Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama still doesn't get it


I am amazed at the complete lack of understanding on the part of our president. Specifically I refer to the War on Terror. In my opinion we made a serious mistake when we elected Obama. The inexperience of Obama is starting to show with the inability to make a good judgment call on the war. His generals have asked for more troops in order to conduct the war, but yet Obama continues to vacillate. Why? Because he is fearful of offending some of his political base with a decision. My point is that this lack of ability to carry out the duties of president (commander in chief) shows he is not up to the job. His delaying tactics puts our national security more at risk. I thought that Obama swore to do what was necessary to defend our nation.

The Nobel Prize committee may accept his inaction but should we? We need a strong leader to preserve our national dignity, not a wishy-washy person. It is early to speculate about the 2012 presidential election, any thing can happen, but, at this time I lean towards Sarah Palin. She has shown a willingness to change the way our elected officials play politics with decisions. Let's keep our hopes up that she runs and wins. We could use some fresh air in Washington.

Continue to pray for our brave heroes.
GOD Bless

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Who are trying to fool?


Today I would like to discuss some thing that seems like a typical congressional move. Some democratic senators claim to be against the health care reform bill going through the senate. When it was time for a vote on procedural matters, they voted to let the bill pass out of committee and go to the floor. Once on the floor these senators say they will oppose the bill. Here is where the rub comes in. On procedural votes the senate needs 60 votes to stop a filibuster. When the bill reaches the floor it only needs 50 votes. In effect by voting to pass the bill out of committee they are actually voting for the bill itself. Because of the difference in votes needed these same senators can vote against the bill, and say "I voted against the bill". The whole truth is that this is nothing more than a political ploy, the senators can have it two ways. Is this democracy? Do we, the American public, deserve this? H*** NO. I wish these people would just listen to the tea parties and the town hall meetings. Listen to what the public is saying.

We can still hope and pray that the senate will get this message and do the right thing.

Meanwhile pray for our brave servce people.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 27, 2009

New York trials for 9/11 terrorists


This is the most absurd decision that the Obama administration has made. There is no sane reason to expose our national security to this kind of treatment. We saw in the earlier trial of terrorists how they manipulate the court just for the notoriety of it. In effect Obama, acting through Attorney General Holder is rehashing the so called torture and misdeeds supposedly committed under Bush. This is old history and we need not hear this again. Of course the real objective of Obama is to keep the Bush presidency on trial. If Obama were a true leader he would not act this way. One never gets respect by tearing down some one else. All that will be achieved is the degrading of the United States. This is a perfect example of what I mean when I say (see earlier blogs) we elect politicians, not statesmen. Perhaps in future elections we will get a real leader as a candidate and then we can elect that person president and restore dignity to the White House. I might add that so far I have seen Sarah Palin as such a person. I hope she runs and wins. We can only wait and see.

Please continue to pray for our military.
GOD Bless

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What has happened toour pop culture


Today is Thanksgiving Day and I would like to remind all that we set this day aside to thank the Almighty for our blessings. We eat, visit with family and friends and watch football. That is the American way.

One thing which is not the American way is our "Politically correct" behavior. We have become a nation of hyphenated people. A nation where one cannot express an opinion without hearing some one say that your opinion is based on a bias, or that it is harmful to some group of people.

My feelings are that we should correct this, and correct it both speedily and forcibly. For beginners, stop using such terms as African-American, Latino, Chicano or native American. We are all Americans, not hyphenated Americans. The use of these definitions only serves to make us feel alienated from each other. Politicians jump at the chance to exploit this. Just ask yourself, How many times have I heard some politician say something to drive a wedge between classes of people. Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear politicians discuss real issues, not some drummed up rhetoric aimed at dividing the population? What would they say if they could not use such phony issues or phrases as, "tax cuts for the poor, more insurance coverage for the elderly, better benefits for the military? Most of the politicians would have to address real problems. Think of all the "windbags" we would get rid of. We can only keep hoping and trying our best to stop the PC attitude. If each of us does try we can get rid of this. Please try.

White I ask you to try I add please pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Media bias


I am writing this blog to show how the media just doesn't get it. If you were to read about Sarah Palin in the mainstream media you would draw the conclusion that she is incompetent, not too swift and not experienced enough to serve as president of the United States. I will try to show how these so called headlines are driven not by the desire to publish a fair vision of the news but rather a distorted view which the media has.

Sarah Palin has served as a governor of a state. The state was run very well under her tenure but the media conveniently neglects to mention this. How come? There was no such reporting when Obama ran for president.

I saw a picture of a gathering of a crowd outside a store which was hosting her book signing. The crowd was large, but the photo was buried inside the paper. When a liberal makes news and gathers a crowd the main stream media break their collective necks to publish the photo on page 1. Again, how come?

When reporters discuss Palins interviews on TV they always harp on the moments which the media feels will show her in a poor light. Questions are always aimed at getting an answer which will make her look foolish. Why dont they ask fair questions? Is it because they fear that Palin will show a clear and lucid thinking process? Come on media, get with it.

A fair and honorable media is essential to our way of life, is it too much to ask for that courtesy?

Keep the faith in America and keep praying for the safety of our armed warriors.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 23, 2009

Catholic Bishops stance on abortion


Today I heard that the Roman Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island issued a statement in which he said that Congressman Kennedy should not receive the Catholic sacrament of communion. This is a valid decision for the bishop to make, it fits directly into his job description.

Before I go further please let me explain myself, I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state. Our forefathers put this into our constitution for a good reason. While we are basically a Christian nation, we as Americans do not want any government agency to infringe upon the religious beliefs of others. Christian leaders are excluded from making civil laws. Good.

The problem comes in when the constitution is interpreted by liberal judges who would write the law so as to create non existent rights, and to prevent the people from exercising their right to obey the rules of the church of their choosing. This leads to politically correct nonsense which causes resentment and ill will. But that is to be expected when activist judges use the bench to make law.

The case of the Catholic bishop is not one of making law, but, rather one of enforcing church law. The statement does not say that catholic legislators must vote to stop abortion. The heart of the statement says that if the legislators choose to continue to champion abortion rights, then, under those conditions the legislator will be excluded from the Catholic church. This is certainly within the scope of the church.

I think it is about time that the bishops got tough with the so called catholic legislators, hooray for the Bishop of Rhode Island.

Now let us use our constitutional rights to practice religion as we see fit, and pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Where does health care lead us


My title is a question and I would like to try and answer the question. Most people want heallth care reform but, here's the catch, these same people want a sane and sensible reform package.

Most of the programs being tossed about in congress fail to answer the real problem, but instead focus on how to make a government take over more palatable. Guess what, a government take over is not palatable with the vast majority of Americans. The people have spoken through polls, town hall meetings and tea parties. The real problem is that the congress refuses to acknowledge these wishes. As usual liberal thinking comes up with the philosophy that "they" know better. Well they don't.

If congress were serious about health care, the first problem they should address is the high cost of the coverage of insurance in place already. Much of the cost is attributable to malpractice insurance. The malpractice insurance is high because of runaway jury awards. Congress need not take away the patients right to sue, only they should adjust the award process. Currently juries can award punitive damages. These are awards aimed at punishing the medical practitioner. The law can be changed to eliminate these excessive and unnecessary chrges. If we were to eliminate the punitive damage portion of awards then the patient would still get his/her fair compensation for any harm and the doctor would pay less insurance. This savings could be passed to the patient in the form of lower charges for medical services.

The next area of reform needed is the limitation placed on insurers which prohibits carriers from writing policies across state lines. Under the current system carriers have little or no competition because not all carriers write policies in all 50 states. If the federal government were to eliminate this cross state prohibition then carriers would open up new markets and compete with carriers in all states. Competition would drive the prices down and the patient benefits. Of course the only people who oppose this are the malpractice trial lawyers. (Just remind yourself how much money Edwards made on the tobacco settlements). Congress should put the people first, not the special interest such as trial lawyers. We can only pray that they do so.

When you pray for our brave service people add a prayer that congress will be blessed with the wisdom to do the right thing. Thank you.
GOD Bless

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Health care and Pres Obama


Today the congress is debating a health care reform package. There is a divide in congress especially in the democratic side of the aisle. The president is pushing for his version which is socialized medical care for the people but the polls show that people do not want a government take over.

The president has tried to "bribe" the Lou8isiana senator to vote for his version He has done this by promising a great amount of money to Louisiana to help pay for the states share of medicaid and medicare. Is this leadership. Why is the president pushing for a health care reform when the people don't want one. A good leader would reflect the opinion of the people and do the right thing. The president seems to be more interested in his image and taking over the American economy. Where is the change, where is the leadership. Mr Obama has been a disappointment so far. He has not shown any thing except his own ego and a complete disdain for the will of the people. Small wonder that his poll numbers are going down. We deserve better.

The congress people who go along with this "bribe" so not show any leadership or courage either. I thought the pork was being cut out of our spending. I quote John F Kennedy - "Ask not what your country could do for you,,but what could you do for your country". Mister president and members of congress please reread these words and act accordingly.

While we wait for congress to act let us not forget our brave protectors. Pray for them.
GOD Bless

Friday, November 20, 2009

The president and lack of leadership


Today some one send me an e-mail with a joke. Sadly, the joke rang too true. The joke said that a fast food chain is coming out with an Obama cabinet special chicken meal - all left wings and a**holes. I don't know if I should laugh or cry at the truth behind that joke.

We are faced with a government which is being run by extremely left leaning thinkers. The institutions that we know are under attack and we almost seem powerless to do anything about it. We have to wait until the mid-term elections before the American people speak out. I don't mean to imply that we lost freedom of speech, but we have lost control over how our elected officials vote and govern. The only defense we have is our protection under the Constitution which guarantees our freedom of speech. Exercise that power, let congress know how we feel. Maybe we can sway some wavering congress people and make them reconsider their vote. I certainly hope so.

The president should exercise his power and voice to stop such things as the civilian trial of the terrorists, the failure to investigate ACORN, the meddling with the investigation of the Fort Hood terrorist massacre (the president doesn't want it called an act of terror). The list goes on. For all of you who voted for Obama, are you happy with the direction tha country has taken?

There is still hope. Keep your confidence in America and the American people.

Please continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Thursday, November 19, 2009

When do we get a leader?


I am upset by the actions of both President Obama and Attorney General Holder. Neither of these men seem to show any concern for doing the right thing but rather doing what is politically expedient. I am referring to the trial of the terrorists.

I wish some one could explain to me why they should get treated as American residents when they are nothing but terrorists. By moving the trial to a civilian court and on American soil the terrorists are guaranteed all the same rights as the average "Joe citizen". Does this stink, or what?

It should be obvious to any one with some sense of understanding that the only reason for this is to put Bush on trial. Yes, the ex president. This civil trial will only give the terrorists a sounding board for venting anti American rhetoric. We will hear all about water boarding, sleep deprivation and countless other torture methods employed by our government. It will serve only to reinforce the bad image the outside world has of us. If Obama was a true leader he would put an end to this. But he would rather have the embarament of former president Bush than the protection of the American people. This is not a campaign mode, Obama already has won, now it is time for him to lead. That is what the American people elected him for.

How many people really are satisfied with Obama now?

In the mean time please pray for our brave heroes who defend our nation.
GOD Bless

Monday, November 16, 2009

More government take over


I read a story )unconfirmed) that the liberal democrats, led by Obama, are talking about a federal seizure of the public transportation systems throughout the United States. If this is so, we have another arrogant move by the administration to socialize the country. What is going on?

The ironic part of this is that the federal government is trying to control the commuter rai systems but they cannot operate Amtrak at a profit. Lost in all of the budget shortfalls is the annual losses of the Amtrak operation. Yes, we pay for it in taxes. Now the talk is to add more rail systems, is this a case of the inmates running the asylum, or what? Why do liberals think that when one of their own gets elected to public office they suddenly get a rush of knowledge about every thing? Personally I think it is an arrogant assertion of the idea that the liberal establishment is smarter than the rest of us.
Many liberals feel that because they have a slew of initials after their name they are the "mental elite". The rest of us are just bumbling idiots who have to be led around by the nose. I cannot believe this attitude. Just think of it, they know how to spend the money we earn, tax us and create government programs that hand our money to some body else. They know that they can better raise our children, after all they are "superior". I think that if we know how to have and raise kids we also know what moral standards we wish to instil in these children.

I have mentioned it before but it requires repeating, the congress had to privitize their own cafeteria. Now they want to run all sorts of businesses. Heaven help us.

We can still remember our brave warriors and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We are a rudderless ship


This blog will attempt to show that under the Obama administration the United States is like a rudderless ship.

An examination of the facts leads us to draw this conclusion. The generals conducting the War on Terror ask for more troops. Pbama has delayed for months, now he says he will announce his decision. I was under the impression that Obama was capable of making decisions under duress, was I wrong' I shudder to think that both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got it right during the presidential primary season, Mr Obama is not capable of answering the "red phone" Current events have brought us to this conclusion.

In other areas the president does not seem to have a handle on what decision to make. The incident with the Massachusetts policeman was one, another is the Fort Hood massacre. He calls one a stupid act but then says we must wait to get all the fact before jumping to any conclusion. Mr Obama, I got news for you - we have the facts, the Fort Hood shooter is an Islamofacist terrorist. Please do something, lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. We deserve better.

Until next time, stay alert. And continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fort Hood Tragedy


Before I go any further I would like to give my condolences to the families and loved one of the people of the victims of the Fort Hood tragedy.

The army major who did this is nothing more than a Islamic terrorist, and any one who doesn't see fit to call him that is just a victim of Politically correctness. Too many of our elected officials, media and others just don't get it. The major is Islamic, he got a weapon and finally he carried out a plot to kill innocent and almost defenseless people. If that doesn't fit into the definition of a terrorist, please tell me what does. The liberal establishment does not want to call the war on terror what it is, a war. Get real, the war started when the Iranians took our embassy while Carter was president. It may have lain dormant for a while but it is now rearing its ugly head. Only when the public faces that fact of what it is will we be able to properly carry out the mission of destroying radical Islam. Please make sure to read the word "radical", that is what differentiates yjr radical Islam and the rest of the religion.

I will voice my opinion in future blogs concerning the attitude of our leaders. Stay tunes.

Meanwhile pray for the victims, their families and all of our service people in harm's way.
GOD Bless