Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Energy policy


During the past several blogs I have tried to spell out some positive approaches to solving the problems facing our nation. This blog is aimed at a problem which no one seems to want to address seriously, so, I will try.

We are slowly selling our economic freedom to foreign nations by buying foreign oil for our consumption. The politicians make half hearted attempts to solve the problem by asserting that the solution is in conservation. To really conserve energy would require a major change in lifestyle of the people, and, quite frankly, I don't think we are willing to do this.

Enter an alternative solution, produce energy in America and work for conservation at the same time. Most people can chew gum and walk so it should be no big deal. I have more faith in the American people than our elected officials. It isn't as if the oil is not available, but the problem is that the so called "environmentalists" are making a lot of noise and scaring our politicians into bad judgments. How I wish our elected officials would show some courage and put these rabble rousers in place.

The answer is to drill in Alaska and since this may take years to develop the resources we should simultaneously drill in other areas. There are stories circulating on the net which depict the area in North Dakota and Montana as having vast oil reserves. Go for it. Heaven knows we need the oil.

We could develop other sources of energy, atomic, clean coal and biodegradable fuels. Why not? We need the oil and the jobs which would be created. Our economy and our energy policy would both benefit from this type of policy.

Let us hope that some one in Washington will use some sense and courage and get a good energy policy going.

Mean while keep the faith and pray for our armed forces.
GOD Bless

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day


This is a short post. The day belongs to those brave people who have given so much so that we may have our freedoms.

Pray for them and for our brave people who are guarding the gates to freedom.
GOD Bless

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to deal with illegal immigration

One problem which industrial nations must face is the balancing of illegal versus legal immigration. We in the United States are at such a crossroads in our existence. Unfortunately the politicians on both sides of the isle are burying their collective heads in the sand on this issue. We need some one to step up to the plate and take action, not a politician but a statesman. In my previous writings I have touched on the subject, but nothing has been done. This blog is to serve as a refresher course.
I am going to concentrate on the flood of people from the Americas because that is where the problem calls for some bold initiative.
My proposal would be a variation of the so called "tag up rule". (Drawn on the American game of baseball) ALL illegals would be required to go to their native country and there they need to go to the local authorities where they must obtain a written document which must contain two items, they are not on any criminal wanted list and they are not carrying any communicable diseases. This document must be presented to a representative of the United States government, done in the native land of the proposed immigrant. This document is then validated by the US representative, the validation must be tamper proof in that it contains a photo and a thumb print, and now can serve as an entry pass into the United States. Immediately upon entering the United States the immigrant must present this document to an agent. Here the info is entered onto a secure US government web site and stamped. The immigrant is now in the US legally. When the immigrant goes for employment he must show this validated ID to his employer. The employer has a brief time (three days?) to cross check with the US data base. To prove that this has done the employer must notify the site manager that this immigrant is being hired. In the event of an employer hiring an undocumented worker there would be a substantial fine, enough to deter any short steps or tampering. The employer would further be banned from hiring these guest workers for a period of two years.
The cost can be partially borne by the immigrant who would be required to pay a minimal fee when his card is validated in the US, much like a drivers license. Why can't we use this system or some variation of it? The politicians don't want to fix the problem. The goal of the Obama administration is to grant amnesty to all illegals here and put them on a path to citizenship. The motive, more democratic voters. The real result is to make these immigrants into "economic slaves". The people would be under educated, under trained and inexperienced to do any meaningful labor, hence they become dependent on the government for assistance. This has already been done to the blacks, is it now the turn for the Latinos? I hope and pray that the answer is no. Just like earlier immigrants these people want to come here to better themselves so we owe them the chance to do so with their heads held high. Let's really offer them the American dream.
Meanwhile please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Voter registration

This is a continuation of the changes which I feel are needed. I have discussed the Flat Tax and now I would like to shift to voter fraud and identification. In my home state of Texas we are having a discussion because the state legislature is mulling over whether they should pass a voter ID law. My feeling is that the entire nation needs an ID law, there is entirely too much fraud going on. The election process has changed into a cheap political act of theatrics. It started with the George Bush - Al Gore election, can anyone forget the TV pictures of inspectors holding up ballots to the light in order to verify if a chad has been properly punched? Our election process was made to look like some thing you would expect from some third world nation, not the United States. Illinois, particularly Chicago, has a reputation for dead people voting, do we need this? The voting for the United States Senator from Minnesota shows a real lulu, more votes counted than cast. The state person who is responsible for election supervision is ready to certify this election, am I crazy, or what?
If we had a national voter ID card, much, if not all, of this would be eliminated. It annoys me to hear opponents of the card say it creates a hardship on minorities and poor. You know what, if you want a fair election you must put effort into the process. Showing an ID card is not a hardship, for many people in the world they would love to vote, even if it means showing a card. For too long the politicians try to further the idea that a voter ID cars is demeaning. What a lot of garbage, the only motive of these people is to commit voter fraud by having ineligible people vote. Another way for these politicians to control the people. Voter ID cards would go a long way towards reflecting the wishes of the American people, so, let's go, pass laws to correct the situation. The American people deserve nothing less.
Please prayfor our service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flat tax

In my last blog I went into the concept of a flat tax and now I would like to expand that concept. There was no big explanation of how the tax works so this an attempt to clarify the situation.
When you work for wages you get a paycheck. This paycheck is computed by multiplying your rate of pay times the number of hours worked. If you are salaried you get a fixed salary for each pay period. That is the easy part, now comes the kicker. The politicians in Washington come with their collective hands open, "Where is my share?" So your employer must by law deduct your share of income taxes from your check. If not he may be liable for that amount which should have been deducted. Before your employer sends in your taxes he must make some computations, how much do you owe for income tax, social security and medicare payments. After this computation your employer must then match your deduction for social security and medicare and together with your withholding on income taxes he remits that amount to the government. The employer is mandated to do this but there is no reimbursement for this service so in many cases the employer must hire a professional to do the paperwork or he must purchase a software package which does these computations. I repeat, no federal reimbursement for this. In many cases the state gets into the act and in even some places the local or city government deals themselves in. I quote Jimmy Durante."Every body wants to get into the act." I wish I could poll congress and the bureaucrats in DC and find out how many of them know what is involved, or better yet, if any of them have ever had to meet a payroll. My educated guess is that the answer is close to nil. These are the people who think they can run General Motors and I bet they cannot run a mom and pop candy store. I know they cannot run their own cafeterias.
I add at this time some other tidbits, when your employer remits the tax as computed above, it is not over. He must compute unemployment, both state and federal, workers compensation insurance and in many cases disability insurance. Most of these costs come out of his pocket. The employer however knowing how costly this is generally offers lower wages to compensate for the deductions. In a flat tax there is no need for the employer to figure any "perks" so he can actually raise the workers wages by the amount he would have had to pay the government. Translation, more money for the people to spend as they see fit. (Again Haha on the fat cat politicians). I hope that this simple explanation is giving people the idea of how we can recoup our countryby peaceful means. Now let's get out there and start the ball rolling. More to come. Additional info by reading web sites such as Neal Boortz.
Pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, May 18, 2009

Some positive thoughts

The news is full of all the underhanded dealings going on in Washington so I will drop that line for a few days. It is time to concentrate on the positive and start throwing out some ideas for real change for people to see.
The first change is a call for a flat or fair tax. I have written about this in the past but it is worth while reviewing so here we go. A flat tax is levied on all income equally and is not deducted from your salary. You pay the tax as you make purchases. At first glance it seems as if this will be inflationary but you must consider what this type of tax replaces. When you get a paycheck it will be calculated by multiplying the hours worked by the rate per hour, no deductions for federal income tax, social security (FICA) If you are salaried the check will be for your salary, again with no deductions. Imagine, this means that you actually tell the fat cat politicians in Washington, DC what you want to pay in taxes. When was the last time you were able to do that. What will the lobbyists do? I would like to tell them but then this would be rated X.
Another advantage of a flat tax would be the sharp reduction in ear marks, there would not be enough money to waste on pet projects. The public simply would not fund these projects. Doesn't that rub it into the lobbyists and greedy politicians. (HaHa)
I think that we can even score a third point, namely, without the earmarks it would be harder for politicians to raise money for reelection, ergo, a term limit effect. The best part of all is that for the first time in decades we, the paying public will get our way. I know I would love that, how about you? Stay tuned for more ideas.
Now for one idea we don't want to change, the notion of remembering our brave service people in our prayers.
GOD Bless

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's 10PM, do yu know where your stimulus money is?

As you can tell from the title I am very disappointed with President Obama and the liberal democrats handling of the stimulus package. This was supposed to be a job creating measure, but it is only more PORK. The liberal democrats are lined up at the trows like a bunch of hogs (I think that that is what they are), their hands are out for more of your and my money. Enough is enough, these people have no sensitivity at all. We have seen Pelosi lie about how she was informed concerning the enhanced treatment of the terror suspects in Gitmo, the continued CYA attitude of Barney Frank and Senator Dodd, Congressman Hoyer and Murtha both continuing to add pork to the budget and the entire congress showing no concern for the wishes of the people. We have recourse, vote the bums out of office, our only concern is that we may have permanent damage done before the next election cycle, I hope not. The entire handling of the intelligence gathering agencies and the constant attempt to demoralize our brave troops is a travesty of democracy. When are these brave people going to be respected? I hope that the liberals will see the light.

Since the liberal establishment does not seem to care for the safety of our troops it is incumbent that we look out for them by praying for their safety. It is the lest we can do.
GOD Bless

Friday, May 15, 2009

It is gotten out of control


I continue to be amazed by the antics of our House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA. First we had the misspeaking about the Roman Catholic view on abortion, and now it is compounded by the flap with the CIA. I am wondering if this woman understands what she looks like to others. Maybe it is some sort of plan to keep people off balance,but it is shameful rhetoric. First she says the Catholic Church has the wrong interpretation of their own faith and morals, now, she says the CIA lied to Congress when they said she was in on the treatment of terrorists. One only need to look at her demeanor at her press conference, what body language. You need not be an expert to detect uneasiness and perhaps stretching of the truth. The liberals are proving that they have a religion which trumps all others, it is called liberalism. Under this religion apparently liberals are allowed to break the Ten Commandments, i.e. - Catholics are allowed to spew heretic views even those repugnant to the teachings of the church, liberals are allowed to lie,(bear false witness) there is no end to what this new religion allows. Isn't it about time that we people who pay the money to run the government get our moneys worth? Shouldn't these people be accountable to us? I would certainly hope so. Let me repeat myself, it s past time to throw the bums out and let's elect some sane people to run our nation.

While you mull this over and try to make some sense before the next election please spend some time in prayer for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Out of control

This is my take on the Obama presidency. So far we have totally corrupt appointees to oversee the stimulus package, a complete lack of understanding of foreign policy and a ship of state that is floundering. Much of this can be blamed on the fact that we have a one party control over congress and the executive branch. Not good, We saw how this caused republicans to change and become big spenders, now it is the democrats turn. Meanwhile, we the people get the shaft. To use an expression of Bill O'Reilly, "Who is looking out for the little guy?" Heaven help us.
We should stay aware of what the government is trying to do and speak out against any actions we don't agree with, go to tea parties, write letters to your paper, do any thing that points out the poor government that we have. I don't want to preach anarchy but peaceful and lawful dissent. We deserve better.

I also ask that you pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The most corrupt administration

The more I hear about the liberal control of government the more I long for the days of sanity. Where is this government going? We are seeing a take over of the banking system, the auto industry and housing mortgage industry. The liberal politicians are now lining up to take over the medical profession. There is no end to the insatiable greed of the liberal congress and president. This is a cancer which must be stopped. At this point I would like to remind readers that congress could not run their own cafeterias, they had to privatize them. My question is simple, if congress cannot operate a cafeteria how can they manage the vastly more complex industries and professions which they want to take over? The sad truth is that neither the congress nor the president is capable of administrating a business. As usual the American taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. We need more tea parties.

Meanwhile please remember the brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Language of the United States


Today I feel like I have been put through a ringer and squeezed dry. Sad to say that I have come to a conclusion that I never imagined. When I recently went to vote I noticed that the polling stations had sign written in both English and Spanish. At first I was peeved, but now I have a solution to this problem.
Logic teaches us to solve problems by looking at it directly. One way to come up with a solution is to look at the problem "backwards". What does that mean and how can it be applied to this situation? "Backwards" means look at the problem in a reverse manner, some times the solution becomes apparent. I have done this and my solution to the problem of multilingual speech is to join forces with the opposition.
The democrats and liberals in Washington have already voted against English as the official language of the United States. Now, we propose that we ask that Spanish be the official language. Just think of all the advantages. We already have signs made up in Spanish so we can save money. Who amongst us has made a phone call where you are prompted to "press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish". More money saved. Just think of it, at the borders we can hang highway signs in Spanish directing illegals to the welfare office, the free clinics and then give directions to the so called "free cities", the cities where nobody is allowed to ask if you are in the United States legally. What a bonanza for society. One thing we would have to do is make an adjustment n our education system. English as a second language (ESL) would be replaced by Spanish as a second language. (SSL) It would cost only a minimal amount to make this change. Ponder the benefits as you face the politically correct crowd daily.
Now for the real important part of the writing, remember to pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Are the inmates running the asylum?


I sometimes wonder if the inmates are running the asylum which we call the government. The news reports are full of articles which state that people like Senator Dodd are calling for an indictment of former President Bush and his vice president Dick Chaney. Am I the only one who sees some real irony in this scenario? I certainly hope not. The "good Senator" from Connecticut is one of the biggest money machines in the congress and has taken money from the AIG group (this is one of the main causes of the financial crises). Now what's wrong with that? How about the fact that when then President Bush tried to ask congress enact corrective legislation, our friend Senator Dodd (D-Conn) led a filibuster to kill the proposal. To me it seems like selling a senate vote, any one else come to the same assumption? Now when Dodd calls for a hearing on the actions of Bush, shouldn't he look in a mirror first? Where is the shame, where is the fairness, and where is the justice? Senator Dodd acts like the "D" after his name stands for "Do Not Interfere". Do we need this type of character in congress, I only hope that the good people of Connecticut throw the bum out. The state of Connecticut prides itself on the slogan "The Constitutional State", please live up to that slogan. Thank you.
I will further thank you if you join me in prayer for our brave heroes, the service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, May 8, 2009

Who can stop the liberal machine


Today I am making a suggestion for what I feel is an unstoppable ticket for the republican and conservative parties. I would strongly urge these two to unite behind a ticket of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin for the 2012 election.
Both of these candidates have a proven record of a conservative agenda and between them there is a lot of experience. I know I would feel confident that they can lead our nation. There is another consideration, namely, are they electable? Gingrich is the author of the Contract with America which upended the voting in the house and gave the republicans a sweeping majority. This can be repeated, because now there is an anger in the American people and with a positive candidate this anger can be used to gather grass roots support. The ticket can augment the tea party concept and make it grow. They only need to emphasize that REAL change is coming. All the anti Bush anger that Obama played on would now be turned against Obama. The president now has a record to defend and from the looks of it, that record is not too good. Gingrich, who is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge, can pick apart that flawed record. Palin adds two factors, the still fresh face and her appeal to women voters. With Palin on the ticket McCain got more female voters than Bush did when Bush won reelection.
Another thing to consider is the fact that both of these people have been attacked by the mass media, the hate filled liberal blog sites and by the liberal pundits, but they survived. I cannot see any down side to this ticket and so I would recommend that those of us who believe in conservatism should unite behind this ticket. There is room in the cabinet for the other people who have expressed a desire to run for office. Now is the time to put egos aside and unite.
We could start by uniting in prayer for our brave military.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Where is the change

Today it is necessary to address the so called change that Obama promised. One of his chief campaign points was change we can believe in, where did it go? Remember,no earmarks. The very first budget he signs into law has tons of earmarks, no attempt at change.
The president is not alone in this, he has allies in people like Congressman Murtha (Dem) of Pennsylvania. This guy is an ATM machine, but with our money. There is an airfield in his district,hardly used, I think that I read there were three flights daily out of the field. Murtha earmarks money to repave the backup airstrip. How many jobs did that create? Then Murtha, the chairman of the sub committee that regulated some spending, watches as his nephew gets a no bid contract. I would like to ask Murtha, is this stimulus spending or a blatant attempt to abet a lie made by then candidate Obama? Clearly the American people deserve better than what we get from these two. Murtha, like too many others in congress, has been in office too long. It is time to sweep them out of government. The list goes on, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Rangle (Dem-New York) the bunch that write tax laws, cheats on his tax and then blames it on all sorts of people and excuses. What the h*** is going on around here. Then the allies in the media try to paint the tea parties as right wing nonsense. The nonsense is in the government and the media who allow it to go unreported. Give us a break. The government is ailing and the cure is a good effective enema.
Now for those that are giving their lives for the good of the nation, our armed services. Pray for them.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is this a fair media?

Today I will point out one of many bias misdeeds that our "free media" do in carrying out their Constitutional task. I am referring to the presidential press conference in which President Obama appeared unannounced. The Washington press corps stood up in respect. My point is that they never stood up when George Bush was president and appeared. Talk about showing "no respect" (excuse me Rodney Dangerfield). The biggest insult was to the office of the presidency, not to the individual who happens to be in office at the time. It is the same thinking that dictates saluting a superior officer in the military, you salute the rank and the men who held it, not the individuals. Where has civility gone? These are the same people who advocate talking with our enemies because you catch more flies with honey that you can with vinegar. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they practiced what they preached? The liberal sector in our country never does what they tell you to do, i.e. The Secretary of the Treasury does not file his return, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee cheats on his taxes and then Obama tells us it is patriotic to file taxes. Some how I don't think ths is the way to run a government.
Now for those outstanding people who defend our nation, the Armed Forces. Please remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, May 4, 2009

Impact of Sen Spector defecting

Among the pundits and politicos the defection of Senator Spector is seen as a major coup. Sorry guys, I don't see it that way. Truth is, who needs him, not the conservative movement. He is just the very sort the Republican party needs to purge to make themselves credible. Known as a RINO (republican in name only) he is the very essence of what is wrong with the republicans. Now if only Susan Collins and Olympia Snow would go, we would then be able to present a true conservative agenda for the next election cycles. The way these people vote (these RINOs) is constantly being referred to as sensible republicans. The problem is that this frame of reference is by the liberals. We do not need them to define us.
The solution is to run a clean slate of conservative candidates, people with a proven track record and a willingness to vote conservative. It won't be easy, the voters do not trust the republicans. The voters do want to believe in some one who will run the government as the voters wish. The republicans must give them that choice or be a losing proposition. That's what the tea parties are all about.
One of the major issues which these new candidates must endorse is the fair or flat tax. Get lobbyists out of Washington. Obama lied to the American people when he said he would change the system, he is vulnerable. Conservative candidates should use this as their campaign tactic. It is a winner. Let us hope that the republican party will start to act as a true party and follow up with the selection of conservative people to run for office. The American people would become energized.

Now please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Friday, May 1, 2009

Supreme Court Vacancy


Today I would like to give you my take on the person who should be named to the United States Supreme Court. Not a specific name but rather the type of person that we need. My decision is based on certain assumptions which are listed below.
Te first assumption is that the United States Constitution is either a "living document" or a "document to be read exactly as written". This is a major difference between liberals and conservatives. Te liberals want it as a living document, conservatives disagree. I side with the conservatives. If the liberal interpretation were valid it would mean that e change the rules every time we see fit, and remember, since the court hears cases based on what has happened, it means that these rule changes are always after the facts. It makes no sense to me to run any thing in this manner, much less our nation. We don't even play a friendly game of cards unless we know the rules and no one in their right mind would play if the rules were changed haphazardly. Why run the country with less common sense than the way we play cards. Any one considered for the court should be a strict constructionist.
Now for the second part f my take, the judges should not make the law, that is up to congress. The judges should limit themselves to interpreting the laws laid down by congress, nothing else. Some sitting Supreme Court justices have suggested looking to foreign law to help interpret our laws. We live in our country, we are not concerned with any one else trying to pass laws which bind us. This country did very well without the laws of other countries, why start now. Congress should look into these factors before consenting on a nominee. Unfortunately the liberals in the Senate who vote on confirmation of justices have decided that politics play an important part. What a blatant grab of power, and a grab of the power of the people. Remember the quote by Abraham Lincoln, "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". I wish the senate would think this way.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in our military, they deserve it.
GOD Bless