Saturday, February 28, 2009

Open letter to Mr Steele, RNC Chairman

Mr Steele

First let me congratulate you on becoming the chairman of the Republican National Committee. In your appearances on TV you have shown good conservative credentials and you have spelled out a good positive agenda.

My concern is that I would very much like to see this conservative agenda carried forward. Too many republican lawmakers give lip service to conservatism, I hope that you will be able to straighten this out. From conversations with friends and family I have gotten the sense of frustration with the Republican party. There are too many RINOs in congress. A great many Republican congressmen act just like democrats, spend and spend. Please do your best to root this malaise out. I could list many people but I would like to single out some who seem to be self serving rather than having the interest of the nation at heart. Senators Collins, Snow and Graham are concerned with being like by the liberals, please try to get these people to put forth and carry out a conservative agenda. The State of Mississippi has a senator who seems to outspend the democrats. Again I ask to help correct this situation, heaven knows, we have enough spending by the other side. Let's be different from the liberals.

Mr. Steele good luck in your new position.

Here I add my usual plea, pray for our brave service people protecting us. Thak you
GOD Bless

Friday, February 27, 2009

More annoying news


My first order of business is to apologize for complaining on the day your weekend starts. I am retired so every day is a week end day for me.

My gripe is with the mass media, namely Chris Matthews. How did this guy ever pass journalism school? After the presidents speech the opposition is given equal time to deliver a rebuttal, and when Matthews covered the rebuttal he really goofed. The republican speaker was the governor of Louisiana. As the governor was approaching the dais to deliver his speech, my good buddy Matthews made a comment about the governor, mind you, the governor had not even said a word yet, but Matthews expressed a derogatory comment. This is the man who holds himself out as a journalist, what rot. Matthews should give the American public a break and get a new profession. By a new profession I have heard that Matthews has send up a trial balloon saying that he wants to run for the United States Senate, that's not what I mean by a new profession. I mean one where no one has to hear his poisonous rhetoric any more. Please Mr Matthews give us a break.

Here I ask for yur prayers for our brave defenders of liberty and freedom. Remember thjem.
GOD Bless

Thursday, February 26, 2009

More stimulus


I read the newspaper today and my blood is boiling. It is very upsetting to read how the Obamaites are socializing the country. We are heading down a steep slope towards government takeover of industries. The so called stimulus package is not aimed at setting the economy right, but it is a masked take over of industry. A close examination indicates that the liberal democrats are trying to nationalize health care, banks, and automakers. My thoughts have always been that socialism has failed where ever it has been tried, so why try it here? America did not become great because of any government plan but because government kept out of the way. People like President Thomas Jefferson had the vision when he made the Louisiana Purchase, he knew that it would lead to the nation growing into one great force extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The pioneers didn't ask for a government hand out when they migrated west, where is that pioneering spirit now. We have become a people who beg the government to give us our daily bread. The "political correct" crowd has taken over our national spirit and the results are a disaster. We MUST reverse this trend and we must do it now. The future of our children is at stake.
In later blogs I will cover more of what we can do to correct the situation. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile,pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rescue package

Today I am going to give my impression of the so called rescue package which has just been passed. I always thought that rescue means you are getting saved from some sort of a disaster, but this gives new meaning to the word. I only see a dim future where we struggle to pay off excess debt caused by this package, and as a further complication I see the incentive for people to earn more greatly diminished. Why should the industrious work hard when the socialist government takes a bigger share of earnings, I can not think of any reason to do so, can you? This will prove to be a double blow to our economy.

My way of dealing with this situation is to let the greedy CEOs and politicians sweat it out, not bail them out. They made the bed now let them sleep in it. The unions such as the automakers union is just as greedy, I don't see them rushing to cut labor and retirement costs to help out, why should the rest of us pay for their greed. What a mess. The saddest part is that the taxpayer will have to pay. The stimulus bill will only make the situation worse. Already one of the major insurance companies is asking for more money, where does it end?

If that isn't bad enough look at who is running the plan, our good friends Congressman Barney Frank(D-Mass) and Senator Dodd(D-Conn). Wait a minute, these are the two that helped us get into this mess, now they are going to correct it. This is classic - send the wolf to guard the hen house. President Obama where is the change you promised? I only hope that they don't do so much damage that it cannot be repaired, pray to GOD that they cannot really hurt the nation. Then, in two years a conservative congress can step in and correct the problem.

More to come.

Pray for our brave warriors in harm's way.
GOD Bless

Friday, February 20, 2009

Media bias - continued


In my ongoing tirade against the main stream media I would like to point out some more media bias. I watched CNN for a few minutes yesterday, although heaven knows why, I don't. This is a station that seems to have a policy of not inviting conservative pundits, they must be afraid of the facts, for what other reason would they have such a policy. All the anchors constantly carry on about how good democrats are and how Obama will correct the nation. I never heard any anchor or guest pundit even refer to the fact that socialism has failed in each and every country where it has been tried. Very convenient, ignore the facts and just spew the liberal line. Is it any wonder that the ratings for CNN are so low. Here I cite Bernie Goldberg, the man who guests on Fox News. Bernie has worked in various newsrooms for years so I have to assume he knows what he is talking about. Bernie says that the atmosphere in these newsrooms is completely liberal. The reporters, writers and others who are responsible for the broadcasts just don't consider any other opinion or point of view. How did these people get through journalism school? A good part of the problem is that the schools themselves are also liberal. All we can do is to keep pointing out the conservative agenda and call these people out when they make misstatements. Keep up the fight.

One who is doing his share is Chuck Yarling, the publisher of a newsletter. This should be must reading for all conservatives,in and out of government. His news letter is called Web Ringer news. It is well worth your time and effort to read this.
More to follow.

Pray for our brave heroes in the service of the nation.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More media bias


This is a follow up to the earlier post about media bias. One glaring example that I would like to point out occurred during the presidential campaign. It involves Chris Matthews who had a program on cable TV. When Obama was pressured into giving a speech about racial relations Matthews reviewed the speech with such adjectives as "Lincolnesque". There was no mention of any speech writers and was just an example of media fawning over President Obama. It was so bad that some pundits described as akin to describing a sexual organism. There were some veiled references and it is easy to see why some one would come to that conclusion. Bad enough, but then comes Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican convention. The very first words out of Matthews mouth were to point out that a speech writer wrote the speech, not Sarah Palin. Could some one tell me how a person who shows this kind of bias ever made it through journalism school? The answer is of course that the vast majority of journalism teachers and journalist themselves are liberal and think this way. The deck is stacked against conservative candidates. The solution is that we must keep trying and at the same time we must get that message out, conservatism works, liberalism doesn't. Keep plugging away.

Again I ask for your prayers for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Media bias


I would like to go over what I consider a liberal leaning bias on the part of the mass media. It probably will take several blogs to accomplish this, so please stay with me. There are many pundits, writers and authors who have written about the subject so much of this may not be new but it warrants going over.

When I refer to media bias I am not inferring that the major outlets for news contact each other and synchronize stories but rather I feel that the people who write and report the stories all think alike and do not give a fair report. Because the news rooms are almost all filled by liberal thinkers they do not realize what they are doing, they justify their bias by excusing it - every body thinks like I do so I must be fair. This is the ground work, the specifics are coming. Stay tuned.

Pray for our brave service people
GOD Bless

Media biasHi

Sunday, February 15, 2009

So called bailout


This is going to be short and I hope sweet but I think just about every thing has been said about the bailout. Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.
The conservative movement can do best by constantly reminding the people that this bailout is purely a liberal democratic ploy and that we will not allow them to pin it on us. We should take heart in the fact that Senator Gregg (R-NH) did not fall into the bi-partisan trap. The RNC elected Steele as the new head of the party so there is hope. Now that we have our "mojo" back, let's "keep up the fire". (That was the motto of the 9th Infantry Regiment in Korea). I hope that we can turn the government around and that the conservative movement will once again put us on the path to sensible government. Pray for this.

Also, please pray for our brave service peope.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In what direction are we going?


I always felt down deep that President Obama did not know how to govern, now unfortunately, I feel even stronger about this. What I referring to is the people surrounding him, even though he does not have control over all of the picks. The list seems endless, for example, look at his cabinet selections. A treasury secretary who neglects to file his income taxes, an adviser on housing who also failed to report income, another adviser who is under investigation for bribery charges. This is only the so called major picks, the list goes on. I could write more about the poor picks but that would require a lot of time and energy.

Now for picks he is saddled with in congress, even though he cannot do any thing about them. The chairman of the Ways and Means Committee,the group that writes tax laws, fails to report off shore income, in the house there s our good friend Barney Frank(D-Mass) he is on the committee which has oversight over the bank mortgage scandal and he had a lover who was involved in the bank scandal. The wolf watching the hen house. Senators Dodd(D-Conn) and Conrad(also a democrat) both taking favorable mortgages from the corrupt Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Harold Raines, one of the managers of the Fannie Mae fiasco, retiring with a pension of $1.3 Million per year. Is this a reward for a job well done? We hear how greedy the Wall Street moguls are, will some one please explain to me why we don't hear about Raines and his cohorts? Selective criticism, but I will go into that in a future blog. Mean while believe in the goodness of the nation, despite this, we can prevail.

Now go and pray for those who are doing the right thing and securing the safety of our nation.
GOD Bless

Monday, February 9, 2009

Conservative values


This blog is about the conservative values or lack thereof. The so called stimulus package is being debated and it would appear that three RHINO republicans have defected. I don't know why these politicians run as republicans, they are more liberal than some democrats and as a conservative I would not give any support to these people. The conservative movement is being hurt by the actions of these three RHINOS and it is very frustrating. They try to achieve bipartisanship but one thing that these politicians have not learned is that they will never be appreciated or liked by the liberal establishment. In my lifetime I have seen republicans try to achieve this across the aisle attitude but it only goes one way, definitely leans liberal. Do you ever hear any liberal politician willing to compromise on a judicial nominee who is anti-abortion, I haven't.
The good news is that Steele has won the position of the head of the RNC, now maybe we can get some conservatives to run and regain control of the party. Let us hope so. Good luck to you, Mr. Steele.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless



The more things change the more they stay the same. Of course I am referring to President Obama and his change policy in Washington. Remember that commercial where the woman orders a burger and then picks up the bun and hollers, "Where's the beef". My question is "Where's the change?" The president seems to have a talent for picking tax cheats or non filers for his advisory staff, doesn't he? What a winner.

I believe the American people were sold a bill of goods about the judgment of President Obama but now the time has come to pay the piper. In my opinion this scenario only shows a lack of experience on the part of the president, and actually reinforces what both Vice-president Biden and Secretary of State Clinton said during the campaign, "Obama does not have the back round to be president".

Time will tell if Obama grows into the presidency, let's hope so.

Mean while keep the faith in our great nation and continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some justice

Today I heard the news that Daschel has been removed from the list of cabinet or adviser nominees. At least that is some good news that Obama is trying to keep his campaign promise for change. Now I may seem like a cynic but is this just a political move to save face or is the president finally getting it right? Time will tell. For the sake of the nation I hope that the president is going to make all choices based on ability, character and experience. After all isn't that what her promised during his election campaign? Let's just keep our eyes and ears open and continue watch the drama unfold.

Pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Monday, February 2, 2009

The bailout - part II


This blog is going to be about the bail out that is currently going through Congress. It is referred to as a bail out but in actuality I see it as a hand out. There seems to be no oversight, no thought out plan and above all no one who will finally give any definite answers to the questions of how much and why. I thought that with the election of Obama we were going to get open government, where is it? All appointees seem to be recycled from the Clinton era. Those that aren't have burdens to carry, tax problems, investigations into dealings while in office and heaven knows what else. Congress isn't doing much better, Representative Conyers is after Bush and Cheney, but now it comes out that his wife is under investigation. Who is running the ship of state?

As for the banks this is a direct result of government intervention. Carter started a policy of forcing bank to lend to unwarranted borrowers. Reagan stopped this policy, but under Clinton it was reinstated. Bush let it ride. Just as a refresher, when an individual buys a home and goes to a bank for a mortgage loan, the process begins. The bank lends the buyer the difference between the purchase price and the down payment, and in exchange the bank is given an IOU, called a bond. The bond is identified by a legal description of the property used to secure the loan and this is the mortgage. The purpose of this is to file it with the County Clerk where the property is located so that the lender is protected.
Within a short period of time the mortgage is sold by the bank to a mortgage holding company. The federal government created two such companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These two agencies then in effect forced the banks to restart making the high risk loans with the proviso that these mortgages would be bought by the agency. The lending banks had nothing to lose. The theory was that with house values rising if the buyer cannot meet payments he can sell the house, pay off the bond and mortgage and walk away with the increase in value as a profit. Great in theory but some thing unforeseen happened, house value became stable or even lowered. Now there is no equity to keep and in fact these is a deficit. Since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hold the bond and mortgages, they hold the devalued paper. Thus we have a banking credit crunch. Now they scream, bail us out. Mean while, both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac knew this was happening and did nothing, no, they did act. The directors gave donations to politicians, (Are you paying attention - Senator Dodd(D-Ct) and Congressman Frank(D-MA). Now these two are still on the congressional committee that over sees the banking system. My mother always used to say, "we are sending the wolf to guard the chicken coop" Obama can do something about this, but he will not because he owes a lot to lobby groups who supported his election. Obama chooses to support these lobby groups even at the expense of the American taxpayer. Change???

America is strong not because of this type of politics but in spite of it. We must pray for those brave man and women who are protecting us and our Constitution.
GD Bless.