Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time to clean out DC


Like many American taxpayers I am fed up with the way our government is being e need change.

One of the major problems we have is what I call the "mushroom politicians". Now you ask what that means, well, a mushroom grows in decaying ground and requires no roots. I think you can see where I am heading. Today we got some good news, Congressman Barney Frank, D-MA, announced his retirement. He has been in office too long, some thing like 17 two year terms. Mr Frank should have been retired years ago.

Because of the way the congress works committee membership is on a seniority method of selection. Under this type of committee appointments go to any one who hangs around too long. Being committee chair gives one power, as in the power to select which bills come up for discussion. To my way of looking at it, seniority is a disaster looking for a place to erupt. We saw how it leads to earmarks which finally have been cleared up, now let's go after seniority. Of course the easiest way is for the citizenry to vote the bums out. More to come so please stay tuned.

I hope all had a good thanksgiving and that we took time to remember our brave service men and women who are away from family defending our great nation. Remember them in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 18, 2011

Good government vs bad government


Today I am venting my anger at what passes as our federal government. We see so much bad government that it is now reached the proportions of an epidemic.

Recent revelations have pointed out that congress is exempt from laws governing "Insider trading". Will some please tell me how this exemption helps pass legislation? Nancy Pelosi has made money on using inside information about Visa. Former speaker Hastert used knowledge of a federally funded highway construction sight to buy abutting land and turned a profit. If an ordinary citizen did either of these that citizen would face criminal charges.

Either directly or through other indirect means we the taxpayers pay for these perks. This is no longer a light issue to pass over but it goes to the core of the make up of our elected officials.

The Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movements should join in a drive to oust all incumbent politicians, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. Restore sanity to our nation. Vote them out

Please keep in your prayers for well wished and safety for our troops.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Republican candidates - Herman Cain


The "lamestream" media is at it again. Just as it was with the Justice Clarence Thomas hearings we are seeing a lynching in the media.

I for one get really disgusted with the media for the covering of these kinds of stories. Just compare the manner in which the following stories have been covered, first let's label them. On one hand we have President Bill Clinton, Congressman Weiner. On the other side we have Cain and Justice Thomas.

In the Clinton/Weiner instances we heard all kinds of cover ups, they are still capable of doing their jobs, it is only sex, boys will be boys, etc. In the Cain/Thomas situation we see quite a change. According to the media Justice Thomas should never have been confirmed, Cain should resign from his running for President. I still hope that some one in the so called main media would answer my blog and explain tome how this kind of bias should be considered news.

One other point I would like to make is the silence of these so called "civil rights, black advocates, champions of the people" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Fellas,the silence is deafening.

I always recall the words of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson said that a fair press is necessary to preserve democracy. Does any one think that todays media is fair?

Keep our brve service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 4, 2011

Obama and his lack of business acumen


The president acts through his appointed cabinet members, staff and aides. Mr Obama has picked some real stinkers. The major problem is the spending of the stimulus.

First, there is half a billion given to a solar power company which goes bankrupt about a year after getting the money. The rationale was that the stimulus was given to save or create jobs. With the bankruptcy 1100 jobs were lost. A waste of our money.

Next we learn about a car company that manufactures electric cars. Another half billion dollars. As soon as the company got the money the company made plans and is now slated to open a plant in Finland. Finland gets the jobs, the US (we) get the shaft.

Another example of where our money goes is the truck stop in Virginia. Diesel trucks are manufactured so that it is more economical to run the engine all night rather than shut off the engine. This company had an idea whereby the diesel engines could be shut off and started easily in the morning. The company could not get the system to work and now the property where the truck stop was planned is now for sale.

This is a pattern, too many bad decisions by our bureaucrats. There decisions should not be forced upon the taxpayer by these bumbling oafs,but rather the decision should be made using good common sense, business sense and practical usages.

Why we seem to feel that when a person gets elected to congress or appointed to an administrative bureaucracy that person acquires business acumen. These examples show this is not the case. We need to root these people out of government.

Please remember to pray for our ervice people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Education reform - higher education


Higher education is what makes the country run. We need the best quality education in order to maintain our freedoms. However, there is room for reform.

The cost of college education is skyrocketing. The primary thing to control is costs for tuition and board. Most students end up paying for tuition by parental savings,student loans and part time work. If a household has two siblings attending college at the same time most families cannot afford the cost of college, so we should address what is left -student loans.

Under our current system most colleges have advisers who help students get financial help. If help is not enough the next resort is student loans. The federal government backs up the loan, in effect, the taxpayers are cosigners. My opinion is that the federal government should get some thing in return. I refer you to my earlier posts concerning Compulsory Military Service. The approval of the government sponsored loan should be conditioned on a full term service in the military plan. Under my service plan a person gives one year time in the military in exchange for a guaranty of a student loan. I feel that this would be the first step in controlling college costs.

Please pray for our brave service people
GOD Bless