Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More on lack of leadership


I feel somewhat vindicated. Today I witnessed a democratic pundit say that it is about time that Obama stops blaming every thing on Bush. What a relief, the liberals are starting to act like Americans.

The specific issue under discussion is the Christmas Day attempt bombing of an airplane. Obama said in one of his press conferences that the blame is on a system which was put into effect by Bush. I'm not surprised by that, that's Obama's stock in trade. What did surprise me is that some democrats are now getting the message. Maybe our prayers are being answered.

The president, his White House staff and his Homeland Security Department all seem lost when it comes to understanding the situation. I don't think that any of those listed understand that the United States is in a war with radical Islam. They don't act like they understand the effect of their decisions. Specifically, closing Gitmo, trying the terrorist in a civilian court and moving the trials to New York. When Obama was running for president he said his policies would raise our esteem in the world,I think that his policies have done just the opposite,they have made the United States into a paper tiger. Come on Mister President, wake up and smell the roses. Your theory will not work.

I will keep posting on this matter during the upcoming weeks,so stay tuned.

Continue to pray for our brave heroes.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lack of leadership puts public in danger


The events on Christmas in Detroit have brought out a simple fact - The Obama administration has no clue about how to conduct the war on terror.

All during the presidential campaign Obama criticized Bush for doing the wrong things about the extremist who are waging a jihad against against us. Did Bush deserve that kind of treatment? Now as facts unfold we should become acutely aware of just how fanatical these people are. I know I am but I wonder if anybody in the administration is. They let this character board a plane even with the knowledge that his own father warned them not to. The Attorney General moves the trials of the terrorists captured to New York instead of trying them in a military tribunal. This is the gang that couldn't shoot straight.

As I see it the way to cure our problems is simple,fire all the incompetent people and replace them with people who know what they are dong. Both the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security are nothing but political hacks and certainly this is not the time to play politics. The stakes are too high,the safety of the American people is too valuable to gamble on incompetent bureaucrats. We need and deserve better. Is this the change we were promised?

Let us pray that we can survive without another attempt by the terrorists.

Keep praying for our safety and the safety of our brave defenders.
GOD Bless

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Congressinal leadership


I hope all had a good holiday and that Santa was good to all.

My subject today is about the arrogance expressed by our congressional leaders. I expect some one like Speaker Pelosi to be off the wall but I am a little miffed about Senator Harry Reid. Senator Reid has pushed the health care reform bill through the senate and he has hidden a little something extra. Hidden in the bill is a provision that the bill may not be amended by less than a super majority of the senate. Now I ask, "Who does he think he is by trying to strip the power to amend a bill from future Senators?" Isn't this real hypocrisy. Reid is trying to strip the Constitutional power from future congresses. This means that in the future the American people will be denied their voice in congress. This move should really expose what type of character (or lack thereof) that Mr Reid possesses. I always felt that our Constitution governed how to pass laws, not some two-bit politician. I only hope that the bill gets defeated when it come up for a final vote. Let's hope.

Stay tuned for more on our "inept" leaders.

Continue to pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Christmas Spirit


For those of you who read this I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthful and prosperous New Year.

In keeping with the spirit of the Holy Days, I will refrain from writing negative things about politicians. I promise I'll vent after the holidays.

I ask that during the holiday season, while most of us are with family and friends, please remember those who are in harm's way. Pray for them.

GOD Bless

Monday, December 21, 2009



This piece of writing is a continuation of my earlier blogs on the lack of leadership. Please don't think of me as being redundant, but rather somewhat frustrated. I just hope and pray that we can some how educate our congress and president to do the right thing. We, the American people deserve better.

My gripe is with many members of congress as well as the president. Both major political parties are guilty of too much political posturing and not showing leadership. When Obama ran for president he promised no more ear marks, we get more than in previous years. Obama explained this as a one year phenomena but this years spending package is loaded. Is it any wonder that the people have a grass roots movement called the Tea Parties. I am not surprised.

The way to correct this is to vote the incumbents out of office. They have what I refer to as DC mania. The politicians are more concerned with being liked by the DC crowd than the people they represent. We must change this if we want to keep our freedoms.

More to ccome.

Pray for the service people.
GOD Bless

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My take on health care reform


Why am I not surprised by the turn that the health care reform legislation has taken. I am referring to the recent events. Democratic senators have switched sides on the legislation, why Because they have been bribed. The president has promised financial aid to the states that these senators represent in exchange for a favorable vote. Real leadership. I repeat my lament, why can't we elect statesmen instead of cheap politicians? Heaven help us.

The so-called Blue Dog Democrats, Nelson, Bayh, and Landreau have gone against principles they have stated earlier. In effect they have prostituted themselves. It is very difficult to accept this. I would like to pose these questions, "Doesn't your vote in effect become an earmark? The end result is the same. Where's the change?" I know I will not get an answer, but I think that the American people are asking the same questions and will remember at election time. I know I will.

It seems that the leadership is hell bent on giving us some legislation despite the fact that polls show the people don't want what is being proposed. To me this is a complete lack of leadership on the part of the Congress and the President. We desere better.

I'll keep writing on these subjects,so please stay tuned.

Please continue to pray for our brave warriors, they show leadership and character,and deserve our support.
GOD Bless

Friday, December 18, 2009

Another shot at mismanagement


There they go again, the democrats are now raising the issue of whether President Obama has the constitutional power to sign any treaty in Denmark.

Senator Webb (D-VA) and Representative Markey (D-Mass) are giving different opinions as to the legality of any treaty signing by the president. What is going on here? It is my understanding that a treaty MUST be ratified by the Senate. Where does the president get his idea that he can sign such a treaty without congressional approval? Mr Obama should put an end to this by simply stating where he feels the Constitution gives him such power. Mr Markey claims that the Environmental Protection Agency can authorize such power. Whoa, Nellie. The EPA is a division of the executive branch of the government, how can they legally bypass the Senatorial consent mandated by our Constitution? Aren't these the same people who constantly complained about Bush subverting our Constitution? What a farce. Too bad these are the clowns that represent us in Washington. The clowns are running the government.

There is a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. I read that recent polls show that the American people now favor the Tea Party (it doesn't even exist) over both the Democrats and Republicans. Wake up politicians, are your days numbered?

We can only let this play out and keep our fingers crossed. Keep the faith.

Please pray for our service people who will be spending the Christmas season away from family. They certainly deserve it.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why rush health care?


Today I am going to express my concern about why the Obama administration is so fiercely pushing health care reform. Am I the only one who questions how a congress made up of 535 members can pass a 2000 page bill within a few days? Why not have the bill studied and examined as to coverage, cost and the effect on the economy? What's the rush.

Of course my hope is that they let the American people have the freedom to pick their own health care choice. What a novel idea, free people making their own life choices. Maybe it can catch on.

It is anecdotal but I would like to relate something I saw on the O'Reilly factor on Fox News. Bill O'Reilly played a 911 call from a woman in a fast food restaurant. It seems that the woman wanted her hamburger order prepared differently than the way it normally is done. When the customer got some static from the burger flipper the woman called 911 to ask the emergency services come to help her. It seems almost comical but here is the more serious thought - the woman needed to rely on a 911 call for help. I don't know about you but I would have just walked out of the restaurant, case over. Why do people feel that they need the government to do every thing for them? Where does it end?

My concern is with the attitude of our populace. Let's get real, Washington cannot solve all of our problems. GOD helps those who help themselves. Get with it. We cannot change the attitude of this lady but we can make sure we don't follow her thought process. Let us all make a New Years Resolution to live our lives with as little government intervention as possible. We all will be better off if we did.

Also please keep your resolve to pray for the safety of our fighting men and women.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Global warming - er - climate change


From my description of this blog you can see that I am NOT a believer in global warming. To me this is just a hoax to further ruin the economy of the United States.

My premise is based on things like the disclosure of misuse of e-mails. If the scientists had nothing to hide they would have made these statistics public. Instead they try to cover up. Honesty is still the best policy. Why would a reputable learned person try to mislead the populace unless he/she is trying to hide something. If these scientists were well meaning people they would welcome the questioning of their test results. After all testing would support the conclusion that they draw. This leads us to believe that the conclusion of their studies is not consistent with the findings the scientists foist off o us. For shame. You should know better.

Now we add to the mix former vice-president Al Gore. He makes up statements and then attributes these fabrications to scientists. Luckily, the person in question came out and exposed the falsehood. Mr Gore, how many other "lies" have you told? (Iced tea anyone) This has got to stop. Gore is making a ton of money on this false premise of global warming and he should be ashamed of himself. Gore is Harvard University educated, has political connections and has a family relationship with many prominent people. He should be able to get a job easily. What does it say about his character that he resorts to lies to make a living. I'm afraid not much.

Keep tuned for more.

Meanwhile keep praying for the honorable and brave people who are defending our freedoms.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Leadership vs arm twisting


Today I am concerned about the tactics used by President Obama. Specifically I refer to the arm twisting tactics used to try to get the Senate to pass a health care reform bill passed. We saw this in connection with getting bills through committee and now we see it again in the effort by the White House to get Democratic senators to cave.

I find this disturbing on several fronts. The first is that it is the White House or executive branch of government trying to usurp the Constitutional powers of the legislative branch, congress. This sets a dangerous president for future politicians. Our government is formed on the basis of separation of powers and the undue pressure of one branch over another will eventually cause the diminishing of a democratic government. The time to stop this is now, our congress people must act and vote their conscience, not the dictates of the White House.

The second thing that I do not like is that the president is exerting pressure to try to force an unpopular concept on the American people. Poll after poll have shown that universal health care with a public option is not what the people want. Mr Obama is trying to ram it down our throats, I do not appreciate that. Do you? The way to stop this is for congress to pass only a bill that really gives the people the reform they want. Abe Lincoln say it best, "Government of the people. by the people and for the people". We deserve this type of government. Please DC give it to us.

Here I ask that you pray for our warrior heroes.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 14, 2009

New spending bill


Today I am going out on a limb and calling our president a fake prophet. Test your memory, remember during the campaign, change" Where. Last year when congress passed a deficit spending bill over loaded with pork, we were told that the promise Obama made to cut pork applied to this year. Now let's see him act. If he is sincere, which I doubt, he will not allow such legislation to go ahead, and if presented with the huge spending he must veto it. The test is here. Personally I think that Mr Obama will sign the new spending bill and come up with some lame excuse, (Probably blame it on Bush). Time will tell.

This is the sort of thing that infuriates the American people and gives rise to the Tea parties and the uproar at Town Hall meetings. This dissent is not driven by any political party but rather it is a people originated movement whereby the American public is demanding our country back. Power to the people. Remember this at election time.

Mean while continue to pray for our brave warriors.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The religion of liberalism - the saga continues


Today I am going to direct my thoughts towards the agenda of the liberal mind. If one were to analyze the liberal agenda and chart the beliefs or "isms" they espouse they would find an interesting pattern.

Most of the left believe in man made global warming (not withstanding the recent disclosure of fraudulent record keeping), animal rights, save the jungles(rain forests for you PC people), and an equalization of results of achievement. These beliefs all ring with the tone of some kind of divine being, but there can be no mention of a Supreme God. Gracious me, no. This is illogical thinking and is merely philosophy based on emotion. I should add the current fad emotion. Do we really need this kind of thinking determining our laws? I hope not.

The whole thrust of the liberal belief is actually creating a new god, isn't that religion. We can see how it causes prominent people to make rash statements. Look at Speaker Pelosi and her remarks about the Catholic Church stand on abortion. Another example is the pundit and columnist Ellis Hedigan. Whenever he is on the Bill O'Reilly show he quotes or cites his catholic upbringing. That is unless it goes contrary to some liberal politician,then silence. Real good thinking?

The examples go on and on but there is really nothing to gain by further exploiting the situation,so I will end here.

Please pray for our service people.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Liberalism as a religion - continued


This blog is being written to illustrate what I mean by liberalism is a religion. The Cardinal of the diocese of Los Angeles has said that he considers not giving illegal immigrants public paid health care is immoral. I agree with him on one point, I too would like to see all insured. Here is where we part company. I do not believe it is immoral not to give publicly funded health care to illegals. The reason for this difference is that we look at the issue from different views. The Cardinal looks at the problem and sees a moral issue,I see a political one. My belief is that Christianity does not say that the government has the right to steal my money (taxes) and give it to some one else. I don't profess to know as much about religion as the Cardinal. but I never remembered reading Christ teaching anything about levying taxes in order to be charitable. Maybe I missed that class but I doubt it.

Now to tie the issue of liberal thinking and religious thinking together we go back to my earlier statement. The Cardinal thinks in terms of everything should be equal, clearly a liberal idea, whereas I feel that the only thing people should have granted to them is THE OPPORTUNITY to succeed. If I am wrong I wish that some one would explain to me why. If you don't agree with me give me an e-mail and tell me why. I certainly would appreciate it.

Meanwhile continue to pray for our soldiers and sailors.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Liberalism as a religion-Part 2


In my last blog I started to liken liberalism to a religion, concentrating on the issue of abortion. Today I would like to expand on my theory.

In order to make a comparison you need look at the phenomena we call charity. Most religions preach some form of charity and so does liberalism. The defining difference between the religious view and the liberal view is dramatic. When a religion preached charity the main thrust is that it comes from the heart of the donor. It is voluntary, not mandated. The old Christian churches used to teach that people should tithe,or give 10% of their income to charity,but that idea has lost favor. Today charity is measured by what you can afford and what you actually give.

On the other hand liberal belief is that charity is a mandate and one must give. The mandate is in the form of taxes. Yes taxes are a form of charity to the extend that taxes exceed what the government needs for operation of government uses. (Namely,defense,infra structure and civil rule. Liberalism adds the concept of taking the money from one class and doling it out to another class. Where does the moral right to steal the money from a working man and give it to some one else. I find no mention of this in either canon laws or any set of morals. Only in civil law written by liberal politicians. The reason for this is self evident, it empowers the politician. In a later blog I will go into the concept that this causes economic slavery.

The comparison of liberalism and religion will continue in my next blogs. Please stay tuned. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for our brave service people.
GOD Bless

Monday, December 7, 2009

Liberalism as a religion


I would like to take some time to spell out how the liberal agenda is really a religion in disguise. This may sound like some far fetched idea but a close look at fact will disclose otherwise.

The first issue that I will address is abortion. Liberals support abortion rights by saying the right to an abortion is a right for women. Abortion is a termination of a conception (I like to use the expression life) but what about the male. Doesn't the father have any right, he caused the conception. To just ignore the father is to cut his rights off. Liberals dismiss this because it fits into their concept of morality. Isn't this really a religious issue.

Another aspect of a liberal agenda is the fact that abortion is based on the woman to control her body. How come the same point of view is not used when we consider the question of obese people. Don't they have the right to control their body? Why use two different standards? It fits into the liberal concept of control over the population which is based on an underlying concept of superiority. Liberals feel they are smarter than the rest of us, and therefore they must dictate how we conduct our lives. Sounds like a religion to me.

How do we combat this attitude, start by reminding people that because they have college degrees they are not the smartest person in the room. A few letters after yur name do not make you better than the average Joe. I future writings I will give more examples to show the parallel between liberalism and religion.

Keep praying for our service men and women. (Note I am not against religion,but I do oppose using religion to force me to accept your agenda)
GOD Bless

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Renewed call for a flat tax


Anyone who knows me knows that I am a strong advocate for the flat or fair tax. Most people do not know much about how it works or what the effect would be. I am writing this in the hope that I can clear up some of the misconceptions about the tax.

There are several advantages to using this tax structure, probably the major advantage is that it tends to limit the power of the federal government. The only way there can be a tax increase is to raise the rate of tax. That means that the lobbyists and other "power brokers" in DC would be severely curtailed. They derive their power through political donations in exchange for favorable legislation, including tax legislation The power they wield would be diminished and transferred to the people. Imagine, the American people having the power to control their own financial destiny. Great.

With the diminishing of power in DC would come the lessening of the desire to serve perpetually in public elected office. Read between the lines, term limits. There is a saying, "Money is the mothers milk of politics", a flat tax would cut off this supply. The American people would dictate how much tax is sent to DC because the public controls spending.

The Internal Revenue Service could be retrained to do other federal duties. Every body gains. I only hope that there can be a ground up movement to implement this tax.

Please continue to remember our brave warriors and pray for them.
GOD Bless

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Job creation


Now the push is on to create jobs. In one simple easy to understand sentence, "Lower taxes".

Is this a cure-all? It has worked in the past and we have no reason to suspect otherwise. Why not gibe it a try? No one will blame the job crisis on a tax cut. Of course the politicians don't wnt to see job creation, they would rather have everyone out of work and dependent on the government for handouts. This brings me to my repeat mantra, we elect politicians, not statesmen. Just once I would like to see what the people would do if we got our wish for real change.

A criticism of the president and his job summit is that he did not invite any small business representatives to get input. Is this any way to solve a problem? I say no. Mr Obama, Where is your leadership and change?"

One area where I do not want change is the prayers that we Americans offer for the benefit of our protectors. Keep them in mind.
GOD Blass

Friday, December 4, 2009

Catholic Church and abortion


I write this not as a spokesperson for the Catholic Church but as an interested party. I was raised a Catholic so I may be partial, but I will try to let logic dictate my opinion.

It is a given that the Catholic Church opposes abortion, that is, unless you are House Speaker Pelosi. The problem seems to be in the execution of that fact. There are those individuals who believe in separation of church and state and use that doctrine as a reason for the Catholic Church to but out of the abortion debate. The United States Supreme Court has not really defined their interpretation of the Constitution and how it applies. Remember the Amendment has two prongs and both are of equal weight.

Many Catholic politicians openly support the right of a woman to an abortion, this causes the conflict by triggering the question of separation of church and state. It was brought to publ9c attention with the case of Congressman Kennedy and the Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island.

Here is my take. The Catholic Church is dogmatic, no abortion. Catholic politicians vote in congress according to their own beliefs. The Catholic Church does not dictate how to vote, but instead says,,"If you vote for abortion rights, you suffer the consequences of excommunication from the church." This is a valid decision of the Catholic Church. It is within their province to judge their own. Many liberals would have yu believe that the Church is meddling in civil affairs. Honestly, do they have any argument. Fuzzy thinking (a liberal trademark) seems to dictate. I wish the politically correct would stop meddling in the management of the Catholic Church. We'ld all be better if they did.

Please continue to pray for our brave defenders.
GOD Bless

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Job summit


Today the president held a "job summit". It was at the White House and there were several participants were invited. (Not the 2 crashers who reportedly looking for a reality TV series) What strikes me as erroneous wis the fact that no representatives from any type of business or trade association were present. In my opinion these parties would have some thing to add. The president didn't invite them because he only wanted to hear that which furthers the agenda he is pushing. This is another example of poor leadership, a good leader would at least hear all sides and get ideas. The president has once again shown his complete misunderstanding of what it means to be a leader. Willhe ever learn? I doubt it. We can only hope and pray that he sees the light.

Mean while continue to pray for our warriors safety.
GOD Blass

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghan strategy


President Obama has delivered his speech and I was not surprised t all. It was every thing that I expected from him, pure political and no substance.

His announcement of an exit strategy just in time for the next presidential election cycle came as no surprise. Once again Obama shows no ability to lead. He pledges troops to appease the hawks but then sets a date for quitting just to give some thing to the doves. Is this the leadership the American people deserve? I don't think so. Remember the book by Tom Brokaw +The Greatest Generation", do you think that Obama would be recorded in that book? The people that Brokaw spoke about were real Americans, Obama hardly qualifies. The terrorists must be planning to go into hiatus until the withdrawal date set and then God knows what.

We need some spun and leadership. Why didn't Obama pledge troops until victory was won? That's what we deserve.

Meanwhile keep praying for the safety of our brave troops.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Presidents speech


This evening the drama is over, President Obama will deliver his speech about the troop surge in Afghanistan. All the previews and early press releases indicate that he will send some more troops. The number will be less than the generals asked for but will be a substantial amount.

Many people would like to say that I am "looking for the hair in the egg" by being critical of the president so I will answer these critics. This decision should have been made a few months ago, it wasn't made because the decision was based on politics, not the welfare of America. A good leader would have made his decision and then acted on it, but Obama decided to hold off on the announcement for a period of several months. It also strikes me as ironic that the speech is said to have an announcement of a time line for withdrawal. Even more ironic is the fact that the withdrawal time line will be just before the 2012 presidential election. Please don't call me a cynic but this stinks to high heaven. Pure politics, plain and simple.

There is one real long shot, maybe the president has finally realized he must be a leader, but it is still a long shot. I rue the fact that we elect politicians and not statesmen in this country. Obama is such a choice.

Well let's wait for the speech and see. Keep up your prayers for our brave service men and women.
GOD Bless