doings. I wish some one could explain to me what this does to the promise by Speaker Pelosi that we will have an open and honest government. Do you think that she understands that when she gives Wrangle a pass on his ethics violations she is in effect assuming the blame for these tactics? I wonder if she does.

The good news is that tomorrow is primary day here in Texas and we can start the ball rolling to oust some of these characters. Please remember this when you cast your ballot.

There are good and ethical people who work for our government, our military. Please pray that they are protected.
GOD Bless