Monday, October 31, 2011

How do we reform education?


This is a follow up on earlier writings about education. For purpose of blogging I will split my thoughts between higher (college and above) and Grade school through high school. The first issue is how to fax the non college portion.

As the law now stands we have a weird hodgepodge of rules and regulations. Who needs them? The vast bureaucracy called the Department of Education is nothing more than a monitor. The Tenth Amendment to our Constitution reserves the right to regulate education to the states, not the federal government. I know that education will improve if the control is in the local school boards as opposed to Washington. To get the federal government out of education is simple, repeal all federal laws regulating education. It makes sense to me that if a school needs a new building as opposed to teacher raises the school should make that decision.

How to get federal aid to education to the states, I am opposed. If the majority choose to keep funding schools then we need a sensible plan. With modern technology it is easy for schools to do a clerical job of creating a census of school attendance. This census should contain the social security number of the student. Today most people obtain a social security number at birth so that part is already in existence. The federal government can compile a national listing of VALID attendees based on the social security number. The next step is simple, add the total student census for the country and divide into the funds allotted for education and determine a per capita amount of subsidy. This amount is block granted to the state, no strings or other conditions attached.

I see two improvements which will come of this system, first being that only students validly in the United States will count. Bogus social security numbers will be weeded out. If the local school board wishes to continue educating "illegals" then it must do so at local taxpayer expense. The second plus is that the bureaucracy of the Department of Education will be cut and the costs will be saved. Win - win.

I hope that our politicians in Washington will fix the problem. We need it.

Pray for our troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, October 24, 2011

Stimu;us spending


Maybe I look at things in a crazy way but I cannot understand the way the Obama administration is giving away our money. I am referring to the so called "green spending". If we develop alternate fuel and energy I am 100% for that but wait a minute, what are we doing? We have multiple examples of stupid spending, the solar panel company, the car company who took a HALF BILLION DOLLARS and built a plant in Finland, and now we have the failed truck stop loan. Just when does it stop, we have a government spending like there is no limit on money, hey guys (and gals) stop, it's our money.

Could you imagine what the so called main stream media would have to say about this foolishness? I know the media would have a feeding frenzy with this if a republican president did it. Come on media, where is your fairness. How come only Fox News will cover this type of story.

While I am on this subject I would like to call out Michael Moore, the documentary movie maker. Michael, remember Roger and Me? You stalked the head of GM for closing a Michigan plant, now be a man and go after Kinsler like you went after GM. Kinsler is the name of the company that got the half billion and went to Finland. Michael I know you are out there, or are you too busy counting your money which is offshore? Be an American Michael, it is a nice feeling.

Keep tuned in as the stories unfold. Mean while keep our service people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cain and the 9-9-9 tax proposal


As a a follow up to my last blog I would like to expand on why I like the Cain proposal.

First, there is a removal of the motivation for special interests and lobby groups. Many so called special interests look for the tax code to supply special favors. With the enactment of the triple nine this is greatly diminished or even completely nullified. Lobby groups would lose incentive to continue lobbying congress and even campaign contributions would be lowered. This has a a secondary effect on congress, no campaign money, no reelection bids. Just think of it, politicians would self impose term limits. Isn't it about time.

One thing that would have to be done is to amend our Constitution and eliminate the amendment which enables the Internal Revenue Code and service. This plan would replace the IRS with a smaller more taxpayer friendly atmosphere in which to do business. Read, More jobs, less trepidation because the fear of a tax audit is all but gone. What a beautiful way to run a business.

We should look at the candidates and examine the picture that they paint for our future. Cain is one of the few who expresses a hopeful message. I say give him a chance.

Continue to pray for our service peope.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cain and the 9-9-9- plan


If you read my earlier blogs you know I am a Cain fan. I like the idea of a non-politician who has novel ideas about how to run a government. I am especially favorable to his tax plan. When the media and other pundits start to be critical of the plan you know it must be good. The media is on a path of destroying the United States as we know it, and this plan will help restore power to the people.

Most of the media coverage is negative but a full explanation of the plan shows how simple and effective 9-9-9- really is. The plan has 3 parts, each with a tax rate of 9%.(Hence, 9-9-9)

Part one is a flat 9% tax on corporate income, no deductions, just a flat tax. All corporations pay this tax. Just stop to think how this will effect corporations (think GE) who ship jobs and revenue overseas. All pay so all will have a participation in government.

Part two is a flat tax on personal income, also 9%. All pay so all people will be concerned how the government spends our money, it leads to a democratic process which will empower the people to make government work for us, not special interests.

Part three is a national sales tax of 9%. This is the equalizer between "rich vs poor". The rich spend far more(they buy Cadillacs instead of Chevys). Since the tax is on spending the rich will pay more than the poor, so maybe we can now put the disgraceful practice of politicians to ply the class envy card. I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing about this so called tax inequality and would welcome the idea of class envy being buried. RIP.

We should learn more about this idea and I feel certain we would enjoy a clean breeze blowing all the pollution out of Washington.

Please continue to pray for our brave troops.
GOD Bless

Monday, October 10, 2011

Should Holder resign


I will start my writing with a reminder that the Attorney General (AG) is the lawyer for the American people. He (she) represents the US government in all legal matters. Now having said that we must look into the record of Eric Holder.

Before becoming AG Holder was a lawyer for some government agency. In that capacity he brokered the deal for the pardon of the biggest tax fraud defendant in American history, one Marc Rich. This was done outside of regular channels and raised eyebrows when it was done. To me it showed that Holder is not my favorite person to hold elected or appointed office. Obama gets elected and with the rubber stamp of a very partisan senate Holder gets approved and becomes our AG.

Once in the office of AG Holder puts in procedures on how to run the office. We learn that one procedure is that in voter rights matters the AG will only uphold complaints when the party complaining is non white. Aren't we all Americans? Wasn't it Dr King who wanted a color blind society? So much for moral judgments.

Now comes the so called sting covering the sale of guns to Mexican drug cartels. The guns are sold with the intent of tracing them to the "warlords". Being a government operation something goes wrong- what else in new? Congress, which has oversight over these matters now starts an investigation. The AG office sends blacked out documents, redacted for security reasons. Congress says the AG is stonewalling. We get testimony that the AG knew nothing about the sting operation. The American people can see through this cover up. Mr Holder, come clean. Tell us the truth. We the American people pay your salary as our attorney, we deserve honesty.

This is an example of what is wrong with our government. We have allowed ourselves to be governed by career politicians and their minions. It is time we take our country back. The ballot box is the legal recourse we have. Vote the bums out.

Please continue to pray for our service people. They protects us and our freedoms.
GOD Bless

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Obama and open government


The president is hijacking our Constitution. What is going on.

We have had Obamacare foisted upon us, massive spending on failed programs, a virtual takeover of the domestic auto business, scandalous giveaways to politically connected "green firms", an attorney general who seems to be selective in which laws are enforced, various federal agencies trying to direct where factories are built and a government which is being run with the sole objective the reelection of Obama. For us to prosper as a nation this must stop.

Congress must try to pull the purse strings from the president, adopt sane fiscal constraints and curtail the usurping of power. We the American people must hold the career politicians responsible and we must do it in the 2012 election. We need honest and knowing people who will do what is right. The truth is that these people can be either conservative or liberal, but they must be honest and forthright. We lack those qualities in our current government.

One area where we are blessed is our military where we have honest, decent and patriotic people serving. This is why I continue to ask you to remember these people in your prayers.
GOD Bless

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We need a "clean broom"


There is an old adage that states that a new broom sweeps clean. Right now we need one in Washington, DC. I cannot understand what is going on with our government.

Example, the Department of Energy gives a loan of over 500 Million dollars to a solar paneled company. There were all kind of warnings signals about the solvency of the company, ignored. When trouble brews, the company is reeling into bankruptcy, the Department of Energy restructures the loan to benefit creditors other than the United States. Does anyone at Energy know or care about what is going on? The American taxpayer is getting screwed and no body seems to care.

Another example, The Department of Justice runs a sting operation to trace the sale of guns to drug cartels. Being a government "plan" it fails (what else). Now as congress is trying to resolve what went wrong nobody knows what was going on. By nobody I mean to include the president and the attorney general. More of the same, screw the American taxpayer.

This country cannot afford to keep raising the debt ceiling in order to spend money. When the spending is compounded by these idiotic brainstorms the American people MUST speak out at the voting booths. Throw the bums out.

Your prayers for our troops is appreciated.
GOD Bless