Monday, October 8, 2012


As I listen to the pundits and writers go on about the Romney-Obama debate I think that maybe this is something novel.  Most polls show a Romney bump, is it real or just a passing fancy?

As a general rule polls in the past have been ho hum.  This cycle there is a marked difference between the candidates. We have a choice, continue with a free market society or to select a socialistic government.  This sparked the debate and justly so.  Americans want to keep control over the government and that is why I feel the debates are important.

From here on in it is a question of where do we go. Enjoy the debates and make up your mind as to who should run the government.

Please continue to pray for our people who are at risk.
GOD Bless

Sunday, October 7, 2012


We have has a few days for the presidential debate to sink in, so now let's take a look at where we stand.

By any standard, except the one used by left leaning fanatics, Romney won. Obama really gave no opposition.  Obama seemed to be lost and perhaps we can recall what Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden said of him during the last cycle,-Obama is not experienced enough to be president.  I think the past three and a half years of Obama and the performance during the debate prove that Obama is not smart or experienced enough to be president.  The saving feature is that we can correct it this election.

Please continue to pray for those who keep us safe.
GOD Bless

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Today we have the first presidential debate behind us and now every one is giving their opinion. I will put mine in also.

I anticipated some kind of a weak, watered down version where sound bites took precedence over substance.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Romney appeared to be more presidential, he had command of the facts and the ability to express himself.  Obama appeared to be lost.  Obama tried to catch Romney several times but each time Romney quickly answered.  The answers that Romney gave were factual, easily understood and to the point.  When Obama answered he seemed to be at a loss. Obama knew he could not run on his record and so he was in an undesirable position, and it showed. Most polls, pundits and analysts seem to think that Romney came across as the winner.  I think Romney won also.

This is the first of three presidential debated so now we can look forward to future debates.

Pray for our people in harms way.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today is the day before the first debate between Romney and Obama.  Those of us who follow politics await this confrontation, and justly so.

One caveat, the biased media.  I hope that the media does not try to make this into a bunch of soundbites, but instead, a real discussion of the issues. I would rather hear the candidates give their take on what we need as a nation than the rehearsed rhetoric. We deserve that.

The media has gone into the mode of a PAC in favor of Obama.  By this I mean that the main stream media has openly tried to report any thing in the best light for the president. Thomas Jefferson said that we as a nation need an unbiased media for the republic to continue. The liberals are always citing the remarks of Jefferson on the Separation of Church and State, now let the media use the same wisdom of Jefferson when it comes to an unbiased media.  I believe that one problem with the media and bias is that there is so much "inbred" journalists that there is no contact with anyone else except other journalists. Sadly the expression that pundits throw around, "Fly over country" is too true. There is still time for the media to redeem itself and what better time than the debates. Let us hope we get at least this much from the moderators.

Continue to pray for our nations proecters.
GOD Bless

Friday, September 21, 2012


We are now in the 2012 presidential cycle and the polls and pundits are about to take over the news, TV and op-ed columns.  We should all strive to think independently and not over rely on these so called experts.  One of the biggest problem we have is that the government is too centralized and therefore too involved in our lives.

The answer is simple, vote for candidates who favor less government. Easier said than done. Politicians of both major parties have one goal in mind, reelection. A break up of government would have the side effect of breaking up the cycle of career politicians.

By break up of government I mean do not over throw our Constitution, but rather go back and reaffirm the document. Some of the specific areas are education, commerce, energy and the federal reserve.  All of these agencies do nothing but add layers of bureaucracy.  These agencies operate as separate governments and assume power as they go along.  All the appointed people do is make rules and enforce them on the people.  Shouldn't education be controlled at the local level?  Just ask yourself, "Who is better able to educate our children, the local school board or a bureaucrat in DC?" We have extortion by the DC establishment, called federal aid.  The same can be said of the other agencies earlier mentioned. 

This election is clearly defined, Obama believes in federal takeover of our economy and rule by the select elite few.  Romney is a more private sector type of person, he wants the economy controlled by the individuals. The choice is clear, now it is in the hands of the people. Which way do we go.

With the turmoil in the Arab world I ask that you include our people serving in our embassies, etc. in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, September 17, 2012


As of now the "Arab Spring" uprising is the dominant topic for discussion.  There is much we do not know of this, is it a planned movement, is it spontaneous? It is difficult to make an informed opinion when we only get bits and traces of information.  Having said that, I will give my take on the mater based on what I believe to be the facts.

The attacks seem to be timed to occur on a certain date. If this were spontaneous would this have happened?  I don't think so, therefore I feel that this is a planned attack on United States interests.

The next aspect that I have felt is the extent of the attacks.  My feeling is that some cabal has coordinated these attacks and would like to punish the United States.  My belief is supported by the hatred that most(if not all) Arab nations have for both Israel and the United States.  Our ally Israel is in grave peril from the fallout if the Arab states unite. We know that these Arab nations do in fact hate Israel and would like nothing more than to push Israel into the sea. The United States cannot let that happen. It would spell the doom of democracy world wide. We have a dilemma and the United States must make a careful and reasonable decision concerning what path do we follow. Unfortunately, we have a president who is not up to leading.  President Obama is more concerned about politics than he is about governing. In my opinion four years age we made the wrong choice, perhaps the worst option of what was available.

We must pray that the United States does act and that such actions will be in the interest of all the nations involved.

Pray for our service people and include our embassy staff.
GOD Bless

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today on the TV news there was a mention of a patriotic award.  No big deal except the recipient and the person hosting the ceremony made me wonder.

Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to give the award to Mohammed Ali, here is where I have a problem.  All my life I have been taught that one owes allegiance to his/her homeland.  Serving to protect the United States is an honor not to be taken lightly.

Let's look at the parties:

Bill Clinton, yes he was elected president but he is an acknowledged draft dodger (and a liar also ). Do we need him to give patriotism awards?  I hope we could do better.

Ali, he is a draft dodger. He claimed his religion kept him as an objector to war.  Do we need him to receive these awards?

Clearly we are a nation of forgiveness but do we have to go this far.  There are hundreds of soldiers who served and would be better examples of what we would like our children to be. Let's start to honor these brave people who served by awarding them respect for their service, let's not degrade the memory of the warriors by honoring draft dodgers.  During the Korean War there was an accordion player, Dick Contino.  Contino claimed status as an objector because of his religion but there was a hue and cry referring him to be a draft dodger.  Comtino had a problem with the discipline and he wound up being charged as an AWOL.  After a stay in an army stockade he was sent to Korea and received an honorable discharge.  To this day people remember him as being a draft dodger, the fact that he did atone remains largely unreported.  Why do we not use the same standard on Clinton and Ali?  Political correctness run amok. 

As a nation we are headed in the wrong direction and we should do all we could to correct this.

Pray for our brave service people.
 GOD Bless.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012 Presidential election

Hello everyone

Well we are at the point of where the politicians start to say important things, not just campaign garbage.

The upcoming debates should clearly define t two major parties stand for.   President Obama is clearly showing that his answers are "BIG GOVERNMENT."  Romney, on the other hand seems to be in favor of a more restrained federal government. An examination of policy shows what each would attempt to lead the country into.

Obama has shown that he has no leadership qualities, his economic solutions are more problems rather than solutions.  Every economic move he has made in his first term has been to help his allies.  Sounds familiar, not the Hope he promised. I say we do not give him another term, he hs done enough damage already.

Romney offers a somewhat conservative fiscal solution.  Tax reform, cut spending and try to stimulate the private sector job growth.  Contrary to what the liberals would have you believe, these conservative policies have worked. (How much federal aid did Edison, Ford, the Wright brothers get)  This election will decide how we as a nation want to go.  It is important that we vote.

Remember to keep the people defending us in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 30, 2012

This is a return to blogging by me, I have been absent as a one person crusade to shorten the election cycle.
Let me start off by asking "Did any one learn any thing about the candidates during the primary season?" I know I get annoyed at the time, effort and money spent on the so called primaries. Just think of al that effort being used for something useful.
Now that I am back, I will maintain a regular schedule until election day.

Remember the troops in your prayers.
GOD Bless