Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama vs the senior citizens

Today I am writing about how Obama will effect the medical care of our senior citizens. His promises give away his intentions, just listen carefully what he is saying. On one hand he says he wants to, and will insure some 25 million uninsured children. Great, but does he specify that approximately there are 11 million illegal aliens in the country and they are included in the figure that he cites? No. Does he say if they will be covered? Not in so many words but by implication the numbers he uses would lead one to believe that he does include the illegal aliens. Let's examine what the implication of this means. By insuring these illegals his plan would overpack the capacity of care givers, thus forcing the health care givers into a mode of rationing in order to survive. When the care givers ration health care, who do you think suffers. Just a few weeks ago, under the fear of a resurgence of cancer, I had to take an MRI, CAT Scan and PET scan within a period of a week and a half. The care givers were able to get the scans done and make the proper changes in the method of treatment that I received. My point is simply that those of us who have followed the law and paid whatever the government has asked for medical coverage should be entitled to medical coverage as we were promised. It should not be diminished because some liberal politician wants to endear himself to a voting bloc. Did the illegals pay for this, HELL NO. Did us senior citizens pay, YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT. I want some Obaka follower to try to explain this to me or the rest of the American citizens. Isn't about time that we asserted ourselves and demand of our politicians that they answer to us and not the voting blocs? The best way we have to correct this is at the voting booth. Before you pull the lever just think of this.

Here I ask that you remember our heroes in uniform and pray for them.
GOD Bless.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rev Barry Lynn

In this blog I am going to bypass the presidential election and talk about some thing which effects our "pop culture". Namely, I am going to talk about some one I saw on the O'Reilly Faxtor last evening, Reverend Barry Lynn. For those of you who are not acquainted with the Reverend Lynn he is the one who appears on TV with the message of separation of church and state. I am not against this idea but there has to be some common sense applied. Reverend Lynn opposes any mention of GOD, Bible or any and all references to any thing which remotely sounds religious.

Last night he was on TV to explain why he is suing a Roman Catholic bishop in New Jersey. The bishop apparently wrote a letter advising catholics to support those candidates who oppose abortion. The letter contained a reference to Senator Obama, and requested catholics to not support Obama. Reverend Lynn found this to be contradictory to the United States Constitution. My comment to Reverend Lynn is, " You have a distorted view of the meaning of separation of church and state, it does not mean that no one can practice religion, it means that the government cannot establish any religion as the official religion of the United States. Why do you feel it is your place to try to usurp the power given to the American people and replace it with your political views?" Make no mistake about it, liberalism is a religion. I would suggest that Reverend Lynn get into some type of program that reinforces the religion of Christianity, and one in the denomination of his choice.
As a further comment to the reverend I wonder why he doesn't publicly try to get the Reverend Wright to practice religion. Reverend Wright, if you recall, is the one who damned the United States from the pulpit. Reverend Lynn, where in the teachings of Christ is damnation taught? Shouldn't this bother you more that another minister preaches blasphemy, which is far worse than a priest who advocates the preservation of life by urging his congregants to do what ever they can to rid the world of this evil practice? Reverend Lynn, you need to get your priorities in order.
Please Reverend Lynn get some help.

Now I ask all my readers ( and the Reverends Lynn and Wright ) to join me in prayer for the protection of our brave men and women serving.

GOD Bless.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Well we're down to the final week of this years excessive election and like you I am tired of all the news coverage. All of this could have been done in a short period of time and would have saved the people time, money and even caused less annoyance.

But the election goes on and now we must make a choice. I am definitely behind McCain because I don't trust Obama. I am in good company because even his own running mate, Senator Biden and Senator Hillary Clinton have stated on national TV that he is not competent to be the president. I don't feel as if I am alone.

Be that as it may there are lots of people who support Obama and the polls show him ahead. He has a good chance to be the next president. In y opinion if he is elected the American people will suffer. My feeling is that the economy which is not doing well right now will tank and go even further into the drain. For the sake of the American people if Obama gets elected I hope it doesn't happen but I just can't think that the liberal policies will help. These liberal policies have failed where ever they have been tried, - the old Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and almost all of eastern Europe. Why try them here???

All I can say now is to go out and vote for what is best for America.

I ask that you join in with me in pray for the protection of our armed forces, these people guaranty that elections take place. Let's show them our support.

Go vote.

GOD Bless.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My take on Obama

Today I will give my take on Senator Obama. In my last blog I stayed with policy but today I will question the merits of him as a candidate.

I find it very disturbing that he is able to attract such a feeling in the populace that he ca be a serious contender. From his birth do date there is a cloud on his character, and yes, character matters ( thank you Rush Limbaugh ). Born of a Muslim father he spent the first few years in a Muslim household. He went to live in Indonesia, a predominately Muslim nation. Obama attended Muslim schools as a child. After moving back to Hawaii he became a Christian and to this day he claims to be a christian.

To get his political career started he became involved with an individual named Rozko. Rozko is a known operative and is currently in prison convicted and awaiting sentence for several crimes involving fraud, money laundering and buying political influence. On the same day, both Obama and Rozko bought property, the same size in area, adjacent to each other but Obama paid $50,000 less for his parcel, even though there was no difference.

While this was going on Obama gets involved in an organization, Acorn. Acorn is currently under official investigation in about a dozen different states for voter enrollment fraud. Obama claims he represented Acorn in law suits but he has never really explained the relationship clearly. Acorn is the outfit that register Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboy football team and other fictional characters.

Obama was also involved with a known terrorist and Marxist, Ayers. Obama claims a casual relationship but yet Obama wrote a blurb for a book written by Ayers. To this day Ayers has not expressed any remorse over terrorist bombings nor about his Marxist beliefs.

Obama attended a church in Chicago for twenty years, his children were baptized there and he has constantly praised the minister. The minister, Rev. Wright has constantly spoke out against the United States and even said the the United States should be damned. Is this the teachings of Christ? Obama now claims that the never heard the minister speak this way and when confronted with video tapes, Obama claims Rev Wright never preached that way while Obama was in church. ( Reminds me of Al Gore going to the bathroom because he drank too much iced tea ).

One of the major causes of the banking and home mortgage failure was the collapse of Wacovia Bank. Wacovia purchased commercial paper which were supposedly backed by mortgages. These cost the bank millions in a cash deal. The seller severed relations with the bank, took their money and moved to San Francisco. They have their money but the taxpayer is holding the bill to bail out the failed bank. Here comes the rub, the couple is a large donor to an organization called Moveon maintains a web site where they espouse very liberal and socialistic causes.Before he secured the nomination Obama visited Moveon. I believe that Moveon also donated money to his campaign.

Obama pledged to clear up the stagnation in Washington, D.C. Obama was going to rid the government of the influence of lobbyists. Who does he select as his running mate, none other than Senator Biden. Biden has a son who is among the biggest lobbyists in Washington, is Obama going to diminish the influence of Bidens son? I think that the American people have a right to know.

There is no doubt that this is a special race because a black man is running and has a chance to win. The American people would be better served if race were not introduced as an issue, this is what Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted - a color blind America. Oddly, the only one who brought the race issue into focus on the campaign trail was Obama. First he lied about McCain and Palin. Obama said the republicans would point out that he does not look like the picture on a dollar bill. I never herd any republican say this, but I heard other racial remarks. Congressman Alcie Hastings, who has been impeached as a federal judge but then elected to congress made a speech in which he said Palin wanted to kill Jews and Negroes. Another Congressman, Lewis also said McCain was racial in his attacks on Obama. When confronted during one of the debates Obama refused to admit that the remarks of these 2 men were out of order. Racism was played by Obama, not the republicans.

If any of the above objections were to be taken separately it might not be enough to influence ones judgement of Obama, However taken as a whole, they do paint a picture of an individual who says what he thinks the people want to hear, not the actual truth. I call this the make up of a charlatan. I feel that the United States is not deserving of this man as president.

I rest my case, but I again ask that you pray for our brave service people. Remember they are the ones who make it possible for any body to run for president.
GOD Bless.