Thursday, January 29, 2009

Al Gore again


Yesterday VP Al Gore spoke before congress, naturally the topic was global warming, or rather "climate change". We must be politically correct. Here we have a man who goes around giving speeches, making documentary films and in general preaching about global warming. When the issue of global warming gets too hot to continue, he conveniently changes to climate change. Yesterday he out did himself when he preached that the United States must be a leader in setting an example for the rest of the world. Really, Mr. Gore, do you in your private life set an example? You are one of the biggest abusers of the very conduct you want to push off on the people of the United States. When you fly by charter jet instead of scheduled airlines, are you contribute to the problem? Or does the universe know that it is you who are causing this so called pollution, and thereby forgiving the bad conduct? Come on Mr Gore, get real. You come across as a pompous old man. I will preach to you Mr Gore, -"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones." If you want to force the people to change their ways then by all means have the decency to change yours. Again I ask that you heed the advice of that adage, "What is good for the goose is good for the gander" We don't need any more hypocrisy.

In future writings I will address the bail out plan. Stay tuned.

Pray for our brave men and women in the service.
GOD Bless

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Housing crunch


The past few days I have tried to describe how capitalism started and how it works. Today I will try to point out an example of how government intervention can cause problems. I will use the current housing/bankruptcy crisis as an illustration.

Back when Jimmy Carter was president he started a program intended to get poor people into homes. The theory was that these people needed a little help to achieve what other Americans had done, and the government would be the one to supply the gentle push.

It was supposed to work this way - people would buy a home, usually more expensive than they could afford. The intent that with higher inflation causing prices to rise if the buyer could not afford to keep the house, then, he could sell it and pay off the mortgage and pocket the balance caused by the inflated property value. This scheme was based on a continuous inflation and rise in home value.

When Reagan replaced Carter as president he stopped this practice. In 1998 under Clinton the practice was again reinstated. The architects were HUD secretary Cisnesros and then Cuomo. The practice flourished under this leadership and there was formed a set of federal chartered agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The object or mission of these chartered agencies was to push banks to lend money and write mortgages merely to achieve a well intended but foolish policy called "Sub prime lending". The fact that there was no real security to support the mortgage loans was made a secondary issue. Bush then was elected president and replaced Clinton. Bush did not stop the practice in any way, although he did try to warn congress of the problem in the sub prime lending area but it fell on deaf ears.

During the presidency of Bush we had 9/11 and then the bubble broke. Banks holding this virtually worthless paper as security could not survive, now the banks failed. This failure is due in a large part to the fact that so many borrowers could not pay the mortgage and this acted like a domino theory which caused the banks to run out of capital. Now we have a double whammy, increased incidence of mortgage failures coupled with inability of banks to function. As they say, "The s*** hit the fan". The economy could not handle this problem. Ripples were sent through all kinds of places, the value of stocks fell, people lost equity in their retirement plans, colleges lost value in their endowment funds, cities lost revenue and every body came running to the government with extended hands. "Where's mine?" Guess what, there is no free lunch.

This serves as an example of how socialism is a failed idea. The concept does not work in the real world.

More in my next writing. Stay tuned.

Pray for our servicemen and women.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More on capitalism


Yesterday I went over how capitalism started and today I would like to follow up and compare capitalism with other various forms of economic systems. Before I do you should bear in mind that economic systems,i.e.-capitalism. socialism and fascism should be considered different from political systems such as democracy, constitutional republics and communism. One goes to the trade and commerce of a people whereas the other goes to the rule of those people. In today's modern world some times they overlap mainly due to the fact that totalitarian regimes control the population by means of economic methods.

Capitalism relies on the ingenuity of the individual, can he make a better product? Can he produce an existing product cheaper? Will the individual offer services more efficiently? One central theme running through these questions is that they all are tied in to individual freedom. When an outside force, the government intervenes then we have the efficiency quotient that drops. Why politicians believe that they know better than the rest of us is some thing that still amazes me. In almost every other economic system there is the intervention and control of the government, and of course the fall in efficiency of the worker and entrepreneur. Not good. The United States was build and flourished under a capitalist system. This is probably the main reason why we became the greatest nation on earth. Liberal (socialist leaning) politicians want to emulate societies and nations that have a record of failure. Do we really need this?

Both socialism and fascism rely on the government dictating the commerce of a nation. Government tells people what to produce, what to manufacture, what crops to grow and even what medical care one is entitled to. This is done with the excuse that the government knows better than the people what is best. Can anyone please let me know any place where this has worked? Why try it here, go capitalist and thrive.

More to come.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How capitalism grew


I thought that perhaps it is time to refresh our history concerning how capitalism grew.

To start you have to go back in time to before the industrial revolution. Life was simpler in those times, people depended on their own work ethic to survive. I will try to show by use of little anecdotes.

Let's assume that John is an excellent farmer and can grow more grain that he can use. Frank, on the other hand, is an excellent mechanic and can fix and invent things. John goes to Frank and offers to exchange grain for services, they agree and both men are happy with the arrangement. The next year however brings some complications, John, the farmer, does not need Franks services but Frank needs more grain. The two men agree that they will go to Louis, who is an excellent handler of animals. They agree to get services from Louis in exchange for grain from John and services from Frank. Again every body is happy.

At this time the three agree that to avoid this kind of hassle in the future, they should create some medium of exchange. We call this exchange medium money. Now they can in effect sell their goods and services for money and when the need arises, they can spend the money for what is needed. This works out great for the local community, but now some one needs services from some other community, what to do. Here the government steps in and creates a central money supply which can be used in all communities. The problem appears to be solved.

In effect it is solved as long as the government does not interfere and make "the deals" for the parties. After all the people know how they choose to spend the money, they know what is needed.

With the industrialization of the world a new concept is introduced, mass labor. Again the people who make up the mass labor bloc should make an agreement with the person who is offering the jobs. This is fair, people now have a choice to "take it or leave it".

Multiply this scenario by thousands and you have the onset of capitalism. Please note that the main theme running through this concept of capitalism is individual freedom.
More to come.

Let us pray for our brave service people, may they be safe.
GOD Bless

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where's the Change


Well we have now seen the choices that Obama has made to run the government. My question is where are the changes we were promised?

We get nominees for the positions as follows: the Secretary of State, a woman whose husband has been getting payments from Arab nations, a Secretary of the Treasury who doesn't know how to file his taxes properly, Secretary of Education who led schools which failed to meet existing standards for education, an Attorney General who we now know had ties to a suspected terrorist organization and who was instrumental in obtaining pardons for some questionable characters, and finally a state governor who is under investigation by the FBI for illegal kickbacks.

I hope this isn't the change Obama meant.

Meanwhile keep the faith and pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Democrat arrogance


Why doesn't it surprise me that some democrats are starting. Today I will concentrate on Senate Majority leader Harry Reid. Here is a guy who constantly went around asserting that the war in Iraq was not winnable. Now he starts determining the Minnesota election when the votes are still being counted. The usual attitude, damn the public. He says he will stop the seating of Senator Coleman, no mention that if the recount shows Coleman the winner. Who does Reid think he is? I think of him as an arrogant cheap politician. (oops, make that expensive politician)" This illustrates my concern about the direction of our nation, how can people like Reid get elected? It speaks to the strength of our great nation that we can survive the Reids of congress. Just think how much better off the nation would be if we had no people of the ilk of Reid in any position of power. One can only hope. I know I am optimistic that we will clear up this mess and continue to be the greatest nation on earth.

Pray for our continued freedom and for the people who mke it possible by their service.
GOD Bless

Friday, January 9, 2009

Media bias


Today I read t the Newsmax letter and I got pleasantly surprised. I am referring to the interview with Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska.

It was reported that she said that she was not happy with the appearance Katie Courik gave to Dave Letterman. It seems that Ms Courik feels that Governor Palin should have disclosed what newspapers she reads. The governor told Newsmax that this question is unfair. She emphasized that fact by pointing out that the Universe does not revolve around Ms Courik. Way to go governor. Conservatives need this kind of inspiration. Let's take a cue from Governor Palin and start to be assertive, show some guts. This is the only way we can be successful as a party. There is hope.

Now remember to pray for our brave service people serving.
GOD Bless

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Change we canbelieve


Here we go again, a politician is almost always "puffing up the truth". The more we see of Obama's picks for government positions the more we revert to old hat politics. Didn't he promise change we can believe in? Where is it?

Certainly not in his proposed choices for his advisers. Oneonly need togo down the rooster to see the same old trite people. It started before the election with the choice of Biden, maybe even before that when he choose financial advisers,the people who caused the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac disasters. Then he foisted some other choices on us, Holder for Attorney General. This is the man who engineered the Elian Gonzalez fiasco and the pardon of the New York City bombers, the people who blew up the tavern and showed no remorse. He follows it up with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, even though her husband has been paid millions of dollars from middle east countries. Can we expect a fair treatment of these countries from Hillary? I doubt it. Mister Panetta was the subject of an earlier blog so maybe just citing his name is enough to jog your memory. This entire scene is a complete farce and I only hope that the American people can survive what seems likely to happen. Heaven help us.

Whe I pray for our servicemen I will add a special prayer for the well being of the American people. I am afraid that we will need it.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Naming Mr Panetta


This blog is about the proposed nomination of Mr Panetta for the position of Director of the Central Agency (CIA). I find it very disturbing to have this individual named to such a sensitive position. It worries me. Mr Panetta appears to be a capable individual, intelligent and a diligent worker. You may ask what is my objection, it is just that Mr Panetta lacks the experience in the field of intelligence. Others have expressed similar concerns so I don't feel isolated.

My fear is compounded by the history of the democratic party in the last 50 or so years. If we look at the record we see that as far back as when Senator Church, a democrat, was in charge of the intelligence committee his agenda was to decimate the agency. It took the nation a number of years to reestablish the agency and recover. More recently Senator Toricelli, another democrat, helped push through legislation which put our foreign operatives in personal grave danger. Given this history by the democrats is it any wonder that I am worried?

I hereby appeal to Mr Panetta - do both yourself and the nation a favor, decline the nomination. Ask to be nominated for some other position for which you are better qualified. By taking this position you would put the American people in danger of terrorist attacks. Your agenda is clearly aimed at destroying the inner workings of the intelligence community and would take us back to the days when the FBI and CIA could not trade information. You have shown that in your past when as a member of the Clinton White House staff you helped put through this procedure. Look at where it led us, 9/11. Please, we do not need a repeat performance.

This blog emphasizes why we should pray for our nation's defenders. Don't forget them.
GOD Bless

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fair tax - continued story


Today starts with me gloating, as in "see, I told you so". What am I referring to, - the fair tax. If we had a fair tax there would be no need for the goings on that have now engulfed our country. President-elect Obama would have been able to appoint his cabinet and go on with his presidency, instead look at what we have. There is the cloud on an appointed Senator from Illinois, it even goes as far as racial. A fair tax would not have made this seat salable and thus would not have tempted the Illinois governor. The governor of New Mexico would not be under federal investigation for accepting favors in exchange for state contracts. The spotlight is now on democrats because they have hold over the White House and the Senate, but, if the Republicans would have won, the same light would probably be shining on Republicans. The fair tax is what is the common denominator for good clean, efficient government. What a refreshing idea, the vote would determine if the nation goes liberal or conservative. Honesty would be injected into the race and the issue of character would not be as big a factor. It couldn't be, the fair tax would eliminate any need for graft seeker to run for office. When you make an analysis of the situation, it is we, the American public who are getting cheated. Te fair tax issue should be the foremost piece of legislation and should be supported by both parties. If only the elected ones would have the people in mind. what a wish.

I say to all people, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican or independent, join and sent Washington a message, enact the fair tax.

Meanwhile let us pray for the service people who protect us.
GOD Bless

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Where's the change?


My first serious post for the new year and it starts with a question, "Where is the change?" Please would mister Obama explain?

One of my observations concerning the Obama platform was the similarity that his platform bears to that of Jimmy Carter. Many of you might not remember when Carter was elected to the office of President of the United States, his administration started with a scandal. One of his cabinet choices had to step down because of irregular dealings, now we see the same pattern showing itself with Obama. First there is the scandal of the Illinois governor trying to sell his senate seat. Maybe there appears to be no direct connection with Obama but it certainly bears watching. Today I heard the Governor Richardson of New Mexico had to step down because he is under a grand jury investigation. Yes, these are hits which are tangent to Obama but it shows where his spirit of change is. He relies o some shady characters and we haven't even gotten into the Senate confirmation hearings. Hang on, here we go.
Stay tuned for more.

Remember to pray for the service people who serve so we may enjoy our freedoms.
GOD Bless

Friday, January 2, 2009

Stop the bickering already


First let me state that I hope you all had a good holiday. I hope Santa was good to you.

Now the annoying part, it didn't take long for conservatives and republicans to start bickering. What's with this back and forth concerning the song parody that was on Rush's program. Come on guys and gals, lighten up, it's the liberals that are the enemy, not each other. This type of nonsense accomplishes nothing positive but gives fodder for the liberals and democrats. You probably know that I favor a solution along with any criticism, so here goes, - treat this for what it is, a no-brainer and forget about it. Make and keep a New Years resolution to never mention it again, I have.

Remember the troops in your prayers.

Wishing you a good, healthy and prosperous new year, I remain, yours.

GOD Bless