Friday, September 21, 2012


We are now in the 2012 presidential cycle and the polls and pundits are about to take over the news, TV and op-ed columns.  We should all strive to think independently and not over rely on these so called experts.  One of the biggest problem we have is that the government is too centralized and therefore too involved in our lives.

The answer is simple, vote for candidates who favor less government. Easier said than done. Politicians of both major parties have one goal in mind, reelection. A break up of government would have the side effect of breaking up the cycle of career politicians.

By break up of government I mean do not over throw our Constitution, but rather go back and reaffirm the document. Some of the specific areas are education, commerce, energy and the federal reserve.  All of these agencies do nothing but add layers of bureaucracy.  These agencies operate as separate governments and assume power as they go along.  All the appointed people do is make rules and enforce them on the people.  Shouldn't education be controlled at the local level?  Just ask yourself, "Who is better able to educate our children, the local school board or a bureaucrat in DC?" We have extortion by the DC establishment, called federal aid.  The same can be said of the other agencies earlier mentioned. 

This election is clearly defined, Obama believes in federal takeover of our economy and rule by the select elite few.  Romney is a more private sector type of person, he wants the economy controlled by the individuals. The choice is clear, now it is in the hands of the people. Which way do we go.

With the turmoil in the Arab world I ask that you include our people serving in our embassies, etc. in your prayers.
GOD Bless

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