Monday, August 30, 2010

Department of Education


First let me make the point, "I am not against education." I have an advanced degree and that has helped me climb the economic ladder. Of course being born in the United States made it possible.

My problem is how we go about educating (or not educating) our future generations. We spend money but it seems that the more we spend the more the education system fails. We must ask ourselves why. The obvious answer, money does not translate into a good education system. What does?

The most important factor in educating our children is the attitude of the parents. Any teacher will tell you that where schools involve the parents the quality of education rises. Maybe we should have mandatory classes for parents. Not very practical. So what do we do? Alternative methods are many and will vary with each family so one size does not fit all. The educators must be creative in this area.

The next area is the intervention of the federal government. This method of educating presupposes that all students fit into a formula. Not so. Washington bureaucrats should not meddle, they only cause distractions and false results. How many actual teachers work for the Department of Education? Answer, NONE. All the budget for the department could be funneled into class rooms. If the federal government must meddle, let them block grant funds to the state where it could be managed more efficiently. To solve the problem of what to do with the Department of Education employees, retrain them and use them as border security. Solves two problems and at no cost to the taxpayer. What a novel thought.

The real problem is getting Washington to agree. Don't hold your breath. More to come.

Keep our heroic service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Friday, August 27, 2010



Today I read some very interesting things about the status of education in the United States. I'll show how ironic the situation is by showing two different angles.

As most of you know Senator Harry Reid is in a close election for his senate seat. On the TV news there was a clip where Senator Reid tried to knock down his opponent by saying she favors elimination of the Department of Education. Keep that in mind as we move to New Jersey.

The federal program to aid states for education entails a request which is quite large, I understand that the application is about one thousand (1,000) pages. New Jersey made a clerical error on the form and the federal aid was rejected. In compiling statistics the wrong year(s) were used. To further complicate the matter the teachers union in New Jersey added that had the union been asked to help the form would not have been rejected.

Now let's tie the two together. The Department of Education mandates that a state complete a thousand page report in order to get state aid, and bureaucrats in Washington,D.C. are too engrossed in their own "fiefdom" to help a state correct what should be non fatal errors. Had the teachers union been consulted maybe the bureaucrats would have reached a different conclusion. Is this looking out for the education of our children or is it another case of caving and yielding to special interests? You decide.

Back to Senator Reid, I have two questions:

1. Could you please show me where the United States Constitution authorizes the Department of Education?
2. Doesn't the type of bureaucracy at the Department of Education warrant closing this monstrous department?

Senator Reid, the American people reserve legitimate answers, not empty rhetoric. Get with the program. Your opponent has it right.

Disclaimer: Much of the information contained in this blog is taken from the Heritage Foundation website. A great read. Thanks to them.

Please find it in your heart to pray for our brave heroes defending our great nation.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My take on the mosque


The news is full of stories about the NYC mosque, the one near ground zero. Here is how I see the situation.

For starters President Obama should NOT have commented. This is a local New York City zoning matter, not a federal case. In my opinion the president showed his lack of leadership, judgment and tact by making this into a media circus issue. Where was the need to make a comment. Should we expect the president to speak if the Catholic Church decides to erect a church in Oshkosh, I hope not. Some things are best left to the people who handle them and this certainly falls into that category. By opining the president has made this into a "us versus them" situation. For a man who ran on the platform of being one who unites the president has failed. This failure just adds to the proof that Obama is incompetent to be chief executive. (Biden and Hillary were correct when they said as much during the election campaign) We can only start to undo what a mess Obama has created by throwing the rubber stamp members of congress out of office.

Mean while remember to vote in the November mid term election.

Please pray for our heroic service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fair tax - why we need it


In this writing I will try to lead you to an organization which is working to get a fair tax adopted. Here is the address:

They are located in Houston, Texas and they have a lot of useful information about how the tax works.

This is the last of this subject but by no means should it be the end of discussion. Please do yourself a favor and learn about this concept, America needs your help.

Please go on praying for our brave heroes in the military. Thank you.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 16, 2010

Flat/ fair tax


Perhaps we should discuss what is exactly a flat tax. Legally speaking there is a difference between the two but for our purposes we can consider them similar. I may use the terms interchangeably so please bear with me.

Under a flat tax system there is a very simplistic method of computing the tax. One rate and no deductions.

Take an example of a person who works for $20 per hour and works for 8 hours. He/she would get 8 times $20 or $160 dollars pay. Under our current system of taxes we deduct FICA, Medicare and Federal withholding. The result is that the net check is less than the $160 earned. The taxpayer is ahead, but wait - who pays for NEEDED government services. When our person buys a product or service he pays an addition sum, the flat tax. The manner of computing this tax is to multiply the tax rate times the purchase price of what was bought. At first reading it appears that the tax is a burden because it raises the cost of goods, but here is the solution. Because the employer, the distributor and the manufacturer do not pay all the add on (FICA, Medicare, etc) the cost of the goods are lowered. The party collecting the tax also saves on hiring overhead people such as bookkeepers and accountants who are needed under our current system. He passes this savings on in the form of lower prices. Every body wins.

In future writings I will go into more advantages so please keep reading. Thank you.

Continue to pray for our heroes.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What a flat tax will do


Today I am writing about a flat tax, sometimes called a fair tax. I believe that there are two reasons we do not have one already. The first is that most people don't understand what this tax could do. The other is "politician fear of the tax".

People have not gotten the info on the tax because the politicians do not want the facts known. The reason will become evident as I go along.

The tax is passed to replace income taxes. We would need a Constitutional Amendment repealing the enabling amendment which allows congress to tax income. Taxes are a necessity , without taxes we could not fund our government. But having said that I add that taxes should be fair, even handed and balanced. Currently we tax success and subsidize ineptness. Hardly the formula for a continued growth in our economy. The fair tax would fix that problem.

One of the biggest fears we as a people have is that dreaded letter from the IRS. A flat tax would virtually eliminate the IRS, thus giving us the opportunity to replace revenue agents and substitute border patrol agents. Doesn't it make sense that federal agents should be patrolling foreign nationals trying to crash our borders rather than patrolling our own citizens who are good at making a living?

As I go along I will try to help people understand the concept of flat or fair taxation. Stay tuned.

Continue to hold our military in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Monday, August 9, 2010

Military draft


In this writing I will try to conclude my ideas for a military draft. As a veteran I can say that my service did make me a better citizen.I learned a lot, some of it, unfortunately, not useful in civilian life. Perhaps that is why I emphasize a combination military and civilian learning. Despite the possibility of sounding redundant I stress no deferments. Every body goes.

The reason we have a so called elite class today is that too many of our young people have been handed a lot and at an early age. When you are given things and there is no cost,it is human nature to value these things less. If we earn them we appreciate them. Freedom, liberty and self government are in this category. Those who earn the right to be free will certainly appreciate this right. The nation would see a greater participation in the election process, greater knowledge of how government functions and why we must be vigilant to keep ourselves free. There is an old adage, "Freedom is not free". We as Americans would be a more prosperous nation and all would benefit.

I will continue to voice my opinion about subjects in the future. I hope you accompany me on my mission. Thank you.

Please remember our brave service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Friday, August 6, 2010

Universal military service - II


This is a follow up on my previous post about universal military service. Here are the specific measures that I feel should be implemented.

We should have a true universal draft, no exceptions for college, family, etc. That method proved a failure from the Viet Nam era to date. I would have the training include gun safety, civics and government, military courtesy and military demeanor. All would be required to serve. Service would be limited to the US and our territories. This military force could be utilized as a back up for civilian defense and national disasters. Disciplined people could help in situations like the BP spill and Katrina.

Service would begin upon graduation from high school or if the person drops out, upon reaching 18 years old. t would be truly universal and include all, even illegal aliens if they become legalized by the Obama administration. For illegals teach them English so they can mesh into society.

As you can see this is not a simple solution but a solution far greater than what we have now. If people don't participate in democracy they don't appreciate it. (Nor do they deserve it)

My next post should wrap up this subject. Thanks for your undertanding.

Keep on praying for our brave armed forces.
GOD Bless

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Should we have universal military training


This is a topic which has been pushed to the back burner by events such as the BP spill, high unemployment and the generally poor economy.

This seems like a good time to address this question. I do so with the expectation that this topic will resurface and I want to be ahead of the curve.

Mandatory universal military training is a good thing. There is so much for the people of the United States to gain that I am somewhat surprised that it hasn't been tried already. Under the plan that I advocate every one MUST serve fr a given period. I favor one year but that is a detail which can be worked out. There would be no deferrals because of school, family status or any other non life threatening situation. One can sense the benefit of having some of our more famous entertainment figures serving with a person from one of our inner cities or from a farm in a real rural area. This service would apply to all, women and men. Of course they would serve in separate barracks, designed after the military as it now stands. I am going to cover this at a greater length in my next writing. Details to come.

Meanwhile continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm Back

Hi everyone

I'm back and hopefully here to stay. I had some personal issues I wanted to resolve so I can write with a clear head.

There is so much to write about with this bunch we have running the country that I almost don't know where to start. I decided that a fixed schedule is the best route to go, so I am adopting such a schedule. I am trying for three posts per week.

This post is short because I want it to reflect my return, from here I will be posting about specific topics. Stay tuned.

Pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless