Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What is Obama up to?


Today I ask the question of our president, What are you trying to do to this nation by allowing our monetary system to be controlled by countries other than the United States? Are you that much of a socialist that you would jeopardize our nation. On the sly Obama is apparently conceding the monetary system to the World Bank which is controlled by Europeans. I only wish more people heard your comments to Joe the Plumber, you do want to redistribute wealth,you want socialist government and you do think that you and a select cadre are smarter than the rest of us. What brass" You're willing to let characters like Senator Dodd and Congressman Frank run the economy, when they are nothing but cheap (maybe cheap is a poor choice of words) politicians. Look at their records. It must not bother you because you probably think like they do, but the American people don't want this. Be a statesman, not a politician, stop this socialist take over of our great nation. This nation was not formed by socialist and it grew because of capitalism, not government grants. Please do the right thing.

Now I ask that you pray for those who have the best interest of our great nation in mind, our armed forces. Remember them
GOD Bless

Monday, March 30, 2009

More on Senator Dodd


The news just gets more and more frightening, now I see where Fox news has run a story about some e-mails which seem to ties Senator Dodd with raising money from AIG and its employees. Senator Dodd, as the chairman of the senate committee overseeing AIG, please have some scruples. The story grows but the president doesn't seem to mind, where is his change? Change for you and me but not for the Washington in crowd. Were we sold a bill of goods. My plea with the president and the senator, please clean up your own houses before you try to govern by telling me how I must keep my house. I can do well if you just leave me alone. I sense that most of the American people are starting to feel like I do, I certainly hope so. The only thing we can do is keep the faith, shine light on these pitiful acts and hope for the best.

Please pray for the good guys, the service people serving our nation,
GOD Bless

Friday, March 27, 2009

Political correct and its effect


This is about the effect of political correctness and not Washington.

I don't know how many of you got the story about the principal and the black students. I assume it was not too well carried so here are the facts; in Texas the state has a grading system for measuring school performance. Apparently some schools did not measure up to state standards and naturally the educators tried to bring the results up to standard. Here is where the incident cones into play. A principal who happens to be black called a meeting with the black students in his school. At that meeting the principal addressed his concerns that the students were not meeting standards. He further admonished the students telling them that they should make an extra effort to improve, both for the sake of the school and for the sake of their own future. Some of the students responded by assuming the worst, "The principal tried to play blacks against Hispanic and other ethnic groups, the principal is singling us out and is debasing us, etc." My concern is mostly with the attitude of the students and their families, "why does it always come down to the blacks being victims?" This is a prime example of political correctness gone amok. The principal is trying to motivate, he is trying to get the students to have pride in themselves and to do the best they possibly can and he gets faulted. Why do minorities play the "victim card?" Enough of this nonsense, let's examine our selves and say that we do not favor racial injustice but also say that not every comment made to or about minorities is racial. The so called leaders of the minority community want to castrate the white or majority people. My take is that this is done so that these so called leaders can still have the political issue. Just ask yourselves where these leaders would go if the civil rights issue were resolved. Most would not be able to get a job. To me it is self serving and really defines demigod behavior. I know that certain people would point out that I am not colored so therefore I cannot speak for the minority community, that is hogwash. An oncologist can speak of cancer even though he has not had the disease. This is a real problem brought about by the political correct crowd and should be stopped. Don't respect this garbage but fight against it by pointing out what are the facts, this thinking has hurt the minority communities and has kept them economically enslaved. Let's break the chains of economic slavery. To the principal keep up your dedicated efforts to better your people and through them all of mankind.

Now I ask you to pray forour brave service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What direction America


Today it is a sad day for the American people and the nation. The Washington crowd is starting to try some radical (and possibly illegal) actions. The liberals are now discussing some legislation which would allow for the regulation of public sector wages, regulate home consumer use of electricity and taxing executive bonuses as a means of recouping monies paid to companies receiving bailout money. Every one of these is the indication that the liberals would like to take us on a path towards socialism. My fear is that they may be able to do it. We need to keep alert and let congress know that we as Americans will not stand for this. we must let them know we will remember at election times. There is a special election in New York State for the house seat vacated by the woman who replaced Hillary in the senate. I hope New Yorkers vote for the conservative candidate and send a message to the liberals.
On the Rush Limbaugh show today I heard Rush talk about how the liberals may create a real dilemma for themselves. If they set private sector wages now they set a precedent and when the conservatives assume power the precedent may be set for the conservatives to regulate wages of typically democratic leaning voter blocs. Wouldn't you love to see a wage schedule put on those in Hollywood who only believe in socialism at any price? Do you think that Barbara Streisand and Sean Penn would take that? I don't. It would be ironic humor to see.
Keep letting your represenatatives know your feelings and keep the faith.

Mean while pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Congressman Barney Frank - D Mass


This blog is about one individual in congress, Congressman Barney Frank, Democrat from Massachusetts. Specifically I would like to respond to his recent comments about Supreme Court Justice Scalia. In the event you have not heard the remarks, congressman Frank called Justice Scalia a homophobe. This is the sickening tactic used by liberals, if you cannot refute the arguments, attack the person. The irony of this is that by using that term Frank tries to paint Justice Scalia as an irrational person, but it is Frank who is irrational. Mr Justice Scalia expresses a core belief that homosexual activities are sinful and immoral, The Justice never calls the homosexual any name, he only condemns the action. Mr Justice Scalia is consistent, he would also condemn extra marital relations by heterosexuals. There is a great moral and ethical belief in the Justice and he carries that into his life as a judge. Frank on the other hand is a hypocrite, his idea is to use his position in congress as a means of furthering his homosexual agenda. As an aside, I remind you that Frank avoided censure by the House of Representatives earlier by a maneuver which wound up blaming his homosexual roommate for running a male prostitution ring out of Franks house. What a "moral" person, just what we need in congress.

This is all a smoke screen to cover the fact that Frank was in a homosexual relationship with a member of the board of Fannie Mae when all the bad loans were being made. How mush pillow talk went on? Frank tries to excuse it by saying he was only a minority member of the committee and had little clout. He did have a vote. Where is the morality? I honestly believe that the American people need to rid the government of these "no ggdniks". Vote them out.

Now comes my plea for your prayers for our brave service people. Remember them.
GOD Bless

Friday, March 20, 2009

AIG - The Saga continues


Today I am really disturbed by the AIG mess. Just think of it, we have a politically connected corporation getting bailout money and then we find that the only reason for the need for a bailout was greed by both the corporate execs and politicians. This is bad enough but compound it by other so called politically connected entities- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, The United Auto Workers Union, etc, it becomes a national tragedy.

Now let's look into how the liberal democrat controlled congress fixes it. Senator Shummer says congress will tax the money and recoup it, but wait, Senator Shummer only taxes AIG bonuses, what about the rest including the political contributions to President Obama, Senator Dodd and others. This is a great way to look out for the people. The other step is to blame Bush. Forget that when Bush tried to reign in AIG, our good friend Dodd filibustered the proposed changes. Is this guy a crook or what? Come on Dodd, (and you others including the Treasury Secretary) do the right thing, resign. The American people deserve it.

To get back to the so called cure, congress adds to the stupidity by passing what is arguably an unconstitutional law. The United States Constitution forbids Bills of Attainder, (Article I Section 9) but congress ignores that and taxes only the income from AIG bonuses. Shummer, please go back and read the Constitution. It applies to you as well as Bush. You were quick to charge him with violations, now, how do you sleep at night. We used to call this Hypocrisy. Please dotheright thing.

Now for the good and decent part of the blog, let us remember our brave service people who serve to keep us free. Pray for them.
GOD Bless

Thursday, March 19, 2009

AIG Saga Continues


As I write I have heard that the congress has passed a tax on AIG Bonuses. Excuse me, but isn't this the bunch that said "change"? Where is it? There is a blatant disregard to our Constitution by the people who passed this bill. We forbid Bill of Attainder and Ex Post Facto laws. This is the bunch that spent 8 years calling Bush for breaking the Constitution, now they do worse. Hypocrisy at its worst. We the American people were sold a bill of goods by Obama and the liberals and it turns out these goods were faulty. We need to correct this. Keep this in mind when the next election comes around.

Now the best part of my blog, prayer for our Armed Forces. Please join me.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG and the 40 thieves


Today I have a subject which lends itself to comment,the AIG bailout and the subsequent garbage that is flooding our newscasts. There is enough controversy to fill the entire news cycle but I will try to concentrate on a small portion of the problem.

The people who abetted AIG are now calling for a tax on the bonus money which is to be paid. My first problem is namely where do they get the nerve to use the tax code as a means of enforcing or deterring bad behavior? You can see why I advocate a fair tax, we don't need this. Bad behavior (circumventing the US Constitution) in order to stop other bad behavior. Now if Senator Shummer, Congressman Frank (all democrat) want to recoup the bonus money don't stop there, make the tax include campaign finance money paid to politicians. Sorry, that would include taxing the likes of President Obama and Senator Dodd (all democrats) Boy what a bunch of phonies. This shows why we need a fair tax and we need to get rid of these self serving demigods who are in congress and government. Power to the people.

Our brave men and women serving in the armed forces are volunteering their services despite this horrendous situation, these brave warriors deserve our thanks and our prayers. Please pray for them.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Government bailout


This blog is a summary of the bailout as I see it. Before I go into the bailout itself I must point out the hypocrisy in President Obama. During the campaign he accused John McCain of not knowing the enormity of our economic woes, but just this week one of his chef advisers said almost the same thing. This merely shows how Obama is just a well dressed, well spoken person who is not capable of being the president. Maybe we really do not really need any stimulus. Certainly the liberal politicians are using this as an excuse for the biggest pork filled legislation ever. Mr Obama, where's the change???

I could go on but it would be redundant so I will close for today.

Pray for the troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, March 16, 2009

Excess taxation


It seems that the democrats never run out of ways to tax the people. Recently there have been several trial balloons floated, all looking for ways to raise taxes. Among these ideas are to tax health care benefits received from an employer, forcing veterans to go outside the VA medical plan, even one attempt was to look at taxing 401(k) plans. Where does it end? The liberal democrats never learn, the best way to kick start the economy is to lower taxes both on individuals and businesses. Of course the idea of lower taxes does not fit into the liberal agenda of more taxes equals more government control. Boy do we need to clean up congress and here I include certain republicans also, I have mentioned their names in other blogs. Please when you vote take into consideration what candidates represent, it is far more important than being able to speak in a glib manner. America and the American people deserve better.

Meanwhile, keep the faith. Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Congress andthe Football playoffs


Sometimes it is taxing to come up with a subject to blog about but other times a made to order subject drops into your lap. This is one of those made to order jobs.

I see where congress is talking about taking up the subject of a football bowl championship playoff system for our colleges. Are they for real. The last thing we need is more things for government to control. I could just see the members of congress all playing favorites with their alma maters, boy we need this like a hole in the head. College football is corrupt enough without congressional interference. My first thought is people like Senator Dodd, Senator Cochran and Congressman Frank lining up with their hands out looking for political campaign contributions. What a frightening sight.

The real solution with the problem lies in the make up of NCAA football. Too many of our colleges and universities have forgotten what their main mission is. In the local paper there was an article which said that the State of Texas, acting through a rule for determining admissions, may jeopardize football. Mind you the Texas 10% rule says that the top 10% of all high school graduates applying to state schools are guaranteed admission to college. That is a good rule because it helps the poor get into college and gives them a chance to advance themselves. The football program lets the poor get into college but not to better themselves but to play for the college. The only ones who gain any future benefit are those who go on to play professional football, a small percentage. We need to get our priorities in order.

As bad as the current system is if congress gets involved it will only get worse. Congress cannot even manage their own cafeterias, how can they ask us to allow them to manage the football system. If you want an example of congressional mismanagement just look at the TARP bailout, all pork. This is a blatant power grab and nothing else. To congress I say try to manage the country and don't look to give the people more troubles.

Please pray for our men and women in the service.
GOD Bless

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Political disgrace


This is written with an angry and sad heart. What is going on with our politicians? Heaven help us.

In the past I have written about some of the more blatant abusers of political power and I have always believed I had seen the worst, now, along comes another one. On top of people like Frank, D-MASS, Dodd, D-CONN, Cockran, R-MISS, now comes Watters, D-CALIF. Her husband just happened to buy stock in a Boston Bank just before the TARP bailout gave the same bank money. At least have the courtesy to give us credit for some brains, don't add insult to injury by pretending that it was coincidence. My biggest concern is where are these people coming from. It is a disgrace to our country to think that we spawned this. The answer is to vote these people out of office, and as soon as possible. As an aside, the majority have the letter "D" after their name, the mass media must think that stands for "do not bother.

Remember America is great because we can withstand these attacks and still persevere, we had good founding fathers.

Now I ask for more of your patriotic emotions, please pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

High taxes vs Fair tax


The die is cast, congress and the president have elected to spend us into a deeper recession. This would have been a perfect time to initiate a fair tax, but the liberal establishment is more concerned with establishing a bigger government. By their actions they have demonstrated that the main thrust of liberal politicians is to create a dependent state and coerce voters into keeping them in power. Mr Obama. is this the change you envisioned for the working class? It isn't what you promised. For once I would like to see a politician keep his word, heaven knows, they are few and far between. Just think how much good President Obama would do for the black people of America by being a stand up guy. Blacks could point to him proudly, but he seems more concerned with being in office as a politician than he is concerned about being a statesman. He is letting the black community down, what a shame. This is typical of what the American system seems to attract.

Now that the problem has been spot lighted what is the solution? Better candidates. Where do we draw them from? I say that it is not necessary for candidates to have either a legal back round or to have political experience. When Jesus chose the disciples He chose men who were ordinary, He did not go seeking out glib speakers. St Peter was a fisherman, he turned out well. We certainly would not go wrong if we were to use the method Jesus showed, He would be a great teacher.

Some people come to mind, Chuck Norris amd Roger Staubach would be two good candidates. We are a nation of many great people who would fit, let's go seek them. It would be refreshing to clean out Washington.

Please remember our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Why complain


Today I am feeling odd in that I saw a video of a rant by Whoopi Goldberg on the View. She carried n about paying excessive taxes and paying the to multiple jurisdictions. The reason for my feeling odd is that she was one of the foremost backers of Obama. If I were on the show I would have calmly asked her if she expected some thing different from Obama. He as much said he wanted income redistribution when he spoke with Joe the Plumber during the campaign. Why act surprised? You should have anticipated this when you supported Obama. Reminds one of the old adage, be careful what you hope for because you might get it. This should be a lesson for all those liberals, when politicians refer to the rich paying more taxes it covers liberal people as well. Please keep this i mind when you come out and support a candidate. Also. please remember that a wealthy person who pays taxes has less to use for the creation of jobs fr the working class. Rush said it so well, you never get a job from a poor person.

The saga continues so keep tuned.

Pray for our armed forces.
GOD Bess

Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama and change


Where do I start and where does Obama end? I have been critical of the presidents choices for cabinet and advisory officials. I would like to change the topic but how can I. Another of the presidents nominees has just stepped down, the article I read gave no reason. This is getting monotonous, come on Mister President, show some leadership ability. As time passes I am getting more and more to believe what Biden and Clinton referred to in the campaign, Obama is not capable of governing this nation. It is not easy for me to agree with the before mentioned duo, but facts force me to. Life makes some strange bedfellows.

Today I am brief because the weekend is nearing, TGIF (wait, is that politically correct to mention a phrase with a reference to GOD). Too bad if any one takes offense, I believe in GOD and I choose to have HIM in my conversations.

Just as a further choice I will now ask you to remember our brave men and women in the service of our nation. Pray for them.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More on race


Yesterday I wrote about race in respond to a speech given by the Attorney General, today I will modify my prior writing. We have created an underclass in the United States, especially in the area of two distinct peoples. There is no question that both the American Indian and the Blacks have gotten poor treatment. Despite this there have been blacks and Indians who have made it, mostly by hard work, diligence and perseverance. It is more difficult to get ahead but it can be doen. The problem is that these two groups also have outside influences which hold them back. The Indians have the government which has for years neglected the real welfare of these people for the sake of money and other reasons. The blacks are being held back by the so called "civil rights leaders". This may seem odd but the history of the civil rights movement is replete with examples which beg the government for aid. The real thing that should have been done is to instill a desire to achieve success by hard work, family vales and stressing that education is the key to freedom. I refer to a comment made by Rush Limbaugh, - Where would all the civil rights leaders go if the race problem were solved? Makes you wonder. There seems to be a conflict of interest, do these leaders want to solve the problem and disappear or do they want to perpetuate the problem and guaranty themselves a life time job? You be the judge. The civil rights leaders keep advising the blacks to vote democratic because they are going to give you things. This is smoke and mirrors, the promise has been made as far back as the LBJ war on poverty. I think we are losing that war. In exchange the conservtive offers hope but at the price of work, which do you prefer?
Education is another example of false hope. The democratic party opposed school vouchers which the black community preferred. This was done to satisfy the wishes of the teachers unions. Why do blacks keep voting democratic? I cannot figure it out. My only deduction is that nobody wants to kill Santa Claus.
I will close for now but I promise to return to this subject.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, March 2, 2009

Race in the United States


Today I start by congratulating Mr Eric Holder on becoming the Attorney General. Mr Holder and I are both graduates of the same high school, Stuyvesant High in New York City.

The title of this blog suggests that the topic will be about race and race relations in the country and it is, so I go forward. When I was young, in the 50s and 60s, it was almost taboo to discuss race. Society frowned upon it. Today Mr Holder wishes to bring it to the front burner. I agree, it is already too long overdo. The film personality Clint Eastwood gave an interview with a German newspaper and he said the idea of discussing race now was hypocritical. I agree. For too long we have tried to shut up those who would discuss race in an intelligent manner, thus creating an atmosphere of a no-no subject. The big problem of the earlier years was the fact that as soon as one started discussing race the "N" word came into play. Today the pendulum has swung to the other side. Now it is the colored community who cry race. Just look at Rev Al Sharpton when Don Imus made those crude remarks about the girls basketball team, did Imus need to apologize to Sharpton Why didn't Sharpton apologize to Imus for the remarks Sharpton made during the Tawana Brawly incident? Does the street go only one way? Further, who appointed Sharpton the "official soul of the colored people"? First we had the Rev Jesse Jackson, what happened to him? Usurped by Sharpton. Here my question goes to Mr Holder, does your query about race include these demigods, or is it just white people? One only look at what happened to Bill Cosby, chastised by the colored people for daring to speak out about the lack of family values in the colored community. For there to be a meaningful dialogue there must be meaningful and mutual respect, let the demigods park their egos and join, or if they cannot, then let them stand aside and shut up. Do the nation and yes, the colored people, a big favor. Your attitude only causes a back lash in the non-colored community. We have already had too much of this.

One way to start unity between the races is to all offer our prayers for our service people, colored and white, for their safety. Please do so. Thank you.
GOD Bless